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Decisive Battle of Atawineh: Turkish Artillery Fire and Enfilading Fire from Sausage Ridge

  • During the Battle of Atawineh, the 3rd Light Horse Brigade and the 5th Mounted Brigade attacked Atawineh on a 2-mile front.
  • The enemy's artillery fire was heavy, with shrapnel and high explosive. Our troops got close but were unable to proceed due to heavy casualties.
  • The 4th Light Horse Brigade captured a position overlooking the Gaza to Beersheba road near Kh. Sihan, while the 3rd Light Horse Brigade suffered enfilading fire from Sausage Ridge.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10023/12546)

>Then the 3rd Light Horse Brigade and the 5th Mounted Brigade on the extreme right continued the line, all attacking Atawineh on a 2 miles (3.2 km) front, with the 6th Mounted Brigade in divisional reserve. After approaching mounted, they were to launch their attack dismounted, when one quarter of the troopers would be holding four horses each, in led horses. The Imperial Mounted Division's attack was supported by the Inverness and Ayrshire Batteries escorted by the 3rd Squadron of the Auckland Mounted Rifles Regiment (New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, Anzac Mounted Division). ⇒それから、第3軽騎馬旅団と右翼端の第5騎馬旅団は、戦線を守り続け、師団予備軍の第6騎馬旅団とともにアタウィネフを2マイル(3.2キロ)の前線にまたがって全面攻撃した。騎乗接近したあと、下馬攻撃を開始することになっていた。その際隊員の4分の1が各々4頭の馬(の手綱)を荷馬で囲って預かることとした。オークランド騎馬ライフル連隊(ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル旅団、アンザック騎馬師団)の第3戦隊によって護衛されるインヴァネス砲兵中隊とエアシャー砲兵中隊の支援を受けて、帝国騎馬師団の攻撃が行われた。 >The enemy artillery fire was the heaviest we had experienced, with shrapnel and high explosive. It was reported that the Turks had more than 250 big guns in action. Our troop, by short sharp rushes, got to within striking distance, but the heavy casualties made it impossible to go any further. — Brigade Scout, 3rd Light Horse Brigade ⇒敵軍の大砲砲火は榴散弾と高性能爆薬で、我々が経験したうちで最も厳しいものでした。トルコ軍は、戦闘中に250門以上の大砲を持っていると報告されました。我々の軍隊は、短い急激な突進によって、攻撃有効距離の範囲内で突撃を始めましたが、甚大重篤な犠牲者によって、それ以上進むことが不可能となりました。 — 第3軽騎馬旅団、旅団偵察隊 >With its left in touch with the Imperial Camel Brigade, the 4th Light Horse Brigade's dismounted advance captured a position overlooking the Gaza to Beersheba road near Kh. Sihan. To their right, the 3rd Light Horse Brigade was by 09:15 ordered to halt its advance, as its forward position was attracting fire. They were close to the Atawineh redoubt, having captured 70 prisoners, but the brigade began to suffer enfilading fire from the narrow spur known as Sausage Ridge to the southeast of the Wadi el Baha. ⇒その左翼は帝国ラクダ旅団と接触しあって、第4軽騎馬旅団の下馬進軍隊は、カーン・シーハン近くのベールシェバ道方向にガザを見渡す陣地を攻略した。右翼側では、第3軽騎馬旅団が、前方の基地が砲火を引き浴びているので、9時15分ごろ進軍を停止するよう命令された。彼らは70人の囚人を捕らえてアタウィネフ砦の近くにいたが、しかし、旅団はワジ・エル・バハ南東のソーセージ・リッジとして知られる狭い山脚からの縦射を浴びせられ始めた。



