• ベストアンサー


the corporation is an anonymous society, with bearer shares (the beloved scheme of the owners which come from Eastern Europe, ってどういうことですか?教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • ベストアンサー率19% (658/3306)

当該企業は無記名株式を保有する名前を公表しない団体です。 (東欧出身の所有者の保有で市場では好感されている企画)


  • 英語問題の答え教えてください!

    この問題の答え教えてくださいますか!?むずくてできません!!! 1. Eugenics Eugenics was, quite literally, an effort to breed better human beings – by encouraging the reproduction of people with "good" genes and discouraging those with "bad" genes. Eugenicists effectively lobbied for social legislation to keep racial and ethnic groups separate, to restrict immigration from southern and eastern Europe, and to sterilize people considered "genetically unfit." Is Eugenics “progressive”? YES NO Why do you think that?

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    This rectilinear ornament seems to have come from Central Europe with te Beaker Folk, and is in strong contrast to the spiral designs brought from the Mediterranean by the megalith builders. A combination of the two traditions is found on the strange little chalk cylinders from Yorkshine, one of which has a concentric horseshoepattern that resembles the round eyes and face of an owl. A few wooden figures of men, some of them four or five feet high and probably of the sixth century B C, have survived, but the art of the Bronze Age people was essentially abstract and ornamental, unlike the naturalistic painting and scuilp-ture of their remote ancestors, the Palaeolithic hunters.

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Animals in the wild lead lives of compulsion and necessity within an unforgiving social hierarchy in an environment where the supply of fear is high and the supply of food low and where territory must constantly be defended and parasites forever endured. (2)But such an event is less likely to happen than for a member of our own species,say a shopkeeper with all the usual ties-to family,to friends,to society-to drop everything and walk away from his life with only the space change in his pockets and the clothes on his frame. (3)If human beings,boldest and most intelligent of creatures,will not wander from place to place,why would an animal,which is by temperament far more conservative? (1)~(3)の英文の和訳どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • East Japan とEastern Japan

    「東日本」の訳語としては、East Japan とEastern Japanの両方が使われているようですが、どのように使い分ければよろしいのでしょうか?通常の文脈では、どちらが妥当ですか? 検索してみましたが、手頃な情報が出て来ません。出来れば、和文でも英文でも結構ですので、わかりやすく解説したサイトを教えて頂けると有難いです。東・西・南・北いずれの英訳語についてでも結構です。 尚、英英辞典(オンライン)では、次のようになっていますね。 east: (adj.) 1 [only before noun]in the east or facing the east: I don't know the east coast well. He was born in East Jerusalem. 2 an east wind comes from the east eastern: (adj.) 1 in or from the east of a country or area: the eastern shore of the island farmers in eastern England 2 in or from the countries in Asia, especially China and Japan: Eastern religions 3 in or from the countries in the east part of Europe, especially the countries that used to have Communist governments: Eastern Europe East Japan Railway Company(JR東日本)のような用例もありますが、 私の意見としては、Eastern Japanの方が一般的かなと思いますが、如何でしょうか?

  • 英語の問題です。教えてください。

    問題集で解けなかった問題がいくつかあるので、 教えてください。 少しで良いので、解説を加えてくださると嬉しいです。 [選択問題] I live in an apartment building ( ) residents come from many countries. (1)in that (2)that (3)which (4)whose →(3)だと思ったのですが、それだと(2)でもいいことになると思って、分からなくなってしまいました(汗) That is not exactly ( ) I have been looking for. (1)what (2)whoever (3)which (4)where →見当がつきませんでした…。 [並び替え問題] たいへんお世話になりました。(1語不要) < all / care / done / for / have / thanks / you > for me. 以上、3つの問題です。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語についての質問です.

    英語の質問です。 問.以下の英文に述べられていないものを1~4から1つ選んでください。 DNA from the skeleton matched a sample taken from Michael Ibesen,a distant living relative of Richard III's sister. The project's lead geneticist. Turi King,said Ibsen shares with the skeleton a rare strain of mitochondrial DNA. The same DNA group also matches a second living descendant, who wants to remain anonymous. ※strain「遺伝的特徴」、mitochondrial DNA「ミトコンドリアDNA」、descendant「子孫」、anonymous「匿名の」 1.その遺骨のDNAの特徴は、マイケル・イブセン氏のものと一致した。 2.マイケル・イブセン氏は、リチャード三世の姉の血縁にあたる人物である。 3.その遺骨のミトコンドリアDNAの特徴は、トゥーリ・キング氏のものと一致した。 4.DNAの特徴がその遺骨と一致した2人目の子孫は、氏名を公表していない。 ご解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削よろしくお願いします。

    This calls for a scheme of procedure. In some cases, the best design is no design, as with a love letter, which is simply an outpouring, or with a casual essay, which is a ramble. これは手順の計画を求めます。 いくつかの場合、最も良いデザインはデザインではありません、恋文(単にほとばしりである)やカジュアルな随筆のように。 もっときれいに訳せないでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。

  • 【至急】和訳お願いします。

    うまく訳せない部分があるのですが、どなたか和訳していただけませんか? Today Europe faces a new flow of immigrants from countries that have not shared the experiences of Western culture. Eastern Europeans are moving west since the fall of the Communist regimes in 1989. The influx is destined to increase, perhaps dramatically, because of the changes in Eastern Europe. Immigrantion from Third and Fourth World countries is creating new social and economic problems. The impact of immigrants from so many different cultures may also undermine Europe's delicate cultural equilibrium. These newcomers have to adjust to two new cultures. They must learn to live in a society that is both European and technological. 以上です。よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 身に付けなくても英語の先生になれるが、身に付けなければ外国人ともロクに会話もできない英語のスキル

    こんにちは。学校の英語の先生といってもロクに外国人と話せない人も多いですよね。さて、タイトルの日本語を英訳してみました。どれが一番いいでしょうか? 他にもっといい表現がありましたら、教えてください。 (1) the skill of English that even if you have not got you can become an English teacher but if have not got you can't talk well with foreigners. (2)the skill of English without which you can become an English teacher and you can hardly talk with foreigners. (3)the skill of English such as you can still become an English teacher but you have enough trouble of speaking with foreigners without it. (4)the skill of English, lack of which doesn't prevent you from becoming an English teacher but allows you insufficiently to converse with foreigners.

  • 英語についての質問

    In this segment we begin with Cantata No. 2--for the 2nd Day of Christmas from Bach's Christmas Oratorio, which draws heavily from the Gospel of Luke and includes the oft-told story of the shepherds in the fields receiving an angelic surprise. という文章があり、初めの部分を削り以下のような文章に短くしたのですが、文法的におかしくないでしょうか? The part II draws heavily from the Gospel of Luke and includes the oft-told story of the shepherds in the fields receiving an angelic surprise. あとoft-toldは、発音的にはoften toldで良いでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。