• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語 選択問題 答え合わせをお願いします 2)



  • ベストアンサー
  • MXT500
  • ベストアンサー率67% (101/149)

1)The shop girl told the police that she ((1)noticed) a scar on the robber's face. (1)watched (2)looked (3)noticed (4)wanted 店の女性は、警察に盗人の顔の傷があることに気づいたと話しました。 内容的に noticedが適当 問2)The little boy ((3)injured) in the car accident was sent to another hospital. 車の事故で怪我をした少年は別の病院に運ばれました。 ○ 問3)My brother had only half as ((4)much) money as I had. 弟は私が持っているお金の半分しか持っていませんでした。 ○ 問4)They had a(good)long talk about old times. http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=long+talk で調べると、 have a good long talk about old times." そこで心行くまで昔のことを話そうぜ という例文が出ております。 単にa long talk では無駄に長い話だが a good long talk で心行くまで話す、という意味合いではないでしょうか。



問1のnoticedの選択、納得しました。 watchedよりも内容的に合っていると思います。 問4、good long talk = "心行くまで話す" 覚えておきます! 分かりやすい説明をありがとうございます。


  • 英語 選択問題 答え合わせをお願いします。

    下記、英語の選択問題の答え合わせをして頂けないでしょうか。 日本語訳も間違いがありましたらご指摘お願いします。 問1)She is so shy that she can't talk to ((2)anybody) in her new class. (1)nobody (2)anybody (3)somebody (4)no one 彼女は新しいクラスの誰とも話すことが出来ない程内気です。 問2)Because our stay in short, we should not take ((2)too many) luggage. (1)too heavy (2)too many (3)too big (4)too much 短い滞在なので、たくさんの荷物を持っていくべきではありません。 問3)If the speaker ((2)speaks) too fast,the audience won't be able to follow the lecture. (1)will speak (2)speaks (3)spoke (4)had spoken 話し手が早く話しすぎると、客は講義についていけないでしょう。 問4)Could you ((1)make) me a few minutes? I think we have to discuss more. (1)make (2)lend (3)save (4)spare 少し時間を作れませんか?もっと話し合う必要があると思います。 問5)After losing her husband,Judy ((2)raised) her two children alone. (1)rose (2)raised (3)risen (4)arise 夫を失った後、ジュディは2人の子供たちを一人で育てました。

  • 英語 選択問題 答え合わせをお願いします 5

    下記、英語の選択問題の答え合わせをして頂けないでしょうか。 日本語訳も間違いがありましたらご指摘お願いします。 【1】The streets are slippery. please watch your((3)step) . (1)way (2)direction (3)step (4)feet (5)legs この通りはよく滑ります。足下に気をつけてください。 【2】If my daughter had taken my advice, she ((4)would be)happier now. (1)can be (2)may be (3)will have been (4)would be もし娘が私のアドバイスを聞いていたら、彼女はもっと幸せになっていたでしょう。 【3】Dark((2)as) it was, the thief managed to find its way. (1)after (2)as (3)so (4)when 暗くなってきたので、泥棒はなんとか方法を見つけた。 【4】I mentioned a book,((1)in which the tittle)my father can't remember now. (1)in which the tittle (2)that title (3)the tittle of which (4)with the title whose 私はある本のことを話したが、父は今その本のタイトルを思い出せない。 【5】I wish((3)I had)enough money to travel around the world to buy the computer game. (1)having (2)having had (3)I had (4)I will have コンピューターゲームを買う為に世界中を旅する十分なお金があったらいいのに。 【6】My grandmother worked hard in a small hospital for a((4)small)salary. (1)few (2)less (3)minor (4)small 私の祖母は安月給で小さな病院で一生懸命働いていました。 【7】Do you know how((1)early)in the morning the convenience store will open? (1)early (2)fast (3)quickly (4)soon コンビニがどれくらい朝早くオープンするか知っていますか?

