• 締切済み



  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

1. その部屋に入ると、たくさんの人に歓迎されました。 2.その女の子は私の死んだ母親によく(似ている。)ーーー動詞が抜けていると思いますーーー 3.その駅にゆくのにはどうしたらよいですか教えてください。 4.かれの母親は15年間(ーーおそらくdrugだとおもいますが、ーー)薬を飲み続けてきました。


  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします。 One summer's day in 1862, a young man and a pretty little girl got into a rowing boat on the River Thames. The man was Charles Dodgson, a professor of mathematics at Oxford University, and the pretty dark-haired girl was Alice Liddell, his friend's daughter. It was a very hot day and as he gently rowed the boat on the peace- ful river, his young companion began to get restless. "Tell me a story," she said, "with plenty of nonsense in it." So Dodgson began to invent a fantastic story to amuse his pretty young friend. "Alice was beginning to get very tired," he began, "sitting with nothing to do... Dodgson made Alice the central character of the story, and as he described her fantastic journey, little Alice Liddell listened atten- tively, smiled, laughed and cried. This was the beginning of a story that would captivate children throughout the world for the next hundred years. He called the story, "Alice's Adventures in Wonder land' and published it under the name of Lewis Carroll. In the winter of 1928, a little old lady entered Sotheby's, a fa mous auctioneer's in London. "Excuse me," she said, "I was told you accept manuscripts for auction. You see, I need some money, so I would like to sell thi old manuscript. "Yes, we do accept manuscripts," said the auctioneer, "but they have to be original and by famous authors. "This is an original manuscript, it was given to me many years ago by a friend of my family," replied the old lady, "I don't want to part with it, but I have to sell it." She handed him the manuscript. He opened it and read the hand- written inscription inside. "A Christmas gift to a dear child in memory of a Summer's day. The auctioneer stopped reading and looked up at the little old woman who was standing in front of him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. You... you are Alice," he said slowly. "Yes," replied the old lady, "I am Alice." The manuscript was sold to an American collector for $77,000, and Alice lived comfortably until her death.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 身内についての説明文かもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 n the previous two readings I told you of your future partners Mother and then his Father In this reading to complete the picture I will tell you something of the rest of his family. His siblings or other close relatives. It is the parents who always show most distinctly and clearly, because their influence on your partners early fate and background in generally the stronger, but some details about the rest of the family do show. The reason I only reveal his background step by step, when it is there to be found, is simply that while to you it may just be one paragraph that is quickly read, it takes a long time to detangle his family relationships from the web of fate in your chart. so there is only enough time to include a fragment in each reading, if we are to allow room for other important things.

  • この英文を訳してください!

    Am I to be blamed? This is a moving piece about a young girl arrested for stealing. She pleads her case to the police officers and tell her life story. They're chasing me, they're chasing me, no they must not catch me, I have enough money now, yes enough for my starving mother and brothers. Please let me go, let me home before you imprison me. Very well, officers? Take me to your headquarters. Good morning captain! no captain, you are mistaken, I was once a good girl, just like the rest of you here. Just like any of your daughters. But time was, when I was reared in slums. But we lived honestly, we lived honestly in life. My father mother, brothers, sisters, and I. But then, poverty entered the portals of our home. My father became jobless, my mother got ill. The small savings that my mother had kept for our expenses were spent. All for our daily need and her needed medicine. One night, my father went out, telling us that he would come back in a few minutes with plenty of food and money, but that was the last time I saw him. He went with another woman. If only I could lay my hands on his neck I would wring it without pain until he breathes no more. If you were in my place, you'll do it, wouldn't you Captain? What? You won't still believe in me? Come and I'll show you a dilapidated shanty by a railroad. Mother, mother I'm home. Mother? Mother?! There Captain, see my dead mother. Captain? There are tears in your eyes? Now pack this stolen money and return it to the owner. What good would this do to my mother now? She's already gone! Do you hear me? she's already gone. Am I to be blamed for the things I have done? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    "I have thought about it, but I haven't come to a decision about carrying a donor card yet. I don't like the thought of being cut up and my heart being taken out. I know I'd be dead and I wouldn't feel anything, but I still don't like the idea." "I'll never forget the time when my daughter was suffering from a kidney disease. In order to save her life, I decided to give one of my kidneys to her. Now she's fifteen years old and wonderfully strong and healthy. I'm sure that everyone should carry a donor card."

