• ベストアンサー



  • nolly_ny
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1631/4253)

購入手続き時は、クレジットカード番号等入力したのですよね? 予約番号のようなものは発行されていますか? きちんと単語の意味調べて読んではいませんが、劇場のボックスオフィス預かりになっているのだと思います。 公演前に、劇場の窓口に行って、予約番号とパスポートなどのIDと予約の際に使ったクレジットカードを提示すれば、チケットを発行してもらえるのだと思います。この方法はとても一般的ですよ。 日本の住所宛に送られてくるものではないことだけは、確かです。



早速のご回答ありがとうございます! カード番号は入れました。 予約番号もあります。 よく考えたら住所欄にjapanがあったので、「日本から申し込めない」 ことはないはずですね・・・。 希望が出てきました~。 ありがとうございます。


  • ”photo id” とは何ぞや?

    いつもお世話になっています。 海外で行われるスポーツの大会のチケットが届かず確認のメールを出しました。 返ってきた返事には ・私のオーダーはまだ追跡中である。 ・月曜日までに見つからなかったら新しくプリントしてその場で受け渡しする(送料は返す) と書いてあるようです。 下記の文章がその返信の一部なのですが、一番下の”photo id”というのが一体何なのか分かりません。 Again, you do have tickets and will be able to get into the building. If wecannot find your tickets on Monday, new tickets will be printed for you and held at will-call and your shipping charge will be reimbursed. (You will just need to have an a photo id to pick up your tickets). ”photo id”が必要となっているようですが、一体何のことなのでしょうか。それと、”will-call”の正確な意味も分かりません。 どうぞご協力お願いいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    You may purchase tickets to the XIV International Tchaikovsky Competition using Visa and MasterСard credit cards. Tickets will be available in April online to all competition performances including Opening Gala Concert tickets for June 14 in Moscow and Laureates’ Concert tickets for July 1 in Moscow and July 2 in St. Petersburg. Tickets will remain available for online purchase up to three days prior to each concert with a limit of six tickets per concert. Before purchasing, please review the details of the 2011 competition schedule. Your successful purchase will provide an on-screen printable receipt and you will also be sent an e-mail confirming your order. If you wish to pick up your tickets ahead of time, please print the receipt and bring it with you to the International Tchaikovsky Competition office between May 12 and June 5: Moscow: Povarskaya, 10 bld 1, room 701. 10:00 – 18:00 weekdays Beginning June 6 the tickets you have purchased will be held for you at the box office of the theater hosting the performances of the disciplines you have chosen. Please bring along your receipt. You may also have your tickets mailed to you by a guaranteed delivery service. The rates for postage and handling are included on the purchase order form.

  • 対訳・確認お願いします。

    海外のフェスのチケットを購入しましたが商品が来ないので質問したところ、以下の文章が返ってきました。 この内容は、書かれている住所に直接行って水曜から日曜の間に直接取りに来いというものでよろしいのでしょうか? もしよろしければ翻訳の方をお願いいたします。 You have been charged a total of £98.00 and this will appear on your statement as 'EVENT TICKETS' THERE WILL BE NO COLLECTION POINT AT THE FESTIVAL SITE Your tickets will be available for collection from the See Tickets collection point located at The Reading Hexagon, Queens XXXXXXXXXXXX This will be open from 8am - 8pm, Wednesday, 22nd August - Sunday 26th August 2012. Do not arrive outside of these times as you will be unable to collect your tickets. Please note that this is only staffed by See tickets staff from the Wednesday to the Sunday of the festival and the normal Hexagon Box Office staff will have no record of your booking and will be unable to deal with any queries by phone or e-mail from See tickets customers. Please collect your tickets before travelling to the festival site. Please do not attempt to collect your tickets at the festival as you will not be able to do so and you will be redirected to the collection point at The Hexagon. Please quote the reference number(s) above and take the card you booked with for identification when you collect your tickets. IMPORTANT - tickets will only be issued to the card holder, on production of the card used to place the order. The collection point will not have any tickets for sale and will not be able to assist with any issues regarding lost or stolen tickets as these cannot be replaced.

