• ベストアンサー


The catfish was developed by University, based in western Japan, as a substitute for Japanese eel, which faces falls in supply. この文章の中で、 which faces とありますが (1)whichの役割を知りたいことと。関係何と言うのでしょうか? (2)facesは何の意味かを知りたいです。複数形の意味ですよね?鰻の顔?


  • ベストアンサー
  • nolaneco
  • ベストアンサー率62% (322/512)

こんにちは。 まず、順番に訳してみます。 The catfish was developed by University, based in western Japan, そのナマズは、西日本に拠点をおく大学によって開発された as a substitute for Japanese eel, 日本のウナギの代替品として which faces falls in supply. (ウナギは)供給の減少に直面している これらを併せて訳すと、 そのナマズは、供給の減少に直面している日本のウナギの代替品として西日本に拠点をおく大学によって開発された。 まず、faces~ は動詞。 ~に直面している。faceに三単現のsがついたんです。この場合which が主語です。 whichは、関係代名詞 といって、前の名詞を受けます。で、使い方は二通りあります。単純な文で説明します。 制限用法 There are cars which are big. 大きい車がある。 この場合は which 以下は前の名詞を修飾します。ニュアンスとしては、色々な大きさの車があるが、その中の大きい車を指して話している。 非制限用法 There are cars, which are big. 車があるのだが、それらは大きい。 コンマがあると前の名詞を修飾するというよりは、前の名詞について情報を付け加える感じになります。 つまり、There are cars and they are big. とおなじことです。 先ほどの制限用法と異なりニュアンスとしては、「車がある。それらは全部大きい。」 なんとなく分かりましたでしょうか?「関係代名詞 制限用法 非制限用法」と検索すると例文がたくさんでてくると思いますので、慣れていってください。多くの例文に親しむことで、理解が深まります。 で、本文ですが、コンマがあるので、関係代名詞 非制限用法 です。Japanese eel に情報を付け加えています。どういう情報かというと which faces fall of supply 供給の減少に直面している 。関係代名詞 非制限用法のニュアンスを含めて訳せば、「日本のウナギ、それはすべて供給の減少に直面している」となります。かりにコンマがなく、制限用法だったとしたら 「色々ある日本のウナギの内、供給の減少に直面しているウナギ」ということになります。 少し混乱させてしまったかもしれませんが、まとめますと、ご質問の答えとしては、 faces は face 直面する の三単現 ,whichは 関係代名詞 非制限用法 で前の名詞に情報を付け加えている。 以上ご参考になれば。



nolanecoさん とっても詳しい解説をありがとうございます。三単現の変化と、非制限用法という理解ができました。今回の文脈上、なぜか鰻の顔ばかりをイメージしてしまいました(笑)鰻の顔がたくさん並んでいるイメージを思い浮かべたらかわいくって頭から離れなくって… ありがとうございます!


その他の回答 (1)

  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

faceを名詞だと勘違いしているでしょう?この場合のfaceは「(困難などに)ぶつかる、直面する」と言う意味の他動詞として使われているようです。(2)の回答。 そうすると、(1)のwhichは関係代名詞で、which faces falls in supply. 「供給の減少に直面している(ニホンウナギ)」と言う意味になります。



92128bwsdさん さらに解説をありがとうございます!すっかり名詞と勘違いしてしまいました。。。鰻の顔を思い浮かべてしまって…もうすぐ土用の丑ですね。暑い夏もぜひ乗り切りましょう!感謝です。



  • 科学英語の和訳をお願いします

    Fukuda et al. [34] showed that the pigmentation of glass eels of the Japanese eel in captivity developed progressively with the duration of rearing in a temperature range of 10~30 °C. This observation suggests that the glass eels at early pigmentation stages found in our study had arrived at the Sagami River estuary not so long before they were collected. Thus. our data clearly show that a quite unusual glass eel recruitment pattern occurred, with the peak in early summer (May and June). at least in the 2009 and 20I0 seasons at the Sagami River estuary. Due to current fishing regulations and the lack of monitoring of glass eel recruitment, it is not known whether a seasonal change in glass eel recruitment has occurred throughout Japan or over a much wider region of their species range in East Asia. Even if this unusual recruitment of glass eels just occurs locally at the Sagami River estuary, it provides information that can be used in determining locally administrated fishing regulations and designing conservation programs for yellow eel stocks (growth phase) fragmentally inhabiting freshwater systems.The monitoring of glass eel recruitment by the Eel River Project is expected to expand to the entire species range of this species. ちなみに、recruitmentは接岸、glass eelはシラスウナギです