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    How To Make Babies After much controversy, a school adopted a sex-education program. One mother hadn't been too enthusiastic about it and was worried how her small daughter would react. Imagine her feelings when the youngster came home and asked, 'Mommy, guess what? We learned how to make babies today!' 'What?' the mother gasped. Then, trying to speak calmly, she asked, 'Tell me ,dear,how DO you make babies?' 'Easy,' the little one said. 'You drop the Y and add I-E-S.' ジョークの部分も教えて貰えると嬉しいです!

  • 私の書いた英文の添削をお願いします。(2)

    今、海外のペンパルと文通していのですが、自身がないのでこの英文が合っているかどうか教えてください。間違いがあったら正しい英文を教えてください。それと翻訳機では、通じなかったので今回は、翻訳機を使用せず、辞書で調べて書きました。 I happy that you like Mozart, too. I didn’t know that he lived in Prague. He is wonderful because he wrote 650 pieces. Could you tell me your favorite his pieces? My favorite his its is Eine Kleine Nachatmusik. You said me,”I was Wien when I was child. How was stay in Wien? As you know, I was stay in Wien on 2days. I’d like to stay more here. Could you tell me popular Czech fashions? Popular Japanese fashions are following pictures. Popular fashon is Camisole. あなたもモーツアルトが好きで嬉しいです。彼がプラハに住んでいることは、知りませんでした。彼は、650曲、作曲したので凄いです!あなたは、彼の曲で何が一番好きですか?私は、Eine Kleine Nachatmusikが好きです。 あなたは、子供の時、ウィーンにいたんですね。どのくらいウィーンに滞在していましたか?ご存知のように私は、ウィーンに2日滞在しました。もう少し、ウィーンに滞在したかったです。 話は、変わるのですが、チェコでは、どんなファッションが人気あります。 日本では、下記の写真のファッションが人気があります。キャミソールを着たファッションが人気です。

  • get と come

    (1)Could you tell me how to get to the station?  (駅への行き方を教えてくださいませんか?) (行く・方法=行き方)なのに、ここでなぜ【go】ではなく【get】が使われるのでしょうか? 【go】では間違いですか? (2)May I come in? (入ってもいいですか?) こちらも「入る」、そっちへ「行く」、ということなのになぜ【come】が使われるのでしょうか? 【go】や【enter】をいれることはできないのでしょうか? こちらの日本文を英訳せよという問題で、使う単語を間違ってしまったので疑問に思いました。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語に訳して、()に入る文も答えてください

    When he was a little boy, George Washington was given a hatchet for his birthday. Eager to try his shiny new tool, George went out and practiced chopping on one of his father`s cherry trees. When the tree was found dead, George was asked by his father ( 1 ). "I can`t tell a lie, Pa; you know I can`t tell a lie. I cut it with my hatchet." Instead of being angry, George`s father was delighted by his son`s honesty. "Run to my arms, you dearest boy," he cried, and then embraced his son. This is the story almost all Americans know about George Washington. On the face of it, it is merely a children`s tale with a moral message: it is good to tell the truth. ( 2 ), for some reason, this seemingly simple story has become one of the myths that hold Americans together. ・(1) (1)why he had told him a lie (2)how to cut his cherry tree (3)if he had done it (4)what he had used to cut his cherry tree ・(2) (1)Therefore (2)However (3)Indeed (4)As a result

  • 以下の英文の言い回しは合っていますか?

    色々な言い方があるとは思いますが、私の考えた英文でも間違いはないでしょうか?ご指導下さいm(__)m (1)早く病気が良くなればいいですね。→I hope you will be getting better soon. (2)すみませんが、駅へ行く道を教えて下さい。→Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the satation?(疑問形にしていいのでしょうか) (3)手紙を見て彼との約束を思い出しました。→His letter reminded me of the promise. あるいは of his promise. あるいは of the promise with him.(どの言い回しが自然でしょうか?) (4)いつどこで彼女と知り合ったのですか?→When and where did you get to know her?(did you come to know her?も同じ意味だと思いますが、get to know her?でも大丈夫ですか?) (5)英語を書く時、iの点を書くのを忘れない様に注意して下さい。→Please make sure to dot the i's when you write English.(調べたら、iの点を書く= dot the i's と英語ではよく表現すると載ってたのですがこれでいいのでしょうか?)

  • 英語の代名詞について

    I want to go to ABC Hotel, but I don't know much about this area. Could you tell me how to get to it? (一文目のABC Hotel を二文目では代名詞itに変えている) この文は文法的に正しいですか? 固有名詞にも普通の名詞と同様にitなどの代名詞が使えるのかを教えていただきたいです。