  • チケットを買ったのですが受け取り方がわかりません

    海外の演劇をみるためにチケットを買ったのですが・・・ 確認メールにYour tickets will be sent by Standard Post. と書いてあります。 Standard Postって普通郵便でしょうか?  ということは、日本のわたしの家にチケットを送ってらえると思っていたのですが・・・・? なんか違うような気がしてきました。 次にこう書いていました。 Please print this confirmation for your records. 出力して持参しないといけないの? To collect the tickets from the box office, you must be the credit card holder and sign for the tickets. You must have the credit card with you. クレジットカード&サインが必要? じゃあチケットは窓口で引き換えなのですか? おかしいなあと思ってオーダーしたときのページを読み返しました。 Tickets will be sent by Standard Post Please print this page as confirmation of your booking. It is your receipt of purchase. Please collect tickets at least 30 mins before the performance. Please bring printed page with you as confirmation. To collect the tickets from the box office, you must be the credit card holder and sign for the tickets. You must have your credit card with you. 30分前にチケットをコレクトせよと書いてあるようです。。。 ということはやはりチケット引き換えなのでしょうか? 住所を記入したしクレジットカード番号なども書いたので送ってもらえるとばかり思っていたのですが実際はどうなのでしょうか。 真意のほどと、受け取るさいに気をつけることとかあれば教えてください。 ・・・・しかもわたし、ファミリーネームとファーストネームを逆に書いてしまいました。 このままではチケットを買えないのではないかと不安です。 こういうときはどうすればいいのでしょう…? こんなに英語わかんないくせに、海外で劇を見る資格はない!というツッコミはなしでお願いします。

  • faregeekの航空券と日本のクレジットカード

    半年ほどカナダ滞在中の者です。(1年の滞在可能なビザを所持) 先日 faregeek ( http://www.faregeek.com )というサイトで 四月下旬初のカナダ・イギリス間の航空券を予約しました。 決済方法は楽天KCです。 返信メールで Your Flight has been ticketed electronically (e-Ticket). Please take note of this important information: :. Flight Details Your air reservation (PNR) number is: 12345678(※番号は置き換えています) というものが送られてきたので、無事予約はとれているかと思ったのですが 下の方に :. Credit Card Authorization NOTE: Your booking has been created and is pending credit card authorization from your credit card provider. We have generated this confirmation in order to confirm receipt of your booking. Please note, however, that your booking is still subject to cancellation unless payment is processed and successfully received. If your credit card is declined for any reason, and your booking is cancelled due to lack of payment, any payments received will be lost and you will be responsible for any rebooking fees as imposed by the supplier including possible price and itinerary changes. :. Important, please read Electronic Tickets (e-tickets) will be issued where possible. Certain airlines do not offer e-tickets on all reservations. If e-tickets cannot be issued for your reservation a paper ticket will be shipped to you. Additional fees will apply to all paper tickets. Please review our terms and conditions on the website for details. This fee covers shipping within the continental United States and the handling for your paper ticket. Additional charges will apply for other shipping destinations. Passengers are required to reconfirm flights 72 (seventy two) hours prior to departure with the airline you are traveling with. Passengers are required to arrive at the gate 3 (three) hours before departure for international travel and 2 (two) hours prior to departure for domestic travel. We are not responsible or liable for flight changes made by the airline. If a passenger misses or does not show for their flight and does not notify the airline prior to missing or no showing the flight, the passenger assumes all responsibility for any change or cancel fee and/or possible loss of ticket value. This no show policy is an airline enforced rule and at their discretion to determine how they will deal with it. However, most airlines look at no shows as a violation of their ticket policies meaning you forfeit any and all funds paid for said ticket. Frequent Flyer Mileage can be accrued on some carriers. Please contact your airline to advise your mileage number. Fares are not guaranteed until ticketed. Passengers are responsible for all of the required travel documents. If the passenger attempts to fly without proper documentation and are turned away from the airport or required to cancel or change their tickets because of lack of proper traveling documentation, then the passenger assumes full responsibility for any and all change or cancel fees if applicable and/or the loss of the tickets purchased. As agreed when you purchased your airline tickets, all tickets sold are NON-REFUNDABLE. という記載がありました。 これはもしかするとキャンセルされてしまうということでしょうか? 英語がまだそんなにできないもので… 翻訳やアドバイスなどいただけると幸いです。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外のHPからサッカーチケットの購入を考えています。 以下のような英語の文面があるのですが、いまひとつ 和訳ができません…。 長文のためお手数をお掛けしますが、 宜しくお願いします。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Advance ticket sales for this Champions League final phase first knockout round match commence on 4 February for members that do not have a season ticket. Each member will be able to buy a maximum of two tickets. The seats will be available at a price of $73 and members will be able to claim a five per cent discount on their first ticket. This application for tickets can be made by non-season ticket holding club members. Depending on the number of seat the club sell, the Free Seat process will be available. Conditions for sale of tickets for games at the Camp Nou to members and general public Members The start of the season sees the opening of an exclusive period of ticket sales for members. During this period, sales will be restricted to members without season tickets. They also get a 5% discount on the price.. For this game, a maximum of two tickets will be sold per person, club member or general public. Ticket availability Further ticket sale periods are dependent upon the availability of tickets freed up through the Seient Lliure service and members and the general public will be informed of this in due course. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

