• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    それとは別にそちらの学校ってどんな風?日本の学校ってどんなところか興味駸々 XD あれ(=日本の学校)って、アニメに出てくるようなところ?それとも全然違う?





  • カリフォルニア州の教育制度を教えて

    カリフォルニア在住のアメリカ人から聞かれました。 In the US there is 1. Elementary School-Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st grade through 5th grade 2. Middle School-6th grade through 8th grade 3. High School-9th grade through 12th grade 4. College In middle school and high school in the US we had 7 different classes to go to each day. Is it the same for Japan? How is it in Japan? Is it like this? 1. Kindergarten 2. Elementary School 3. Junior High School 4. Senior High School 5. College For how many years is it for each? I find it very interesting 教えて! カリフォルニアでは 1.小学校・中学・高校は5・3・4制? 2.大学は4年? 3.we had 7 different classes to go to each day.とは7つの授業科目があるということ? 4.日本はいくつ授業科目があるの?

  • 穴埋め問題です

    is different from place to place =is different in ( )places と書き換えたい場合、空欄はmanyと different どちらがよいでしょうか? それとも他に適切な単語はありますか?教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • what is school in japan like?の意味

    what is school in japan like?の意味 ペンパルとやりとりをしている時に what is school in japan like?と聞かれたのですが、 翻訳サイトを使ってもよく分かりません。 文末のlikeはどう言う意味なのでしょうか? お願いします

  • Is it possible.../That is how...の意味を教えてください

    Is it possible that you're wrong? Is it possible that he cares about you? Is it possible that you misunderstood? That is how I do it. That is how to bake a cake. That is how I like it. 複数を翻訳機にかけてみましたがなかなか奇妙な文章に仕上がってしまってお手上げですorz 二つのニュアンスをごく簡単にでも結構なので、どなたかよろしくお願いしますorz

  • How many stops is it from here to Shinjuku?

    英会話学校のテキストに\"How many stops is it from here to Shinjuku?\"と書いてあったのですが、\"is it\"でいいのですか?\"are they\"ではなくて?この\"it\"はなんですか?新宿?いくら考えてもわからなくって悩んでいます。 この文の前後関係(会話の場所は御茶ノ水駅)は Which train should I take? You should take an express train to Shinjuku. How many stops is it from here to Shinjuku? It is 2 stops on the express train. 誰か教えてください。\"is it\"でいいのですか? この\"it\"は何なんですか?

  • Don't fly your assholeとは?

    元同僚のネイテブに「How is your work?」と聞かれたので、ヘナヘナポーズをとりながら「You know what is it like...」(要するに「分かってるでしょ、(超忙しいんだよ)」と言いたかった)」というようなこと言ったら、「Don't fly your asshole」と言われニタ~とされました。 どういう意味なのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • 英語

    (1) Soon those states may be like Hawaii, with many cultural groups living together. →すぐにthose statesはHawaiiのようになるでしょう、many cultural groupsが共存している状態で。この訳の骨格は合っていますか? (2) Hawaii is thus a good example of how people from different ethnic groups can get along. この文は(3)の文の続きです。このthusの意味合いが良くわからないです。

  • 英訳と日本語訳を!

    お願いします カルタゴはシラキュースと軍事同盟を結んでいたため、メッシーナとの戦いに参戦することになったから。 ローマ軍を狭い山道に誘い込んで、丘から攻撃をして勝利した。 カンナエの戦いで敗北した後、多くの男たちがローマ軍に加わり、裕福な市民が戦費を出してくれたため。 ハンニバルはサグンタムを紀元前220年に包囲した。18年後にザマで負けた。 日本語訳をお願いします。 What time period does the main timeline show? How many years is that? What time period does the lower timeline show? How many years is that? Which occurred first, Rome defeating the Carthaginian navy or Hannibal destroying the Roman army at Cannae? Why is it useful to have a separate timeline for 220-200 BCE?

  • 英訳助けてください><お願いします★

    There are some big problems with this type of approach to studying adulthood. One of them is that it is very culturally specific━it is probably fine for describing the lives of middle-class white North Americanmen, but things may be rather different for people of different backgrounds, where the normal course ofliving takes different forms . Another is that it doesn't account for individial differences. Some people don'tleave home until much later in life;some people don't experience a lengthy period of independence but marryfrom their family home ;and some come across these transitions at very different ages. So it would be difficult to say how the model applied to them. Insight We will all experience several life- transitions , but they will be different for each of us. It is more useful to try to explore the psychological processes involved as we tackle our life-transitions,than to try to predict categorically what those life-transitions will be. If there are so many problems with this type of model, why should we bother with it at all? Well, mainly because it's a start. By identifying the kinds of things that are missing from a model like this, we can move towards developing better theories. Psychology doesn't have all the answers: it is continually changing, and trying to improve its theories and ideas. When a new area is first opened up, the initial theories are often quite liited;but they provide a useful basis for further research which can help us to develop a deeper understanding.

  • 英語:カッコ内の穴埋めにご協力お願いします。

    A1:There is a big difference that love and like. Q1:interesting! how different? A2:Just simple than you think.ike and ove see!!! Q2:(                                ) A3:three fourth so a big defference. Q3:(                    ) Q3にも適当な言葉をお願い致します。 ※ike and ove see!!!はlike and over see!!!だと思います。 Q2とQ3に対応できる1フレーズだけもありということで御指導ねがいますm(_ _)m