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  • 意味を教えてください

    My boyfriend of two years is sweet, smart, funny, and we have what I would consider to be a great relationship. We are open with each other about any problems that arise and understand that both of us have been in a couple serious, long-term relationships in the past, which we can easily talk about. However, a few months ago I glimpsed a text thread on his phone with his ex-girlfriend from high school, and, upon further investigation, realized that they’ve spoken every few days for what seems to be months. every few days for what seems to be monthsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 文の意味

    次の文章は"The Closing of the American Book"という記事の一部です。 I will never forget seeing, as a high school student on my first trip to East Berlin, the plaza where Hitler and Goebbels had burned books from the university library. Those bonfires were predicated on the idea that texts could undermine armies. Soviet repression of literature followed the same principle. The Nazis were right in believing that one of the most powerful weapons in a war of ideas is books. And for better or worse, the United States is now in such a war. Without books, we cannot succeed in our current struggle against absolutism and terrorism. The retreat from civic to virtual life is a retreat from engaged democracy, from the principles that we say we want to share with the rest of the world. You are what you read. If you read nothing, then your mind withers, and your ideals lose their vitality and sway. So the crisis in reading is a crisis in national politics. この文章のThe retreat from civic to virtual life is a retreat from engaged democracy, from the principles that we say we want to share with the rest of the world. の部分の言いたい事がよくわからないんですが、どういう事なんですか?

  • for the booksの意味

    Getting on one knee and popping the big question is not as easy as it may seem. Not only does it take a lot of effort to work up the nerve to propose, it takes a lot of planning! Of course, you always have the option to take the simple route: take her out to dinner, get on one knee, and ask, "Will you marry me?" Or you can be creative (which is what most girls prefer) and make the proposal a memory for the books. この文のfor the booksとは何のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • few issues...

    Few issues have exercised as powerful a hold over the thought of this century as that of "the other." It is difficult to think of a second theme, even one that might be of more substantial significance, that has provoked as widespread an interest as this one. 今世紀の思想に残された問題の内で、「他者」の問題ほど盛んに議論されているものはない。二番目を思いつかない。 上記の訳がわかりません。よろしく御指導ください。

  • a few months prior

    Then I found out from one of his friends that he had a long-term girlfriend of five years who had broken up with him just a few months prior. a few months priorはa few months agoと言うのとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この文の意味がわかりません。

    Be assured that no one interpretaton, laid down by authority, is the only right one for any work of literature. no one interpretationがthat節の主語だと思うのですが、この文を説明して下さい。

  • few things...+比較級

    つぎの文章のことでお聞きしたいことがあります。 To have the kind of life that yields the most satisfaction, one must not live for oneself alone. Few things are more satisfying than work that makes a person an essential part of the family, community, or world, and in which one receives recognition for contributing toward the common good. Few は、a がないので否定ですが、英語を左から右に読んでいくときには皆様はどう読みますか? 「仕事より(more than)満足するものはない(few=否定)と読んだら返り読みです。返り読みは悪いことですか?返り読みをしていれば英語は早く読めませんか? in whichのwhichは先行詞がworldではない理由・根拠はなんですか?one receives のone は人を現れしていると思います。receive recognitionは「認識を受ける」という意味だと思いますが。認識とは、「知ること」だと思いますが何かしっくりきません。for contributing ....は contributingは動名詞だと思います。common goodはどんな意味ですか?そう訳すことができる理由・根拠はなんでしょうか?common good は共通の善とか、最初は訳していました。 本当につたない訳ですが。goodは名詞だと思います。 質問が基本的なことが多いですが、一緒に考えていただけたら嬉しいです。 自分で判断できなければ意味がないので、全訳などはしないでいただいて大丈夫です。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。支払い方法の事と新作の入荷情報について質問をしていました。返事がきたのですがすみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 Yes I will be your account manager under the general manager AAA. Yes you can use PayPal : Please log in to your Paypal account and click on the ‘Send Money’ tab. It will then ask for an email address and an amount. The Paypal email address is david@BBB Are you talking about the AW16 collection? We only have a few items available for now I have attached a catalogue of available stock; the rest will depend on drops from Aufust up to beginning of October. For SS16 collection what is in stock is available straight away. Do you use your own courier??

  • 2つの文をひとつの文にする問題

     こんにちわ。自分でも考えてみたのですがわからなかったので質問させていただきます。 1 My half of our refrigerator is messy. My half ou our refrigerator is disorganized 2 A box of eggs sits on the shelf The eggs are broken The shelf is the top one 3 pizza lies under a bowl of spghetti The pizza is leftover The spaghetti is three weeks old These things lie on the third shelf 4 The bottom drawer holds a combination The combination is interesting The combination us of paper bags of food The food is from McDonald's The food is from Taco Bell The food is from Chinise kitchen. 5 A puddle covers the bottom The puddle is disgusting  自分のわかったところなんですが 1 My half of our refrigerator is messy,and disorganized 2 A box of broken eggs sits on the top one shelf 3 leftover pizza lies under a bowl of spghetti three weeks old 4まったくわかりません 5A disgusting puddle covers the bottom  正直にまったくわかりません、どれか一問だけでも 説ける方でもかまいませんのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の構造とitについて

    There is a dotted outline for every person, larger than he or she is, of the person they could be, or could have been . Hardly anyone fills up their outline— perhaps it is impossible , and no one does. And we mean not just fame and achievement and success— but wisdom, character, honor, integrity, generosity, humility, goodness, heart, and so on. Few achieve it— we are destined as people to fall short. *この英文の前半の最初の構造はどうなっているのでしょうか?↓ There is a dotted outline for every person, larger than he or she is, of the person they could be, or could have been . larger than he or she isを外して考えて There is a dotted outline for every person of the person they could be, or could have been .という繋がりですか? そうなると every person of the person they could be,となるのは変な感じなのですが。 それから of the person they could beのpersonとtheyの間は関係代名詞が省略されているのでしょうか? *後半のFew achieve itのitは何を指しているのでしょうか? wisdom, character, honor, integrity, generosity, humility, goodness, heart, and so onを指しているようにも思うのですが、単数のitで受けているのでよくわかりません。 お手数ですが教えてください。