  • during which の文

    They are popular particularly for their energetic, acrobatic dance shows during which they repeatedly refer to familiar figures and characters in Japanese pop culture. という文があり、これを訳す際に、during whichをどう訳したらいいのか困っています。 だいたい意味はわかるのですが、的確に日本語訳するにはどうしたらいいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本の喫茶店についての文章から・・・。

    The modern Japanese kissaten still exhibits some of the features of Meiji-era cafe from which it - as well as bars - developed. この、which it がどうも意味がとれません。解説してくれるかた、いらっしゃいましたらお願いします。

  • 英語が堪能な方

    訳出をお願いできますか? 自然な訳ですと助かります。 ConyBed, the name of which is only half trutyful as it is the moniker of a Japanese sleep furniture company,is stepping in where the Nobel Prize coveters fear to take their slide rules. It has developed a vibrating pillow that is intended to reduce a user's snoring.

  • 英語添削お願いします。

    英語を勉強中で初心者です。 風呂敷の説明をしたいのですが 添削、訂正お願いします。 『お風呂に入った後、マットの代わりに風呂敷を使っていた』 と、最後に『使用後は四角に小さくたたんでおける。』の部分が特にわからず、 簡単な文章しか作れないため、もう少し詳しくできたらと思っています。 よろしくお願いします。 Furoshiki is a Japanese traditional wrapping cloth. The word"furoshiki" which means a "bath spread", In the Edo era, people wrapped clothing in it and went to the public baths and after take a bath, used furoshiki as substitute for a mat. It is very useful cloth which we can wrap any size, round watermelon, wine bottle, square box, etc. After use, it is folding small.

  • 英語の訳と文法について

    It is strange that in 1843, a decade before Perry's ships steamed into Edo Bay and more than a century before the Japanese began to flood the world with modern mechanical products,Andersen wrote a story that can be seen as almost describing the contrasting ways in which the two nations were to respond to the Western world. 長いですが、訳と文法解釈が知りたいです。

  • 長文の訳お願いします(*_*)

    The eel is truly an mysterious fish. As is well known, young eels return from the sea to grow big in rivers. What no one knows is where they are born or from where they travel to Japan. They seem to come from the deep sea teaches around the Philippines, but this is not known for certain. Thus, we can't catch a lot of young eels, and there is also a natural limit on our ability to farm eels. We have finally learned how to make mature eels lay eggs, but as we do not know what young eels eat, we cannot raise them from birth. In other words, eels cannot be farmed from birth through to maturity. Today, there's some disagreement between eel chefs and sushi chefs. At eel restaurants, they will serve a strip of white meat about 5 cm long and call it baby eel. Sushi restaurants, on the other hand, deny that it is eel;they say it is baby conger or sea snake. It is hard to imagine it is baby eel, because baby eel is hard to come by in quantity. Anyway, no matter who is right, baby eels are a mystery to eel lovers. What is also strange is that although Japanese waters should be a fine breeding ground for eels, young eels are hardly ever found. On the other hand, there are countries such as Spain which have an abundance of young eels. A favorite Spanish dish is to take heaps of European baby eels seasoned with olive oil and garlic, and then cook them in clay pots. There are probably more baby eels on each plate than a Japanese will eat in a lifetime. Another strange thing is that, half a world away from Spain in Venezuela, baby eels are eaten the same way. It helps to know that Venezuela is by far the wealthiest nation in the region, and frozen baby eels are flown in from Spain. Of course, Venezuela was originally conquered by Spain in the Age of Discovery, and the privileged classes of Spanish ancestry still uphold a "Spanish diet." Europeans enjoy eating not only baby eels, but eels in many ways. The north German city of Hamburg is known for its varied gourmet cuisine, and its eel soup with fruit is very unusual. Smoked eel is commonly eaten in Europe in soup or sauteed. And remember, it's bad manners to slurp your eel soup. There is a poem in Manyoshu that goes:"Won't you have some eel? It keeps you strong in summer." The benefits of eating eel to prevent exhaustion in summer were well known in those times, which indicates just how ancient our history of eel-eating is. The Japanese have always had great faith in the benefits of eating dark-col-healthy. That is why catfish was popular. Among the varieties of dark meat, eel is especially delicious. In the Edo Period, eels that came up from Tokyo Bay into the Fuka and Kanda Rivers were considered the finest, while those found elsewhere were considered less flavorful. It's hard to imagine that the flavor of the former would be different from eel caught locally. Anyway, oddly enough, there are two big misunderstandings about eel among Japanese people. The first is that eel is a specialty of Japan. When you understand how highly valued eel is in Europe, you might eat it more often. The second is that some people hate eel, associating its shape with snakes, even though they have never tried it. If they could get rid of that senseless association, many more people would try eel.

