• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)




doneはrepairedのことですね。 なぜ気付かなかったのか。。 有難うございました。


  • 英語 

    jiro,s mother didn't have a umbrella so she could not go home. she called her son and asked him whether he could bring her it . he took it and hands her at the station. she said him thank you. この文でおかしいところを直してください 解説もお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です!

    各文の()の中から間違いのある箇所を1つ見つけ、選んでください。解説もお願いします! He could see (by her face) (that) she (received) (a piece of good news). (Despite) those (differences), Susan has always been very (considerate) (with) her friends. She forget (bringing) her lunch. That's (why) she (was) late (for) my class this morning. This plant (is said) to be (possible) to live (without) water (for) many days.

  • 英語

    He said he heard a heavy thud, like something striking the line, just before the train reached this station.But it was so foggy, he said, he was blessed if he could see what it was. 彼は言った、物凄い音を聞いたと、何かが線路を打ちつけるような、 電車がこの駅に到着する前。しかし霧がすごい、彼は言った、・・・ 最後の(he was blessed if he could see what it was)の部分訳してください。

  • 英語の問題 助けてください。

    1.He is last man 2.I cannot see him 3.It is not long 4.[ ]get angry 5.[ ]his promise 6.He looks 7.She is cheerful 8.Tired sa he was 9.What do you think 10.So great her surprise A.to do such a foolish thing B.he must have forgotten C.that she could not say a word D.before she has a baby E.your father said to you? F.without remembering his father G.he may well H.he kept on working I.as if he had been ill J.as well as intelligent 最初の1~10の文の後にA~Jが続きます。4,5は最初に文が入ります。 どれが繋がり略も書いてくださると助かります。答えがないのでずっと苦戦していました。どうかお助けください。簡単で結構なので理由も書いてくださるとありがたいです。

  • 4コマ漫画(2)の添削お願いします

    朝日新聞の4コマ漫画を英語にして英作文を練習している者です。 添削(文法間違い、表現間違いなど)よろしくお願いします。 One day a girl told that something was wrong with her umbrella. Her grandmother advised showing it to her father. She had it repaired by him as her grandmother told. However, he was a destroyer. He handed it back to her unconfidently, but she thanked him. Her mother came by and said, " This is no good. I'll throw away." She was a ruiner.

  • 4コマ漫画(2)’の添削お願いします

    朝日新聞の4コマ漫画の描写を英語にして英作文を練習している者です。 次の英文を読んで状況が読み取れるかお聞きしたいです。また、文法間違い英語表現の間違いなどご指摘していただけろとありがたいです。 One day a girl told her grandmother that something was wrong with her umbrella. Her grandmother advised showing it to her father. She had it repaired by him as her grandmother told. However, he was a terribly awkward. He was called 'Destroyer'. He handed it back to her without confidence, but she thanked him. Her mother came by and said, " This is no good. I'll throw away." She was a 'Damper'.

  • could have been

    ダライラマ14世についての記事です。 Acts of terrorism he said when I saw him in November, usually arise from some cause deep in the past and will not go away until the root problem is addressed. He could as easily have been talking about the demonstrations of discontent being staged in his homeland nearly a half-century since he saw it last. この He could as easily have been talking about からの文章ですが、 50年近くもの間、彼の出身地でくりひろげられているデモが訴えていることを、彼はいとも簡単に説明できたかもしれない。 本当にこれが"できたかもしれない"でいいのか、又、 since he saw it lastのここでの訳し方がわかりません。 宜しくお願いします(´_`。)

  • 英語長文です!!

    Something happened once when my friend Jack was Living in Minnesota-- something that he didn`t consider any big deal.I called Jack`s house to speak with him, and the phone was answerd by an unfamiliar voice. The radio was playing loudly in the background, and for a moment I thought I might have dialed an incorrect number. The voice on the other end said a few labored words that I could`t understand, and then stopped. The rock music from the radio continued. I stayed on the line, concerned that something was wrong. Three or four minutes passed, and finally I heard another phone being picked up in the house. I heard Jack`s voice say, ‘Hello?‘ I said hello back, and I said I`d thought that a foreigh-born person or a person who was unable to speak clearly had answerd his phone, I asked him if anything troubling was going on. `I`ll tell you in a minute,` he said, and his voice went away and soon enough I could hear it in the room where the other phone was off the hook-- the room from which I was hearing the rock music. I heard Jack say , I`ve got it,honey.` Then.`It`s all right. Thank you for answering.` He hung up that phone,and when I heard him again he could talk without her listening. `She`s such a sweettheart,` he said, and then explained. He had been out of town on business, and when he returned the girl -- the girl who had answerd the phone with such difficulty -- had moved into his house. His wife Janice was working as a schoolteacher, and at the school where she taught there were children who had severe disabilities.This girl was one of those children. She had been born with a serious problem that had affected her both physically and mentally. It was not the kind of illness that surgery or medicine could fix.

  • prominenceII P64,65

    Newt nodded. "All right,"he said. "Remenber me from time to time. Remember how much I love you." Involuntaily,Catharine burst into tears. She turned her back to Nert,looked into the infinite colonnade of the woods. "What does this mean?"said Newt. "Rage!"said Catharine. She clenched her hands. "You have no right-" "I had to find out,"he said. "Yes,"she said. She faced him, looked up at him,her face quite red. "You would have known,"she said. "How?"he said. "Yow would have seen it,"she said. "Women aren't very clever at hiding it." Newt looked closely at Catharine's face now. Newt was ceeing love now. And he did what he had to do.He kissed her. "You shouldn't have done that,"she said. "You didn't like it?"he said. "What did you expect,"she said-"wild,abandoned passion?" "Ikeep telling you,"he said,"I never know what's going to happen next." "We say goodbye," she said. He frowned slightly."All right," he said. She made another speech. "I'm not sorry we kissed,"se said. "That was sweet. We should have kissed,we've been so close. I'll always remember you,Newt,and good luck." "You,too,"he said. "Thank you,Newt,"she said. She noted uneasily that they had begun to walk again. The farewell had been forgotten. "You really love him?"he said. "Certainly I love him!"she said hotly. !What's good about Henry! Yes,"she said,"and many,many,many things are probably bad too. But that isn't any of your business. I love Henry,and I don't have to argue his merits with you!" "Sorry,"said Newt. 誤字があるかも知れませんが 和訳お願いします。

  • 英語和訳

    旺文社 「表現のための実践ロイヤル文法」に以下の例文とその和訳があります。 ここで、”Maybe it was something that I said.”が「何か言ってはいけないことを言ったのかもしれない」と訳されています。 ...言ってはいけないこと... という意味が英文から汲み取れないのですが、どのように考えたらよいのでしょうか? ———————————————————————————————————– “I haven’t done anything wrong,” he assured himself, but then, recalling the telephone call, he worriedly thought, “Maybe it was something that I said.” 「僕は何も悪いことをしていない」と彼は自分に言い聞かせたのだが、あの電話を思い出すと、「何か言ってはいけないことを言ったのかもしれない」と心配した。