Dim base_cnt As Integer
Dim base_cnt1 As Integer
Dim base_word As String
Dim base_length As Integer
Dim word_cnt As Integer
Dim dest_x As Integer
Dim dest_y As Integer
base_cnt1 = 0
For base_cnt = 0 To 99
base_word = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("CC1").Offset(base_cnt, 0)
base_leng = Len(base_word)
If base_leng > 0 Then
dest_x = Int(base_cnt1 / 4) * 12
dest_y = (base_cnt1 Mod 4) + 1
For word_cnt = 1 To base_leng
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(dest_y, dest_x + word_cnt).Value = Mid(base_word, word_cnt, 1)
Next word_cnt
base_cnt1 = base_cnt1 +1
Next base_cnt
Dim base_cnt As Integer
Dim base_word As String
Dim base_length As Integer
Dim word_cnt As Integer
Dim dest_x As Integer
Dim dest_y As Integer
For base_cnt = 0 To 99
base_word = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("CC1").Offset(base_cnt, 0)
base_leng = Len(base_word)
dest_x = Int(base_cnt / 4) * 12
dest_y = (base_cnt Mod 4) + 1
For word_cnt = 1 To base_leng
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(dest_y, dest_x + word_cnt).Value = Mid(base_word, word_cnt, 1)
Next word_cnt
Next base_cnt
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