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Critical Period of Fighting: The Battle for Romani

  • During a critical period of the day's fighting, the German and Ottoman force of 2,000 took control of the Romani area from Mount Royston. At 14:00, the New Zealand riflemen launched a counterattack and quickly gained a foothold on Mount Royston with support from the Somerset Royal Horse Artillery Battery.
  • By 16:00, the attack had progressed to the point where the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars and the Worcestershire Yeomanry charged against the southern spur of Mount Royston. The defenders did not wait for the mounted charge and the attackers easily took the spur.
  • This battle was a crucial moment in the ongoing fight, with the allied forces successfully retaking control of the Romani area from the German and Ottoman force.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10023/12547)

>At the most critical period of the day's fighting, when the German and Ottoman force of 2,000 dominated the Romani area from Mount Royston, the five mounted brigades (still less the 5th Light Horse Regiment) began their counterattack at 14:00 from the west towards Mount Royston.The New Zealand riflemen soon gained a footing on Mount Royston, aided by accurate and rapid shooting from the Somerset Royal Horse Artillery Battery. ⇒その日の戦いで最も危機的なときがきた。2,000人のドイツ・オスマントルコ軍がロイストン山からロマーニ地域を抑えたとき、5個の騎馬旅団(第5軽騎馬連隊が含まれることは言うまでもない)が、14時に西側からロイストン山の方へ向って反撃を開始した。ニュージーランド軍の射撃手は、サマセット・ロイヤル(王立)騎馬砲兵中隊の正確で迅速な銃撃による掩護を受けて、すぐにロイストン山に足場を得た。 >By 16:00, the attack had proceeded to a point where Chaytor arranged with the 5th Mounted Brigade for a squadron of Royal Gloucestershire Hussars and two troops of the Worcestershire Yeomanry to gallop against the southern spur of Mount Royston. They easily took the spur, the defenders not waiting for the onslaught of the mounted charge. ⇒16時までには、攻撃(の段取り)としてチェーターが第5騎馬旅団(の内部)のロイヤル・グロスターシア軽騎兵の1個大隊およびウースターシャー・ヨーマンリーの2個部隊を、ロイストン山の南突堤(防砂堤)をめがけてギャロップで突進させる体制を整える、という点まで進んでいた。それで、守備隊(攻略)は騎馬隊突撃の猛攻撃を待つまでもなく、突堤は簡単に奪取された。



