• 締切済み



  • ymin1622
  • ベストアンサー率36% (8/22)

この手の犯罪は明らかな暴力による犯罪ではないため、その犯罪によって引き起こされた損害について、加害者の責任を問うことは難しい。 これらの活動により引き起こされる危害は、他の種類の犯罪により引き起こされる危害と、何らか変わらない。


  • 英文で訳せないところがあります。

    日本語に訳してください。 There is a whole category of crime - corporate crime - that is usually committed by people of high social status who work as compnay officials. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    Global warming is the additional warming of the earth's atmosphere caused by more greenhouse gas being in the upper atmosphere than is usual. という英文でthe additional warming of the earth ' s atmosphere にcausedがつながるのは文法的にどうしてですか?解説お願いします。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・Yellow sand from China is causing wider areas of Japan to become desert regions. ・The yellow sand grains have got so small that they can now reach as far as the eastern part of Japan. ・Japanese scientists have yet to find cures for the symptoms caused by yellow sand. ・Yellow sand takes on some useful properties while it is carried on westerly winds to remote places. ・We should appreciate the benefits of yellow sand in spite of the problems caused by it.


    <CHEMICAL SECRET>  CHEMICAL SECRETの冒頭部分の文章です。どう訳していいかいまいちわからないので教えてください。機械翻訳はご遠慮ください。  There are two ways of committing a crime. You can do it with your eyes open, or you can do it with your eyes closed. Not many of us intend to do wrong, but all most all of us close our eyes to certain kinds of crime. But what is a crime? Is it something that the law tells us is wrong, or something that we know in our hearts is wrong? There are many kinds of crime - crimes of greed, of violence, of anger and hate. But there are also less obvious crimes- the ones that we commit against the world: against the sky, the sea, the land. They are the crimes that we commit against the future and against our children- by closing our eyes and pretending that we cannot see. John Duncan is a biologist. When he took the job at the chemical factory, he thought he was protecting his children. He wanted to buy them the good things of life: a big house, a boat, exciting holidays... But what kind of future was he buying them?  

  • 英文読解

    When a liquid travels along a tube, it may do so in either of two ways.It may travel by means of laminar flow or turbulent flow. These two forms of flow can be demonstrated by an experiment in which a very fine stream of coloured ink is injected into a tube of water. When the pressure of this jet of ink is at the correct level, the ink will form a uniform stream which passes through the water without mixing with it. It remains a separate layer,or lamina of liquid --hence the term laminar flow--and the force of the liquid is used to push it forward through the water. None of the force is used to push the liquid sideways into the water. However,if the pressure of the flow of ink is increased beyond a certain value,the ink will mix with the water as soon as it enters the tube. Much of the force of the liquid is in this case used in side-to-side movement in mixing with the water and striking the side of the tube. The ink becomes thoroughly mixed with the water, and in this case the flow is known as turbulent flow. Various factors will determine whether the flow of liquid through a tube will be turbulent or laminar. As will be seen if the pressure of the ink is increased as it enters the waterm the greater the force of the liquid, the more likely turbulence is to occur. If the experiment is carried out that the diameter of the tube has an effect on whether laminar or turbulent flow takes place. It will be found that turbulent flow is more likely to occur as the tube becomes narrower. Thirdly, if the diameter of the tube is irregular, or if the tube is bent, turbulent flow is more likely to occur than in a uniform diameter tube. 上記の文を読んで、以下の問に英語で答えてください。お願いします。 1A.What is likely to happen if the diameter of the tube is reduced? 1B.What is likely to happen if the diameter of the tube is increased? 2.How many different factors can influence whether the flow of liquid in a tube is laminar or turbulent? 3.What does the force of the liquid do when the flow is laminar?

  • 英文解釈について

    次の英文についての解釈(主語について)がはっきり致しません。 Among the activities of which the human organism is capable is included the ability to communicate by means of language: to speak and to understand others when they speak. 普通に読めば、of whichを関係代名詞と見て、先行詞はthe activitiesと判断でき、主語はAmong...capableかなと思うのですが、Amongは前置詞なので、主語になることはありません。拙訳を示してみます。 「人体が行うことの出来る活動の中には言語を使ったコミュニケーションをする能力が含まれている。話したり、相手の言うことを聞いて理解する能力である。」 そこで考えたのが倒置。例えば、 Other steep mountains rose on the left. という文であれば、その副詞的修飾語句が前に出て、 On the left rose othe steep mountains. となるという構造。 これが私が問題にしている文章にも当てはまるとすれば、もともとの文は次のようになると考えます。 The ability to communicate by means of language is included among the activities of which the human organism is capable. この解釈でよいのでしょうか。

  • わからない英文があります

    "Technological change can occur on a grand scale, such as the change to personal banking caused by the adaptation of computer technology to Automated Teller Machines." この文を訳してください!

  • 英文が書けません。。。

    元の文章があって、 That is based on participants and assets data as provided by (データ提供主) as of January 1, 2002. というものなんですけど、これを、「2001年10月1日時点の人員データ&2002年1月1日時点の資産データ」というように書き換えたいと思っています。 That is based on participants data as of October 1, 2001 and assets data as of January 1, 2002 as provided by (データ提供主). こんなに単純に書き換えていいのでしょうか?客に出すレポートの英文なので、ちょい緊張しています。(ふだん英語使わないです。。。)しかもdataって単語2回使ったりして、ちとくどい気もするんです。 また、元々の文も、過去のレポートの文章なんですけど、as provided by ... の "as" が???って感じだったりします。いらないような気がしてるんですが。。。 #もっとも少々英文間違えてても、イイタイコトは通じるとは思うのですが。。。

  • Greatest の意味について

    “The destruction of the past is perhaps the greatest of all crimes.” という文章、文字通り 「過去を破壊することはおそらくは最大の犯罪であろう」でいいのかどうか迷っています。 Crime 「犯罪」と Greatest 「もっとも偉大な」という組み合わせが矛盾しているように見えるからです。このばあいのgreatest は単純にBiggest という意味に取って構わないのでしょうか? それとも、Greatest crime という表現に、もっと別の意味が込められているのでしょうか?

  • 英文 和訳

    以下の各文の和訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m (1) Life, for most people, is not so much a bowl of cherries as a succession of difficult decisions. ※a bowl of cherries=「良いこと、楽しいこと」 (2) Life rarely favors the faint of heart.