• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

うまく説明出来ませんが、英語の動詞はほとんどが自動詞と他動詞の意味を持ち、日本語は両者を厳密に区別しない事からくる混乱だと思います。 share something と目的語を伴えば他動詞です。誰かが誰かに何かを 分けてあげる(分配する) share(in) 自動詞。 誰かが何かに加わる。分割したものの一つを我が物とする。 例文では *彼は自分のアパートの一部を弟に分け与えている・・・結果として一緒に住んでいること *彼は私の喜びと悲しみの一部を我が事として受け止めてくれた・・・つまり参加したということです。(take part in) Shareとは複数に切り分けた物(名詞)から発生した動詞で、切り分けたものを 貰うのか、やるのかという使い分けだと思います。



こんにちは、お返事どうもありがとうございます。 >うまく説明出来ませんが、英語の動詞はほとんどが自動詞と他動詞の意味を持ち、日本語は両者を厳密に区別しない事からくる混乱だと思います。 そういえば、そうですね。全く頭にありませんでした。どちらかが使われやすいというほどの違いしかない動詞がたくさんあると前に本で読んだことがあります。 >share something と目的語を伴えば他動詞です。誰かが誰かに何かを 分けてあげる(分配する) share(in) 自動詞。 誰かが何かに加わる。分割したものの一つを我が物とする。 なるほど、そのような微妙な違いがあるのですね。それが日本語としてはあらわれてこないから混乱するんですね。とても参考になりました。ありがとうございました!


  • 文法

    文法的にわからないものがありました、解説お願いします。 (1) One day spent with my grandchildren made me feel yong again. (2) Cooking my own meals in my apartment doesn't sound appealing to me. この2つです。よろしくお願いします。。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have been with my husband for 20 years. I'm 43, and he's 63. Our sex life has died. He is no longer attracted to me, and he has let me know it. His love is physical, not emotional. I am not the size 4 I was when he met me. As long as my body looks like he wants it to look, he's into me. If I'm a size 8 or more, he is not at all into me. I have a hard time understanding how he can love me for how I look. Long story short, my first love has popped back into my life. I have tested the waters with him, and I'm in over my head with the way he makes me feel. I haven't slept with him yet, but I have done everything but. I have tested the waters with him, and I'm in over my head with the way he makes me feel. の和訳を教えてください。あと、everything butはどのような意味でしょうか?後に何か省略されているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Arriving from a work trip, I texted my fiance that I had landed safely and would be home soon. He responded with, "I love you. I'll bring home pizza for dinner." Thirty minutes later: "Actually, I can't be in a relationship anymore. I need to experience living on my own for a while. We aren't getting back together." He then blocked my number and signed our shared home over to me in full. signed our shared home over to me in fullとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • shareについて

    I share my life with you.で、あなたと生活(人生)を共にする。という意味になる。 では、「あなたといる。」をI share my time with you.で言えますか?また、言えるとしたら、この表現は親密さに縛られる表現なのでしょうか? 1,If I share my time with a child,I really feel my age.(親密さ無し)(feel my ageは自分で作ったので間違ってるかも) 2,I am happy at sharing my time with you.(親密さ有り) 1で使えるか?2で使えるか?2で使えるのなら、それは友人に対して?あるいは恋人?あるいはどちらでも使える? また、I share in the time with you.と上記のI share my time with you.に、何か意味の違いはあるのでしょうか?長くなりましたがお願いします

  • in the right

    I need counsel on how to deal with a persistently creepy colleague in the arts community who styles himself my “fan.” Happily, I don’t have to see him daily, but he sends me regular (unanswered!) emails and messages that make my skin crawl. Part of the trouble is that they aren’t exactly creepy stalker emails; he is trying to make it seem like an ongoing, two-sided conversation and an appeal to our shared artistic interests—and there are people in our circle who seem fine with him. Recently, he has begun to use my professional achievements as pretexts to make contact and seems to be trying to force a response. For instance, after congratulating me in person for a promotion in a sexist way, he sent me a lengthy email explaining why he was perfectly in the right. in the rightは単にrightと言うのとは何が違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • tucked

    I have a neighbor directly behind me that can only be described as a creep. He ogles me, comments every time I take a shower, and follows me to the mailbox. He’s tried everything to get me to give him a copy of my house key. Believe it or not, he even once suggested drilling a hole in the wall between our apartments, supposedly to run a TV cable. (I don’t watch cable.) What’s even worse is my apartment is isolated, tucked way in the back. tucked way in the backはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • in the barest of senses

    Back in October, my boyfriend essentially ended our three-and-a-half-year relationship. He said he couldn’t do it anymore, wasn’t happy, and found someone else even though (as he would admit) I gave him no reason to be unhappy. He stayed around to offer me moral support; my college graduation was coming up in December and I was a mess. But he replaced me with a girl he’d known for six months, pushing me off and rescheduling things with me for this other girl even though he and I were still together in the barest of senses. in the barest of sensesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • want him out

    Two years ago my family had a run of bad luck, which landed us in a homeless shelter. I got an apartment fairly quickly, and it's mine and my daughter's. My mother was supposed to move in rent-free, but she brought her boyfriend, who I didn't want here. He's still here and barely contributes to the expenses. I recently lost my job and he promised to help out more financially, but he hasn't. He continues to mooch. This has caused so much stress between my mother and me. Hate is a strong word, but I hate him and want him out. want him outは「いなくなってほしい」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味の違いを教えてください

    意味の違いを教えてください 1 a) He is one of my friends who help me with my homework.   b) He is the only pne of my friends who helps me with my homework. よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am one of five middle-aged sisters. My father died four years ago, and shortly after, my mother moved to an apartment near me. As her health has declined, I've gradually become a partial caregiver. I am with her every day, sometimes for six hours or more. Mom insists on paying me. She can easily afford it. I was conservative with my hours, and the rate was comparable to in-home services. conservative with my hoursとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします