In the two-dimensional case where the protoplanet and the planetesimal revolve in the sample plane around the protosun (i.e., i=0), the phase angle ω loses its meaning and Eq. (10) must be modified as
<P(e, 0)>=∫(3/2) |b|(1/2π)p_col(e, i=0, b, τ)dτdb. ・・・・・(11)
We consider that the planetesimal collides with the protoplanet if the separation distance becomes smaller than the sum of their radii; the protoplanet radius scaled by ha_0* is given by
r_p=0.005(ρ/3gcm^-3)^-(1/3)(a_0*/1AU)^-1, ・・・・・(12)
where ρ is the mean mass density of the protoplanet.
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