
  • 未来のパートナーは徳のある美しい人ですが、彼の容姿は何らかの欠点や傷があるため、目立たないかもしれません。
  • あなたは恋人との同棲生活を送ることになるでしょう。大きな家に引っ越すことが予想されますが、これはあなたの背景とは異なる非伝統的な選択です。
  • 結婚生活の途中で、およそ7年ごとに病気や特異なトラブルが起こる可能性があります。このパターンは古くから存在しており、過去の恋愛や後悔に思いを馳せることもあるでしょう。自分の直感や感情に反する決断をする危険性もあります。
  • ベストアンサー


以下の英文を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますでしょうか。 ミス等ありましたらご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The path you will take with regards this future relationship will go against tradition and so may in some way be a lonely path. Your future partner will be virtuous and handsome but his looks will be clouded and he will make no great show of them, due to some blemish or other defect that he is conscious of even if others are not. He has perhaps never liked himself or how he looks. In the "live in" relationship with your soulmate, you are likely to move together to live in a larger home. That is untraditional, or different from the traditions of your background, and in a lonely place. The house will be grand and noble in its own way, with large windows, but may far away from your past environment. The moon in square with Jupiter, will cause an illness, or a peculiar trouble nearly every seventh year of your married life. This is an old pattern, it is not exact but it will be close to being correct and it will sometimes make you look to the past, to older lingering loves and regrets. There is also some danger you could overreach things then, making decisions that go against your own better feelings and instincts.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

あなたがその相手と歩むであろう未来の道程は、それまでの環境からは外れたものになるので、どこかしら孤独な道程になるかもしれません。 あなたの未来のパートナーは寛大な性格であり、顔立ちは整ったものでしょう。しかしその容貌が傷つくことが起こると、彼はあまり他人に顔を見せなくなるでしょう。他人は気にしないのに、当人はその傷なり欠点なりを気にするのです。彼はおそらく自分の容貌に満足したことはないでしょう。 あなたがそのソウルメイトと同棲する関係になると、大きな住まいに住む可能性があります。そんなことはあなたに似つかわしくない、つまりあなたのそれまでの生活環境とはかけ離れたものですし、それにそこは寂しい場所です。 その家は大きなもので、独特な威厳があるでしょう。大きな窓があります。でも、あなたの過去の環境とはかけ離れているかもしれません。 月が木星とスクエアの角度にあると、結婚してから7年おきに、体を壊すか、妙なトラブルに見舞われるでしょう。そんなのは古臭いパターンでしかなく、正確なものとはいえないのですが、まるで見当違いであるともいえません。あなたは過去を振り返り、過ぎ去った愛の思い出をなつかしみ、後悔することもあるでしょう。そういう時、余りにそういう思いに引きずられると、本来の感覚や直観に反するような決断をしてしまうという危険もあります。





  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 On the day you meet he will impress you, and in the days and hours afterwards he will haunt you. That is the only word for it. He will make an impact on the depth of your being that barely registers, except that in the time that follows you will not be able to think of any man but him.. He will seem striking, alluring in some way that you cannot fathom, and which has nothing to do with his looks, as though a chord is struck in your deeper soul, or the innermost chambers of your being. You will recognize him, not only from the description, which is in a sense quite bland, but something inside of you will be mesmerized. All day and days afterwards he will have stamped his indelible impression on your mind and you’ll keep thinking back to him, to the meeting, to the man, to the warm kindling feeling inside of you. Like a curtain of a dream it will drop across you life. It will be that mystical, that beautiful, yet real and solid too.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1文節の前半となりますので、内容が分断していると思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The house you and your soul mate will live in together will be of an old or traditional sort. It will have a lot of woodwork. And you will first see it when it is empty, or vacant with a lonely bare or neglected look that wants you to love it. It will be a good house, that will seem to draw you both. There will be something about reminiscent of a past life together, a former era. But only vaguely so, as if it stirs some subconscious memory deep within you. There will be a tree close to the house. High walls and it is a little secluded. It will seem familiar to you, for all it is not so.. You and your soul mate will help each other struggle to achieve goals in and rise in this house; which is practical and serious It will seem to you that your soul mate is Career orientated and hard working.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He is defensive and so can be quarrelsome, a man who has had a life full of disputes. He can be jealous, threatening, boastful and cruel. Love can be a battle ground, the wounds you, but it will also be irresistible, powerful and stirring. He is wealthier than you. He is a strong man but not always a good or righteous man. There will be times when you feel the prevents you making a starting new things in your life, but also would feel lost without him.. The beginning of the relationship or the early years of the marriage will be the most difficult for this is a relationship that grows better with time. The karmic task of the relationship is to build a love that I respects your individuality and your rights to your own life, but doesn’t lead to living separate lives.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか。 不明な部分等がありましたら、意訳でお願いします。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The moon conjuncts Neptune. There is some peculiarity but also a touch of genius in the partner, he may have some talent that seems to be inspired or from the world beyond, but also a strangeness of temperament with it.. An ellement of unreliability and secrecy through out the relationship. You will both find the past and all that is historical very romantic, and the ideal world of yesteryear seems to beckon and call. through this love. It is as if after you meet, a past life or incarnation overshadows the present one, and begins very gradually and subtly at first to make itself known. He will find you mesmerizing, entrancing, and you will always be able to draw him into your world of images and dreams. You can inspire him.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There is no Uranus aspect to your house of soulmates A planet that lacks aspects also shows what the relationship lacks. This means the relationship will be more conventional than you think, or want it to be. It may also lack surprises, so that once it has begun there is nothing really unexpected or sudden in the love that develops or follows. This planet placement can also mean that there is less turbulence and no sudden interruptions or disruptions that spoil; or upset your romantic life, less inclination to break up. Your emotions may be strong but cautious at the same time. There will be consistency in the relationship and you will know how you stand as times goes on, a leveling out, rather than great mountains and swooping disappointments or valleys in the terrain of love. Your love life, or choice of soulmate will be temperate, and will not be, impulsive or dangerous or too unorthodox, however unique this love is, it will not be irregular.. or inconstant. This position of Uranus also means that you may meet the soulmate, the greatest of all your loves and will be happy with him, how he is, not wanting to change or reform him greatly.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳して いただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? またお金の話題かもしれませんが・・ どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Your marriage chart shows that your future partner will be giving and will sustain you emotionally, giving you what you need in a person. He will feed your dreams, your ambitions and soul. He will take your loneliness with fill it with security. The ruling planet of your house of marriage also suggest that money will have an important influence on the future of the marriage and courtship. This could be either in a negative or positive way, as money can make the path smoother, and the marriage quicker, but lack of it can cause the path of love to be delayed or harder or cause it to take much longer to be able to actually afford to get married or live together. So the material side of the relationship will have an influence in the beginning. But don’t worry money will come to you through your future marriage. You’ll will either marry a wealthy partner, who can provide or help provide for you, or else your partner even if poor in the beginning will become wealthy later on in the marriage and you’ll both benefit,