  • 「西暦」の英語訳について

    「西暦」の英語訳について 日本では、「西暦」、「旧暦」と簡単に言いますが、 実際は、相当込み入っているようです。 西暦では、一般に16世紀ころまで「ユリウス暦」で、その御徐々に現在の「グレゴリオ暦」が導入されました。 それで、現在では、西暦と言えば、Gregorian calndar で、 一般に歴史年表では、Gregorian calendar と記される場合が多いようです。 質問の主旨は、紀元前からの年表で「西暦」を英語に翻訳する場合の「西暦」の翻訳です。 「旧暦」は、 Japanese calendar で全く問題ないですが、 「西暦」を Gregorican calendar と訳すと、厳密な意味では誤りになります。 それで、「グレゴリオ暦」・「ユリウス暦」の両者の意味を含む「西暦」という言葉を使いたいのですが、 実際にどのくらい一般に使われて受け入れられているのかわかりません。 辞書などで調べると、 ■ Dominical year ■ Western calendar ■ Christian calendar などがあります。 個人的には、"in the Western calendar" でいいのではないかと思いますが、とても日本的な発想のような気もします。 このあたりを、西洋人の立場で解説していただけませんか。 「グレゴリオ暦」・「ユリウス暦」ともに、"in the Western calendar" でいいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • どなたか英語が得意な方いましたら英訳の添削よろしくお願いします”

    日本→魚介類や野菜を多く摂取する食文化で、心疾患の発症が極端に抑制される。 In Japan, the onset of the heart trouble is extremely restrained by Japanese food culture which intakes a lot of fishery products and vegetables. 一方、塩分の摂取量は多いため、これが脳血管障害を引き起こす原因となっている。 On the other hand, it cause cerebrovascular disorder because Japan has many intakes of the salt. ところが、脳血管障害の最大の原因である高血圧が治療可能になったことから、これによる死亡者を減らすことに成功 However, it is succeeded to reduce the death rate by this because the high blood pressure which causes the cerebrovascular disorder can cure. 欧米諸国→肉類中心の食文化で、高コレステロールにより高い確立で心疾患が引きこされる。  In the American and European countries, a heart trouble is caused by their meat-centered food culture which is based on high cholesterol. よって、たまたま日本が先進国の中で世界一の長寿国となった。 As a result, Japan happens to became a world's top longevity country in developed nations.

  • この英語の長文を上手く訳せる方お願いします。

    予習で自分でやったら、ブツブツ切りながらでしか訳せません。結果その一文の意味がうまくとらえられないんです。長めですが、長文の和訳をお願いします。(A)(B)(C)には何か前置詞が入ります。Aがto、Cがonだと思いますが、Bが分かりません。Bを含む一文の意味が特に分かりません。とにかく困ってます。大学の入試問題です。  極端に意訳ではなく、文法、熟語など大事なところを押さえつつ自然な文に訳してもらえると助かります。回答お待ちしています。スペルミス等あったらすみません。 Univercities in Japan,like the students they seek to educate.appear Western,though in reality they differ markedly from their counterparts in Europe and America.For example,once a student enters a Japanese college,he or she is usually sure to graduate.This arrangement is sometimes referred(  A  )as an“escalator system”;if both feet are firmly placed on the bottom step,a student almost automatically progresses to graduation.Consequently,Japanese university students do not have to study as hard as American and British students.The escalator system suits the Japanese collegians well as it seems to compensate them for the long hours and hard work they were forced to undergo during their elementary and secondary schooling.The young men and women seen(  B  )the college campuses today had to study extraodinarily hard in high school,and in some cases,even for an extra year or two in intensive preparatory schools after graduating from high school,to pass the entrance exam for entry into university.Once they begin collage,passing courses is mostly a formality and lack of motivation for leaning is widespread.Thus,the prevailing attitude in society at large as well as among faculty members and students is that collage is a place for enjoyment,a“leisure land”.Many collage students do in fact devote far more hours and energy to part-time jobs,extra-curricular activities,or personal interests,than to study.  The difference between Japanese and western conceptions of a good student,and the difference in conversation styles between speakers or Japanese and speakers of English,also figure in the cultual contrast between Japan and West.Japanese tend to think quiet,passive,and obedient youths who perform well on tests are good students.Westerners,(  C  )the other hand,admire those who challenge teachers with original opinions.American teachers,for instance,tend to ask their students what they think and why they think so;Japanese teachers rarely do this.The group dynamics among stgudents and the active interaction between teachers and students so often seen in American classrooms seldom exist in Japanese classes. 質問番号:6873619

  • ブラザー製品で、MFC-L8610CDWと同等の現行商品の型番について教えてください。
  • 現在、購入を検討しているのですが、MFC-L8610CDWと同じ性能のものがあれば教えてください。
  • 最新のブラザー製品で、MFC-L8610CDWと同等の型番を教えてください。