• ベストアンサー

複雑なnone the less構文の和訳をお願いします。

Thus, even though a word may sound particularly appropriate to us,it is none the less only by convention that it carries its particular meaning. forとかBecouseとかが明示されていないでなおかつ強調構文、onlyもあってnone the lessの訳し方がまったく思いつきません・・・。 none the比較級のうまく訳す方法と共に和訳をお願いいたします。 お手数ですがだれか教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • googoo1956
  • ベストアンサー率47% (623/1316)

○単語  【even though】:たとえ~だとしても  【sound】:聞いた感じが~だ、耳にしたときに~に思われる  【particularly】:特に、大いに  【none the less】:(それにも)かかわらず、やはり  【convention】:(表現上の)しきたり、決まり文句  【it】:=a word  【particular】:詳しい、細やかな ○ 強調構文  【it is (only by ...) that~】   「~するのは(・・・によってだけ)です。」    →「(・・・によってだけ)~するのです。 ○ 比較構文  【all the 比較級 (for/because...)】:    「(・・・のために)それだけいっそう~だ。」  【none the 比較級 (for/because...)】    「(・・・のために)それだけ~というわけではない。」  【none the 否定の比較級 (for/because...)】    「(・・・だからといって)~というわけではない。」  【none the less】    「(それでも)やはり」、「にもかかわらず」 ○ 全訳    「したがって、私たちがある語を耳にした時に(その使い方が)とても適切なものであるように思われたとしても、その語の細やかな意味を(私たちに)伝えてくれるのは、やはり(昔からの)決まり切った言い方(で話されたとき)だけなのである。」



答えてくださりありがとうございました。 丁寧な解説でありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (1)

  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

none the 比較級、と考えるよりも、none the less = nonethelessで「それでもなお」という熟語です。 文全体の直訳はこのようになるかと。 「このように、たとえ言葉が我々には大変ふさわしいものに聞こえたとしても、それがその特別な意味を伝えるのはそれでもなお慣例によってのみなのである」





  • 複雑なnone the less構文?part2

    午前中に質問させてもらって丁重に答えていただいたのですが、疑問点が残りましたので別枠で質問させていただきます。 Thus, even though a word may sound particularly appropriate to us,it is none the less only by convention that it carries its particular meaning. の文章だったのですが 自分はnone the less の部分を none the 比較級/all the 比較級 の構文と思ったのですが回答者さんは二例ともnonetheless(それでもなお)という熟語だよー って教えてもらいました。 nonethelessって単語は確かに知っていますし、素直にうなずけるのですが、それではnone the 比較級/all the 比較級とは何故感じられなかったのでしょうか? 又、自分はあまり比較構文が得意ではないのでnone the 比較級の場合はどういう英文の形になるのか  というのを詳しく教えてもらえるとありがたいです。

  • 和訳お願い致します(social meaning...のところ)

     The results were fascinating. In almost every conversation, John Deane's recollection of what had actually been said was wrong. Different words were used, topics were mentioned In a different order, and sometimes particularly memorable phrases hadn't actually been said at all. And yet, even though the details were all wrong, the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct. Deane didn't remember the details accurately, even though he thought he did, but he did remember what had happened. It was the meaning of the events which he actually remembered, and his knowledge of what it all meant influenced his recall of the details.  (Nicky Hayes, Psychologyより) 上記の英文中の"social meaning"の訳を高校生でも分かるように教えていただけますか?(実は、以前、別のサイトでもうかがったのですが、残念ながら自分の理解力のなさで、諦めました。)ある人に聞いたら、「実質的意味合い」だとおっしゃっていました。前後関係で、この文の言いたいこと(細かいことは間違っていたけれど、本質的なところはあっていた)は分かるのですが、social meaning→「実質的意味合い」というふうになるのが、高校生にどう説明していいか分かりません。それとも別のいい訳がありますか。

  • 比較級について

    英語の比較級で質問です。 すみません3つも質問させていただきます。 (1)彼は彼女より二歳年上、を比較で書くと、 He is two years older than she He is older than she by two years He is two years senior to she、など、色々ありますが、これと反対で、 She is less old than he、という文章があります。 劣等比較?という言うらしいのですが、例えばyoungの場合は、人は年が若くなることはないので、less youngとかはできないらしいのですが、なぜless oldとできるのでしょうか? また、 (2)そこに行ったほうが良い、という場合、 You had better go thereを置き換えると、You would be better to go thereとなるのでしょうか? had better=would be better? (3)最後に、none the lessの場合、彼はそれに失敗したけど、私は彼が好きだ、を英語でいうと、 I love him none the less because he fails it =He fails it, but I love him none the less とありますが、二番目のnone the lessを最後に持ってきていますが、none the lessはどこでもおけるのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳を教えていただけますか?

