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辞書ここってどうですか?(自信なし) インフォシークです。



  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it. Make excuses to call you every 5 minutes when am at work. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you. Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren't thinking about each other, and make sure you knows it. よろしくお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります

    ファッション誌にて、シャネルのイヤリングを紹介してる横に; "A little drop of this label goes a long way. They're still a splurge, but they'll never go out of style." -a little drop of this label goes a long wayの意味を教えてください。

  • 文章解釈

    以下の添付ファイル文章に関する質問です。 That no matter how many years you're ultimately given your life can be clearly and earnestly said to have been a long and full one.We all know someone like that-someone we lost too early but even now think,If I could do half of what they did,I'll consider my life well lived. 1. no matter how many years you're ultimately given your life can be clearly and earnestly said to have been a long and full one. の言おうとしているポイントが理解できないです。clearly and earnestly の理解がその中でも特に難しく感じます。 2. If I could do half of what they did,I'll consider my life well lived なぜ、「彼/彼女のしたこと半分できればいい人生を生きれた」とみなせるのか分からないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。 「人が結局、どれだけの年数の命を与えられても、その人の人生は長く充実した人生であったと明瞭かつ誠実に言われうる。 わたしたちは皆そのような誰かを知っています。あまりにも早くに無くしてしまい、今でも彼/彼女がしたことの半分を成すことができれば自分の人生がいい人生だとみなすことができる誰か。」

  • 英文 訳

    TOEIC新公式問題集にあった英文なのですが、 If you'll tell me the title of the article and what the address should be, we'll be sure to put the correction in tomorrow's paper. 「記事の見出しと正しい住所を教えていただければ明日の新聞に必ず訂正記事を掲載いたします」 what the address should be, の訳し方がわかりません。 whatはどういう風に使われているのでしょうか? あとshould be はどういう風に訳すのでしょうか? あと、そのあとについてるコンマの意味を教えてください。 お願いしますm(_ _ )m

  • 英文問題を解いてくれる方!!

    英文問題を解いてくれる方、答えを教えてください!!!!! Active to Passive Put the transitive verb into the passive voice. Don't mention the agent unless it seems necessary. 1 This used to be number 13, but now I see that someone has crossed out '13' and written'12A' underneath. 2 You mustn't move this man; he is too ill. You'll have to leave him here. 3 They searched his house and found a number of stolen articles. 4 Nobody has used this room for ages. 5 They took him for a Frenchman, his French was so good. 6 You should have taken those books back to the library. 7 They brought the children up in Italy. 8 They have taken down the For Sale notice, so I suppose they have sold the house. 9 Someone broke into his house and stole a lot of his things. 10 We have warned you. 11 A lorry knocked him down. 12 They returned my keys to me; someone had piked them up in the street. 13 We had to give the books back; they did not allow us to take them home. 14 You shouldn't leave these documents on the desk. You should lock them up. 15 They handed round coffee and biscuits. 16 They have tried other people's schemes. Why have they never tried my scheme? です!!!!!! よろしくお願いします!!!!!

  • 英文解釈について質問 12/15

    How, would you say, could non-mainstream forms of music reach wider audiences without >sacrificing their soul? メインストリームに属していない音楽が、オーディエンスに犠牲的精神を強いることなく、より多くのオーディエンスを獲得するにはどうしたらいいのでしょうか? Hmm...I don’t think you have to change the music or sacrifice your soul. I still believe that there are a lot of people who are willing to listen to unusual music. The problem is how they can be introduced to this kind of music. Also you need to be open to experience something new to you, which means that there is a process of learning (at least a bit) included. Just an example: I could imagine that one could combine something accessible (which does not mean bad quality!!!) with controversial music. And give people a chance. However, unfortunately this has to do with strategies of major industry branches...they should dare a bit more. I am sure they would not loose anything on that, if they make it wise. うーん、聴く音楽や信念(scrificing their soul)を変えなくてはいけないとは思わないな。(そんな画策をしなくても)非メインストリームの音楽を聴きたがっている人が、今でもたくさんいると俺は信じている。問題は、いかにして非メインストリームの音楽を彼らの元に届けるか、ということだ。あと、ファンが未知の体験に対してオープンに接しなくてはいけない、とも思う。そしてそこには、少しでも学ぼうという姿勢というのが含まれていることを意味する。 例えばこんなかんじさ。とっつきやすくて、物議を醸す音楽を俺は思いついた。決して質が悪いということではないよ。そしてみんなにそれを聴かせる機会を与える。けど、不幸な事にそういったやりかたは、メジャー産業の支店の戦略をもってやらなくてはいけないんだ。彼らはもっと大胆にやるべきさ。きっと、何も失いたくないんだろう。If they make it wise. こういった感じになってしまいます。 例えばこんな感じさ。から相当怪しいです。解説お願いいたします。 Q1 without sacrificing their soulは犠牲的精神、つまりオタク志向にありがちな原理主義者のような身も心もということではなく、気軽に、というニュアンスでしょうか? Q2 just an exampleは例えばこうさ。といった解釈で良いですか? Q3 accessibleが何を指すのか。とっつきやすいという意味はわかるのですが、とっつきやすい音楽のこと?それとも気軽にありつける環境ということ? 気軽にありつける環境+物議を醸す音楽という図式か、とっつきやすい音楽+物議を醸す音楽、という図式のどちらかかと思うのですが・・・。 Q4 give people a chanceとはその音楽を聴くチャンスということですか? Q5 this has to do withからはよくわかりません。Thisがわからないです。Major industry branchesとはメジャー産業から枝分かれした存在。すなわちマイナー産業というか非メインストリームということですか? Q6 theyとはmajor industry branchesの連中ということですか? Q7 if they make it wise.もし、彼らがそれを賢くするのなら。 最後の文章は、皮肉っぽく「彼らは何も失いたくないから、賢くあろうとするのさ」みたいなことですか?

