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Less Effective Offensive Measures: The Struggle to Combat Submerged U-boats in World War I

  • In World War I, efforts were made to combat submerged U-boats, but they were largely failures.
  • Various measures such as nets, explosive sweeps, and minefields were used, but had little success.
  • Just 2 U-boats were sunk by these measures in 1915, highlighting the challenges faced in countering U-boat attacks.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10021/12543)

以下のとおりお答えします。 Uボート攻撃の手段とその(非)成果について述べています。 >Offensive measures were less effective; efforts were made to use nets to find submerged U-boats, and explosive sweeps to destroy them, but these were largely failures. Attempts were also made to close routes like the Straits of Dover with boom nets and minefields, the so-called Dover Barrage; to lay minefields around U-boat bases, and station submarines on patrol to catch them leaving or entering port. These measures required a huge expenditure of effort and material, but met with little success. Just 2 U-boats were sunk by these measures in 1915. ⇒攻撃の手段は、それほど効果的ではなかった。沈められたUボートを見つけ出し、それを爆発物で破壊して一掃するために努力したが、大いなる失敗であった。ブームネット(帆げた網)と地雷原でドーバー海峡のような航路を塞ぐいわゆるドーバー堰、それと、パトロール中に出入りするUボート基地周辺や停泊所の潜水艦を捕縛するために地雷原などを設置する試みもなされた。これらの手段は、莫大な出費を伴う努力と材料を必要としたにもかかわらず、成功という日の目はほとんど見なかった。1915年に、わずか2隻のUボートが、これらの手段によって沈められたに過ぎなかった。



