• ベストアンサー



  • akijake
  • ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)

be 動詞を使うと、妊娠している状態、または状態だった、というニュアンスになりますので、 妊娠したは#1さんのおっしゃるように get pregnant が適切だと思います。 「彼女が妊娠したので旅行に行くのは止めたんだ。」は we decided not to go for a trip since she had got pregnant. でよいと思います。 行くのをやめる=行かないことに決めた、が自然な表現かなぁと? 実際に行かなかった後で話をしている場合は we didn't go.... でよいと思います。





  • 訳をお願いします

    次の文の訳をお願いします Today, Susanne - who, like the other women in this report, asked that her last name not be used - is the mother of a thriving 10-year-old girl. But in 1991, she was a pregnant college girl with an unreliable boyfriend. She quickly chose to have abortion rather than bring the baby to term, yet she still muses about what or "who" might have been. 特に最後の文がよく分かりません。 whoをダブルクォーテーションでくくっておりますが、what(もの)とwho(人)とを列挙しているのでしょうか? 最後の文は私は次の状態までしか訳せませんでした。 「彼女は出産するよりも中絶することを即座に選びました、しかし、彼女はwhat or "who" might have beenのことで悩んでいます。」 might have beenということは、過去の推量をあらわしているのでしょうか?

  • 訳がうまくできません 教えてください

    継父とうまくいってない話を書いてきてくれたのですが、よくわかりません、教えてください 相手の人は生まれも育ちもアメリカ人なんですが、普段からごちゃごちゃの文法や誤字などが多い人みたいです・・・今回少し真面目な文だったので教えてほしいです。お願いします I just talk to my mom for two hours about every thing that is going on in our lives. She said that she was sorry for the way she act. We really talk about my step father daughter. She is the one that is 26, my step father was looking she last week because he haven't seen her in 13 years. So she come over for the night on Friday. So me and my mom talk about how it was to have her being with us. 私は母と2時間私たちの生活のすべて?について話した。彼女は彼女の行動を私にあやまった。私たちは継父の連れ娘についてたくさん話した。彼女は26歳だ。継父は先週彼女を探していた。なぜなら彼は13年間彼女とあってなかった。金曜日の夜彼女が訪ねてきた。。。。。。。。わかりません すみません訳を教えてください

  • この訳であってますか?

    1.The truth is I really like to see you, but when I hear words of "pressure" or jealousy it has the effect of making me uncomfortable and less inclined to see you. 本当のは貴方と会いたいです。でもプレシャーやヤキモチを聞くと不快になり会わない方に気持ちに傾いてしまう。 2.I realise I have been difficult to see because of my travel etc., and maybe that makes my unavailability more frustrating for you. 私は解かっている、貴方に会うのが難しい事を出張などで、、それが貴方に尚、いらつかせている事だと。 unavailabiltyがよく訳せません。 3.So it is a kind of "vicious circle" maybe. Also, I did have a girlfriend for some time who knows about you and is jealous, and makes it difficult to plan any naughtiness. それは一種の悪循環でしょう、又私にはGFがいました。 彼女は貴方の事を知ってそれがヤキモチをなり~、、 it makes~がよくわかりません。 ご指導していただければ幸いです。

  • なぜ進行形なのでしょうか

    My daughter has a master's degree in education and spent three years as a nanny when she was an undergraduate. She recently began her first teaching job with second-grade children. The principal is terrific. However, there is an older teacher who has been at this school for years, and she is making my daughter's life miserable. This teacher runs the show. My daughter quit going to the teachers lounge, because it was a place for gossiping about other teachers and parents and speaking negatively about the children. She was pulled into the principal's office and informed that the other teachers found her "cold" and unsociable because she wasn't going to the teachers lounge. she wasn't going to the teachers loungeは文全体が過去形なので過去形になっているのは分かるのですが、なぜ進行形なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 現在完了形

    He's mother ( ) because she hates flying. (A) never been abroad (B) is never abroad (C) has never been abroad 答え (C) なぜ、(B)ではないのですか? 参考書の解説では、(B)は時制があわないと書いてあります。なぜisではだめなんですか?

  • 英語の時制について

    英語の時制について質問です。 次の分の( )に入るものを選択肢から選べと言う問題です。 I was older than Joan and had known her since she ( ) eight. 選択肢 1,is 2,is being 3,had been 4,has been 5,was 答えは5なのですが、was だと、本文のhad knownと時制の呼応をしていないように思います。どうしてwasなのかわかりません。 どなたかご存知の方お教えください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 日本語訳

    英文の日本語訳、よろしくお願いしますm(__)m Mars has been called our sister planet because it is so close to us and is almost the same size as the Earth.

  • it is what it is

    My family has never been particularly close, emotionally. I have only one sibling, an older sister, who lived nearby until she retired elsewhere about four years ago. (I found out she was moving because my daughter read about it on Facebook -- but it is what it is.) it is what it isの意味をよろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My husband and I have been married for five years. We have no children because I have been unable to get pregnant, even with the help of fertility treatments. We are set up with an agency to adopt, but that has also been a lengthy and emotional process, which has included a match with a birth mother who ultimately broke the match because her mother didn’t like us. We are set up with an agencyはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、which has included a match with a birth mother who ultimately broke the match because her mother didn’t like us.の訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の訳を教えてください。

    When I think back I can see we were just pretending. Pretending everything was okey. Pretending that is was nomal for me not to be driving. 訳をお願いします。特に、Pretending that is や driving のところがよくわかりません。また、pretendingは動名詞と言うよりは、分詞構文なんですか、宜しくお願いします。