  • 【英語】答え合わせお願いします。

    問題の解答が手元にないため、正解かどうか分からず。。。 答え合わせの回答をお願いいたします。 ( )の中の語を適切な形に変えなさい。 1、He was very ( excited ) when he heard the news. 2、The ( injured )man was sent to the hospital. 3、Look at the mountain ( covered )with snow. 4、He found himself ( laid ) on a bench in the park. 5、It was (surprised) news for me. 6、The mother left her baby ( crying )all the time. 7、I had my bad tooh ( pulled )out by my dentist. 8、I'm sorry to have kept you ( waiting )so long.

  • 日本語に訳してください

    Roy's father,the head of the police,noticed Roy and spoke to him. "It's good to see you here,son. Mr.Crane was attacked by a robber with a mask. Mr.Crane had a big,beautiful diamond. He thought that the robber wanted it. So he tied the diamond to an arrow and shot it as far as he could. The robber got angry,and hit Mr.Crane. Now,Mr.Crane is in the hospital,and the robber is at large." お願いします

  • 日本語に訳してください

    Roy's father,the head of the police,noticed Roy and spoke to him. "It's good to see you here,son. Mr.Crane was attacked by a robber with a mask. Mr.Crane had a big,beautiful diamond. He thought that the robber wanted it. So he tied the diamond to an arrow and shot it as far as he could. The robber got angry,and hit Mr.Crane. Now,Mr.Crane is in the hospital,and the robber is at large." お願いします(´>ω<`)

  • 英語の比較の問題で困っています。

    比較の問題で困っています。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 Q(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ(1)~(4)のうちから1つ選びなさい。また、訳もしなさい。 1.This laptop computer has greater processing power (  ) of the same type. (1)of all the computers (2)with other computers (3)than any computers (4)than any other computer 2.The concert was so popular that (  ) fewer than 15,000 people came to see it. (1)any (2)no (3)over (4)those 3.New York City police say that (  ) 4.5 million people watched today's parade. (1)such many as (2)so much as (3)too many as (4)as many as

  • 英語の問題で困っています。

    問1 次の文中の現在形が表す意味を,選択肢から選びなさい。 Three and five make eight.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問2 She teaches us English at school.     (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問3 Napoleon’s army now advances and a great battle begins.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問4 The meeting opens at nine in the morning tomorrow.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問5 It’s freezing cold today.    (1)現在の状態 (2)習慣的行為 (3)不変の真理 (4)未来の予定 (5)歴史的現在 問6 空欄を埋めるのに最も適したものを,選択肢から選びなさい。 If this dictionary ( ) a little cheaper, I would buy it.    (1)are (2)is (3)have been (4)were 問7 I wish I ( ) French as well as she.    (1)am speaking (2)could speak (3)speak (4)were speak 問8 If ( ) the sun, nothing could live.    (1)it had not for (2)it had not been (3)it were not (4)it were not for 問9 Long ( ) the Queen!    (1)has lived (2)live (3)lives (4)may live 問10 ( ), I could fly to him.    (1)I were a bird (2)If a bird (3)Were a bird (4)Were I a bird 問11 There ( ) to be big trees around the pond.    (1)dared (2)may (3)should (4)used 問12 “Must I go so soon?” “No, you ( ) not.”    (1)can (2)may (3)dare (4)need 問13 What has become of the other men? Alas, they ( ) have been lost in the sea.    (1)must (2)used (3)shall (4)need 問14 It is necessary that every member ( ) inform himself of the rules of the club as soon as possible. (1)could (2)might (3)should (4)would 問15 The English of this composition is too good. She can’t ( ) it herself.    (1)be written (2)had written (3)have to write (4)have written 問16 He who ( ) search for pearls must dive deep.    (1)had to (2)might (3)should (4)would 問17 The teacher suggested to me ( ) the English broadcast every day.    (1)listening to (2)to listen (3)that I should listen (4)that I should listen to 問18 You ( ) the book.    (1)do not need buy (2)need not have bought (3)need not to buy (4)need not to have bought 問19 You ( ) surprised to find me in such a dark place the other day.    (1)cannot but be (2)may well be (3)must but be (4)will well be 問20 I’m sorry to hear you had such trouble. I ( ) you my telephone number.    (1)had better give (2)ought to give (3)should have given (4)would have given 問21 Will you please lend me the novel when you ( )?    (1)finish (2)finished (3)will finish (4)will have finished 問22 They ( ) for sixteen years.    (1)are married (2)have been married (3)marry (4)will have married 問23 The student ( ) absent from school for six months at the end of this year.    (1)is (2)is being (3)will be (4)will have been 問24 She ( ) across the bridge when she had her bonnet blown off.    (1)walked (2)was walking (3)will be walking (4)will walk 問25 The bird ( ) for more than an hour.    (1)sings (2)is singing (3)has been singing (4)is having sung 問26 "How did you break your arm?" "Riding a bicycle down the road, ( )."    (1)a car crashed me (2)a car hit over me (3)I was crashed a car (4)I was hit by a car 問27 What part of the country ( )?    (1)did you raise up in (2)were you brought up (3)were you brought up in (4)were you growing up 問28 Peace ( ) by everybody.    (1)desires (2)is desiring (3)is desired (4)has desired 問29 The floor was felt ( ) beneath my feet.    (1)have shaken (2)move (3)shaken (4)to move 問30 We ( ) a shower on the way.    (1)caught in (2)have been caught (3)have caught in (4)were caught in

