I'm Shy and Can't Speak English, but I'm Studying to Communicate with You

  • I'm shy even with other Japanese people, so when speaking with someone whose language I don't understand, I become even more shy.
  • I'm currently studying English so that I can communicate with you when we meet next year, even if it's just a little bit.
  • I would be happy if we could both study each other's languages and when we meet, you can teach me any Japanese words you remember.
  • ベストアンサー


『よくわからないけど、そうだね。 あのさ、前からちょっと思ってて 私って日本人同士でもシャイなんだ。 だから言葉が通じない相手だともっとシャイになっちゃうと思うの。 だから、冗談じゃなく今私本当に英語話せないから私も来年(あなたと)会うときまでに英語を少しでも話せるように勉強するから、お互いの言葉を勉強して、あなたも一言でもいいから会ったときその覚えた日本語私に教えてくれたら嬉しいな*』←と英語で言いたいのですが I'm not very sure, but you're right. by the way, I've been kinda thinking this for a while.. I'm shy even with other Japanese people. So like when I'm talking to someone whose language I don't understand I get even more shy. I really can't speak English right now -- I'm not joking -- so I'm studying English now so that when we meet next year I'll be able to speak even a little bit. I'd be happy if we could both study, and when we meet you could tell me what Japanese you've remembered, even just one word is fine. ↑ちゃんと『』の言葉になっていますか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

ちゃんと通じると思いまし、自分の言葉で語るのが良いのでこのままで良いと思いますよ。 一応、コメントします。 I'm shy even with other Japanese people. -> I'm shy even when I'm with other Japanese people. So like when I'm talking to someone whose language I don't understand I get even more shy. -> So I must be more shy when I talk to someone whose language is not familiar to me. I'm studying English now so that when we meet next year I'll be able to speak even a little bit. → I'm studying English now so that I can speak it even only a little by the time we will meet next year. I'd be happy if we could both study, and when we meet you could tell me what Japanese you've remembered, even just one word is fine. -> I'd be happy if we learn each other's language and you would speak to me in Japanese even with just one word whatever you will have learned until that time.





  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します‼

    毎度申し訳ないですが、英語の得意な方、こちらの翻訳お願いできますでしょうか。宜しくお願い致します‼ Don't try so hard. I want you to enjoy your time when your bit working and take care if your horse. In happy the way you can speak english now. I think of you too and think if the happy day we spent together. I don't ever think about your english is bad so don't worry!!

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします。

    メールをいただいたのですが、who~からの意味がよくわかりませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。 I wish I could speak Japanese or you could speak English, so I could get to know you better, who is the person behind the beautiful face. Maybe one day?

  • 至急。英語について。

    even when I'm being a prev?に 『うん、あなたがどんな人でも愛してる』と言いたいのですが No, I love you whoever you are.←英語合っていますか?

  • 英語

    外国人とメールをしていた時分からないものがあったので教えて下さい You can speak fluent English, can't you? Are you half Japanese and half American? を和訳して下さい~ たぶん私の解釈ではもっと流ちょうに英語を話せませんか? あなたは日本と英語のハーフですか? 的なモノだと思うので一応返信も書いておきます。間違ってたら指摘お願いします。 Sorry. I have to hard study English. No,I'm Japanese.

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 I've been thinking and it occurred to me that I didn't hear you speak a lot of Japanese. I'm really looking forward to hear you speak Japanese ... it must be so ... kawaii :) Please speak a lot of Japanese when you come to Osaka なんとなーくの意味は分かったのですが‥ (あなたの日本語を聞いたことないわ‥と言うニュアンスかな?と解釈しました) 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語について:英文の添削

    私の英語にワックスをかけて下さい。お願いします! あなたにメールを書く時は、いつも電子辞書片手に書いてます。   When I write my mail to you, I consult my dictionary. 私の友達には英語に興味のある人が殆んどいない。 Almost none of my friends are(is) interested in English. areか、isか、??? 自然に英語を覚えられたらいいな。。。 I wish I could learn English without hassle. I wish I could speak fluently English without making effort. I wish I could get English ability without studying hard.

  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    ha ha, yea here we say 'night' for good night and 'morning' for good morning. Though depending on how tired you are it could sort of represnt something else. I was sleeping when you messaged me yes. Ha ha, I had actually thought about that. Me writing Japanese and your responses being in English so we both could understand each other easily. Yes reading English is important when it comes to learning it. Oh! you should try reading books in english maybe that will help. Though I don't know how much when I myself catch a few things here and there that aren't correct... It should help for the most part but I wouldn't recommend shakespear...lol. Thank you and I wish you luck with your studies as well. talk to you again soon. これ(上記)が以下の自分の送信メールに対する返答です。英語が得意な方、どうかこれ(上記)を翻訳してください!! I understood ‘night’ equals “Good night” at last...lol. Good night but maybe you’re already sleeping now. I can’t wait till you’re able to type Japanese,too. How about me writing in English and you writing in Japanese someday? I’m poor at reading English, so It’s helpful to me for you to write in Japanese ha ha. Though, needless to say, I know reading English is important to learn it. Anyway good luck with your studies at law mainly. I’ll wait for your reply.

  • 大大大至急お願いします。この英語のMAILを訳してください。

    大大大至急お願いします。この英語のMAILを訳してください。 Hi! I come from Switzerland, work for an IT company in Shinjuku and now live not far from Kawasaki. I have been in Japan for 2 months only so I am still new here but I can speak Japanese a little ^^ Oh and I wanted to say you look pretty! Do you already have a boyfriend? ;)

  • 添削をお願いします。(英語を話すときは、、、)

    いつもお世話になり、ありがとうございます。<(_ _)>  添削をお願いします。 英語を話すときは、表情やイントネーションによって、同じ言葉でも伝わり方が違ってきますね。 When we speak English, our facial expression and intonation gives a quite different meaning even to the same words. まだまだ、そこまで気を配って話せるレベルではありませんが、それを目標に頑張ります。 I'm a poor English speaker and have a lot of things to do before caring about that, but I will keep learning and would like to get around to that also.

  • 英訳アドバイスと訂正おねがいいたします!!;)

    英語がちゃんと話せなくてごめんなさい。 もっとちゃんとあなたと話せるようになりたいです。 私が○○にいくときまでには、きっともっと上達しているようにするから、どうか根気よく(辛抱強く)私をまっててくださいね。 英語の勉強がんばるよ!! というようなニュアンスで伝えたいです。訂正とアドバイスぜひぜひおねがいいたします!!! sorry that I wasn't speak english well.   (I wasn't able to speak ~のほうが良いでしょうか?) I wanna be able to talk with you more. I'll improve my english by the time when I get to ○○. (~by the time when we meet in ○○の方がよいでしょうか?) please wait in patience for me as you can as possible. I'll try my best to study english. むずかしぃー!!