    次の長文の和訳を教えていただけますか? So it isthat the country is getting less and less peaceful , at least on sunny week-ends in the warm season of the year. The towns are emptied, and the country hums with acitvity, particularly around main roads and beauty spots. In the past this was not the case. For although the Englishman had always been a lover of the country, it is only in recent times that he has had the leisure with a longer week-end and the means with a family car to satisfy his love. But now such is the intersity with which he is pursuing his love , that the is killing the country with too much kindness. The result is only to transfer the noise and bustle of the town to the country every week-end. 長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします

  • 次の文について質問です

    Thus, unless that evidence is of overriding consequence, it should carry less weight than if it had been included only in hostile testimony. ここのof overridingのofの使い方はどういう使い方ですか?なくてもいいような気がするのですが。また比較でless weightなのにthanの後はif節が続いていますが、比較する場合は比較対象は相当のものがくると思っていたのですがそうでもないんでしょうか?

  • 和訳がうまくできません。(微生物学)

    微生物学の英文を和訳してみたのですが…変な日本語になってしまったので、誰か訂正してくれないでしょうか。お願いします(>_<) Anaerobic metabolism, while less efficient, can thus be used in the absence of oxygen when appropriate substrates are available, as they are in the host's body. 宿主の体??にいて、適切な基板??が利用できるとき、酸素が欠乏している場合、より効率的でない間、嫌気性の代謝を行うことができる。 The requirement for oxygen in respiration may be 'obligate' or it may be 'facultative', some organisms being able to switch between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. 呼吸における酸素のために必要なものは‘義務??’あるいは‘条件??’であるかもしれない。そしていくつかの生物は、好気的やら嫌気的代謝やらに変えることができる。 以上です。医学の専門用語もでて本当に困っています。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     I doubt whether a doctor can answer the question of what the meaning of one's life is in general terms. For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment. To put the question in general terms would be comparable to the question posed to a chess champion: "Tell me, Master, what is the best move in the world?" There simply is no such thing as the best or even a good move apart from a particular situation in a game and the particular personality of one's opponent. The same holds for human existence. One should not search for an abstract meaning of life. Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life to carry out a concrete assignment which demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone's task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to fulfill it.  We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into triumph, to turn one's predicament into a human achievement. When we are no longer able to change a situation--just think of an incurable disease such as inoperable cancer--we are challenged to change ourselves.

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    下記の英文の和訳をお願いします>< ・It is clear that the starting point for internationalization and the development of a sense of being a world citizen is the attitude each of one of you takes. ・The greater your knowledge and understanding, the more you can contribute, not only by the firmness of your own beliefs, but by your ability to set an example for others. ・No organized system induces people to take the next step to a concern about the world and humanity as a whole, even though ir is now quite evident that the unit of survival is becoming, not the individual country, but the world as a whole. ・It is not at all surprising that the Japanese should have developed one of the most distinctive cultures in the world and particularly strong sense of self-identity.

  • 和訳お願いします

    大学入試の過去問を解いていて、分かりにくいところがありました。 下記の英文の和訳をお願いします。片方だけでも構いません。 (1) The fundamental nature and meaning of music lie not in objects, not in musical works at all, but in action, in what people do. It is only by understanding what people do as they take part in a musical act that we can hope to understand its nature and the function it fulfills in human life. Whatever that function may be, I am certain, first, that to take part in a music act is of central importance to our very humanness, as important as taking part in the act of speech, which it so resembles, and second, that everyone is born with the gift of music no less than with the gift of speech. (2) So far as I know the word “musicking” does not appear in any English dictionary, but it is too useful a conceptual tool to lie unused.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The host of reflex actions is arrayed against the proposition, and, in view of such non-mental, though apparently intentional adjustments, we find the necessity for some test of the choice- element as real or fictitious. The only test we have is to ask whether the adjustments displayed are invariably the same under the same circumstances of stimulation. The only distinction between adjustive movements due to reflex action, and adjustive movements accompanied by mental perception, consists in the former depending on inherited mechanisms within the nervous system being so constructed as to effect particular adjustive movements in responso to particular stimulations, while the latter are independent of any such inherited adjustment of special mechanisms to the exigencies of special circumstances. Reflex actions, under the influence of their appropriate stimuli, may be compared to the actions of a machine under the manipulations of an operator : when certain springs of action are touched by certain stimuli, the whole machine is thrown into appropriate action ; there is no room for choice, there is no room for uncertainty ; but, as surely as any of these inherited mechanisms is affected by the stimulus with reference to which it has been constructed to act, so surely will it act in precisely the same, way as it always has acted. But the case with conscious mental adjust ment is quite different. For, without going into the question concerning the relation of Body and Mind, or waiting to ask whether cases of mental adjustment are not really quite as mechanical in the sense of being the necessary result or correlative of a chain of psychical sequences due to a physical stimulation, it is enough to point to the variable and incalcu lable character of mental adjustments as distinguished from the constant and foreseeable character of reflex adjustments.All in fact, that in an objective sense we can mean by a mental adjustment, is an adjustment of a kind that has not been definitely fixed by heredity as the only adjustment possible in the given circumstances of stimulation. For, were there no alternative of adjustment, the case, in an animal at least, would be indistinguishable from one of reflex action.