  • 至急、翻訳、お願いします。

    至急、翻訳、お願いします。 Rental Agreement I hereby attest to an agreement between ( ) and UCA Really.The lessee agrees to a one year lease for the property at ( ). The lessee agrees to pay for all utilities and telephone charges.The lessee will,upon singing,pay the first and last month's rent,as well as a one month security deposit which will be held in a 5% annual interest-bearing account,the deposit will be returned in full,minus any damage charges incurred by the lessee.

  • チケット購入ランの英語の訳

    こんにちは。 海外(イギリスーロンドン)のチケットを購入したいのですが、英語訳がよくわかりません。 以下がその英文です。 Non-members can only purchase tickets in person at the box office and must be in possession of a passport or other photo ID. 自分で訳してみると、 「メンバーでない人はそれぞれボックスオフィスのみでチケットを購入することができ、パスポートや他の写真IDが必要です。」 となったのですが、これで良いのでしょうか? 間違っているなら、誤訳を教えていただきたいのです。 お願いします!

  • 至急、翻訳、お願いします。

    至急、翻訳、お願いします。 Rental Agreement I hereby attest to an agreement between ( ) and UCA Realty.The lessee agrees to a one year lease for the property at ( ). The lessee agrees to pay for all utilities and telephone charges.The lessee will,upon singing,pay the first and last month's rent,as well as a one month security deposit which will be held in a 5% annual interest-bearing account,the deposit will be returned in full,minus any damage charges incurred by the lessee.

  • 英語翻訳お願いします。家賃

    日本に住んでるブラジル人に、住んでいるアパートについて、 「ブラジルで、これみたいな/あなたのアパートみたいなアパートを借りたら家賃はいくらですか? 」 1How much dose it cost to pay for a rent if you rent a flat like this/yours in Brazil? 2How much dose your rent cost if~上に同じ. 3How much will your rent be if you~上に同じ. 4How much will it be if you pay for a rent on a flat like this/yours in Brazeil? 5How much will it be if you rent a flat like this/yours and pay for a rent in Brazil? など考えたのですが、どれも使えますでしょうか?また1及び2はdoseの代わりにwill は使えますでしょうか? そのほか良い訳例がありましたら教えて頂きたいのでよろしくお願いします。