  • 英文を訳して欲しいです

    英文を訳して欲しいです 先ほど自分のYouTubeチャンネルに次の様な英文が届きました 意味が理解できないのでどなたか訳していただけませんか? What's up, I just finished watch some of your videos on YouTube and have to say I was highly impressed. I just don't get why videos as good as yours aren't getting more views. I just don't understand it, I mean your videos are much better than most of the crap on there. They were completely enjoyable to watch (much more so than many videos on the site). Isn't it crazy that people would rather the same garbage over and over instead of new and fresh material? I used to have the same problem with low views until I found, tubetrafficmembership . com How it works is they send a bunch of viewers to you videos. The views help you climb the search engines and really improve your visibility in the YouTube community. They really helped me, maybe they can do the same for you. They even have a free trial going on right now! No matter what you decide I hope you keep sending your videos in, they make YouTube all the more enjoyable. Have a great day. -Amy です。宜しくお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります

    わからない英文があります 全文(倒産したJが弁護士(友人)のSと相談している場面): J: Won't these costs be covered by chapter eleven? S: Well, filing for bankruptcy isn't going to make this thing go away. The U.S. Attorney's office is involved in this now. They'll push for fraud and unauthorized transactions. J: Yeah, so, they find me. And I go back to work. And I make it all back. S: Four million dollars? Unless you plan on going to the track and getting *really* lucky... J: Look. If you don't want to do this - S: You're going to lose your series seven license.It's really important that you understand the predicament you're in. J: Look. I get it from my wife every day. My daughters won't talk to me. I got my ass kicked in front of everyone at the most elegant event of the year. I get it. Okay, man. I, I, I definitely understand. ↓の文の意味を教えてください! *They'll push for fraud and unauhthorized transactions. *And I make it all back *Unless you plan on going to the track *You're going to lose your series seven license *I got my ass kicked

  • 英文解釈について質問&確認

    英文解釈について質問&確認 下記の英文について質問があります。 It's only when you look closer that you start to notice the abandoned huts and half burned sheds hidden among the trees. あなたがもっと近づいて見たときだけ、打ち捨てられた小屋や、半分焼かれてしまった納屋が木々の中に隠れている事に気付き始めるのです。 It's kind of an analogy for the conflict itself. It seems to be hidden in plain sight from the eyes of the world. それは、kind of an analogy for the conflict itself. がわからない。それは、世界の目から隠れているように見える。 Every time I tell people I'm visiting the Democratic Republic of Congo, they tell me "how awful." 毎回、人々にわたしはコンゴ民主共和国に訪れていると言います。すると彼らはわたしに「なんて恐ろしいことを」と言います。 But they also sound puzzled. It's almost like we've been hearing about this for so long that we've all kind of presumed that must mean that something is being done. they also sound puzzled.の構造がわからない。この文章が理解出来ない。 The tragedy is that we haven't heard the half of it. わたしたちが知っているのは半分だけ。それが悲劇なのです。 元ネタはhttp://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/10/21/congo.noteboook/index.html よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    Rich countries should therefore properly finance the “CG system”, a network of government-backed institutes, carrying out research into rice, wheat, maize and livestock. And the emerging giants should chip in, too. China, India, Brazil and Russia complain that they do not get the respect they deserve. Here is a chance for them to earn it by helping underwrite a global public good. They should contribute to the CG system (as Mexico, to its credit, is doing) and make their national research available more widely. Few things matter to human happiness more than the yields of staple crops.