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    先ほどの再投稿となりますが、翻訳をしていただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 意訳大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The element of air was on your fifth house. This indicates that it is through conversation or words and communication, letters, that you will determine what your partner is really like. You will seem actively involved impressed attentive or friendly towards him because of your conversation or interesting the communications exchanged between you, but inwardly you’ll keep your distance still, and you will stay in control emotionally, no matter how intuitively, instinctively and mysteriously or irresistibly you find yourself drawn to him, you’ll try and be objective until you form an opinion. This will not be easy because he will seem like a man who is not ordinary, who can touch and inspire your soul with his originality, invisible strands of strange powerful feelings. He will feel so different to anyone you have every known before, that you will think it wonderful to have met him at all. Meeting him will be exciting. But you’ll try and control yourself and to view it coolly and sensibly. So there is a kind of duality going on, two levels, what you feel and how you act when you meet, each may be different.

  • 英文の和訳希望

    下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分はないと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He will look at you with a strange gaze, eyes that seem to look deep into your soul. And a disorientation, a meeting or minds. And this will be love. Like a fascinating moment frozen in time. It will register on some other level. And all next day and day after you will think of him, your thoughts will return to linger over him, without you control. He will think of you, in the same way. He will remember you. Without really knowing it a new chapter in your life, and his will begin that day. You will recognize him, not only from the descriptions but because something in the depth of your soul will be so irresistibly drawn to him. The deep mind will know even if the conscious mind does not. It is always the way. Yet this is just a glance, the look of love.

  • 英文の和訳

    すみませんが、以下の英文を 和訳していただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The element of air was on your fifth house. This indicates that it is through conversation or words and communication, letters, that you will determine what your partner is really like. You will seem actively involved impressed attentive or friendly towards him because of your conversation or interesting the communications exchanged between you, but inwardly you’ll keep your distance still, and you will stay in control emotionally, no matter how intuitively, instinctively and mysteriously or irresistibly you find yourself drawn to him, you’ll try and be objective until you form an opinion. This will not be easy because he will seem like a man who is not ordinary, who can touch and inspire your soul with his originality, invisible strands of strange powerful feelings. He will feel so different to anyone you have every known before, that you will think it wonderful to have met him at all. Meeting him will be exciting. But you’ll try and control yourself and to view it coolly and sensibly. So there is a kind of duality going on, two levels, what you feel and how you act when you meet, each may be different.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 People sometimes want to know if they could have met this before. If they have met in the past, or in childhood, or if he associated with the family or neighborhood or is a total stranger. There is an ancient system of astrology, which I have not yet fully tested It has to do with the houses that the ruling planet of the seventh house falls in. Whether it is a cadent house, I. e. falling off the angles of the chart, or a Succeeded house and so on. The ruling planet of your house of marriage is considered succeedent. Your soul mate has a need for emotional security. He is concerned about establishing roots and a stable life pattern. He often turns to the past, though it doesn’t necessarily mean you already know him. It can mean that he is future but if you break up, he will return to will look back to the past for relationship and people he has known before. Traditionally astrology teaches that when you first meet he will be a complete stranger but something about him, or the place or the relationship will be reminiscent of the past. You will feel as though it is familiar, or you know him, or like a memory from something or somewhere you cannot quite recall.