  • [英語] 間違っている箇所を教えて下さい><

    1. I don't think the situation had changed much since I came to this town. (1) think (2) had (3) much (4) to this town 2. The work of India's Mahatma Gandhi made the world to realize the power of nonviolent protest. (1) The work (2) India's (3) to realize (4) of 3. Herds of cattle could be seen eat grass on the ranch in the warmth of the spring sun. (1) cattle (2) eat (3) on the ranch (4) the spring 4. I went to see the lady to complain the dog which had made so much noise last night. (1) to see (2) complain the dog (3) so much (4) last night

  • 長文問題の答え合わせお願いします

    Suppose everything you bought was monitored. Very closely. So closely that the grocer knows that your dog prefers canned food to dry. Or that you recently switched from roll-on deodorant to spray. So closely that the hotel you stayed at last week knows what your favorite candy bar is and how many Kleenec boxes you want in your room---even though no one asked. Or suppose that the last time you connected your computer to the Internet,someone could have watched what you did,what you said or what you bought,and then shared the information with a curious marketer who wanted to know. This is not the future. Such windows into your private life are already open to those who know where to look. The invasion of privacy has gotten so out of hand,some experts say,that the right to privacy has all but disappeared,sacrificed on the altar of customer service and corporate profits. Today,if consumers do not take extraordinary steps to shield their privacy,they end up with very little,or none at all. With so much information circulating avout our personal habits,traits and desires,Mckinsey&Co. consultant Mike Sherman says he expects to see the grand opening of a new chain:Psychic Pizza. "Your pizza is deliverd 15 minutes before you order it,or it's free."he jokes. Unknowingly,through things people do every day-get the car washed,go to the grocery store,order a sewater from a catalog-they leave electronic fingerprints that give marketers crucial information. 問1So closely that the grocer knows that your dog prefers canned food to dry. を和訳せよ 問2The invasion of privacy has gotten so out of hand,some experts say,that the right to privacy has all but disappeared を和訳せよ 問3they end up with very little,or none at all.の内容をわかりやすく40字以内の日本語で説明せよ 問4"Your pizza is deliverd 15 minutes before you order it,or it's free." は1語を別の1語に置き換えると普通のピザ屋の宣伝文句になる。どの語を何に置き換えるか答えよ。 問5electronic fingerprintsをわかりやすく30字程度の日本語で説明せよ。 1.とても親密なのでその食料雑貨店はあなた犬が湿っている食べ物を好まないことを知っている 2.プライバシーの侵害は手に負えなくなっている、幾人かの専門家達はプライバシーのための権利はほとんど消えてしまったと言っている 3.わかりませんでした 4.before→after 5.消費者の購入履歴などの電子的な形跡

  • 英語の並べ替えの問題です

    (1) The waiter forgot ( to bring me / a spoon / with / the icecream / to eat ). (2) My sister doesn't care how ( much / she spends / on clothes / so / long ) as she looks nice. ( )の中が並べ替えた部分です。 (1)は意味は通っていると思うのですが自信がありません。 (2)は意味もどっちに捕らえていいのかわからない状態です。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m