- ベストアンサー
英語 文法 並び替え
【1】日本文の意味に合うように、( )内の語を並べ替えなさい。 (1)ニューヨークでマイケルに会うのなら、彼によろしく言っておいて。 Say hello to Michael (in / him / you / if / see) New York. (2)僕は、自分の計画がうまくいくかどうかわからない。 I’m not sure (plan / go / will / if / well / my). (3)あなたか私か、どちらかが教室を掃除しなければならない。 (I / to / or / have / you / either) clean the classroom. (4)いっしょうけんめいがんばらない限り、何もできないよ。 You can’t (try / do / you / hard / unless / anything). (5)私たちは5年前から知り合いです。 (have / for / one / other / we / each / known) five years. (6)彼を信じる人もいれば、信じない人もいた。 (believed / some / and / any / others / didn’t / him). (7)彼らのうちどちらも日本語を話すことができなかった。 (either / could / them / neither / Japanese / of / speak). (8)パリの物価は日本の物価より安い。 Prices in Paris (in Tokyo/ those / than / lower / these / are). (9)ケンジは2年後には帰ってくると思うよ。 Kenji (two / back / in / will / years / be). (10)私たちのパーティーに来てくれてありがとう。 (for / our party / coming / you / to / thank ). (11)三浦氏は75歳でエベレストに登った。 Mr. Miura (age / climbed / at / of / Mt. Everest / the) 75. (12)この曲を聴くと、学生時代を思い出します。 (my / me / reminds / this song / school days /of). 何度もすみません。回答、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- 高校英語です。文法教えてください!
The meeting will start when my boss ( ). →will arrive , arrives , arrived ,will have arrived 適語はどれでしょうか。根拠も教えて下さい! There is no ( ) what is going to happen in my feature. →telling , telling that 適語はどちらでしょうか。根拠も教えて下さい! ( )内に入る共通語句を教えてください。 The car's previous owner didn't take very good ( ) of it. Whould you ( ) for some apple juice? You may stay until morning , if you ( ). Where on earth have they gone? ----I ( )I knew!!!
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 英語の並び替えをお願いします
(my parents, no, what, say, matter) , I' ve decided to go to Egypt. (though, must, even, work , I) hard , I have an ambition to become a doctor. (my sister, abroad, been, although, has ) , I haven't. I want to be an engineer (if, at, poor, I'm , even) science. My boyfriend is thinking of going abroad , ( don't , though, him, I, want ) to go. (or, it, you, whether, like, ) not, you'll have to work.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ファイナンス(英語)の問題
You are planning your retirement in 30 years. You currently have $25,000 in bonds and $50,000 in shares. You plan to add $5,000 per year at the end of each of the next 30 years to your bond account. The stock account will earn an 11.5% return and the bond account will earn a 7.5% return. When you retire, you plan to withdraw an equal amount for each of the next 25 years at the end of each year and have nothing left. Additionally, when you retire you will transfer your money to an account that earns 6.75%. How much can you withdraw each year? これを解けなくて困ってます。分かる方がいたら教えていただきたいです。
- ベストアンサー
- 経済学・経営学
- 並び替え
こんばんは。次のいくつかの並び替えの問題を解いてみました。違っているところがあればどれか1つだけでもいいのでご指摘下さい。 (1) (will / the / soon / be / baby / able / walk / to ). その赤ん坊はすぐに歩けるようになるだろう。 The baby will be able to walk soon. (2) ( visit / I / him / not / you / ought / think / to / today ). あなたは今日、彼を訪れるべきではないと思うよ。 You ought to think today I visit not him. (3) ( you / I / like / look / would / my / to / after / dog ) during my vacation. 休暇中私はあなたに私の犬の世話をしてもらいたいのです。 I would look to like you my dog after during my vacation. (4) ( like / eat / what / dinner / would / you / to / for )? 夕食に何が食べたいですか。 What you would eat to like for dinner? 分かる方いらっしゃいましたら御願いします。すべて違ってるかな・・。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 至急です。高校英語 簡単な並び替えお願いします。
並び替えて頂きたいです。訳もお願いします! Michelle () () () () () with her boyfriend's shoulder fell, asleep ,against, her, head If you have a question , you can come ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) like, me , see , whenever , you I wonder how I can get him to see a doctor. →こちらは訳のみをお願いします。 There is something about him ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) being his friend. of , makes , proud , that , you she may ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () ( ) not, have, any, idea, what, it ,means In there any particular ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) silent? he , why, keep , should . reason
- 締切済み
- 英語
- [英語]文法的に誤ってる箇所を教えて下さい><
1. When you are faced with problems, you may want to avoid to act hastily without considering the possible consequences. (1) are faced with (2) may want (3) to act (4) considering 2. I am very sorry for any inconvenient this unexpected delay has caused you. (1) sorry for (2) inconvenient (3) unexpected (4) has caused 3. Jim's would not approve of him to go to the party without first getting a haircut. (1) would not (2) him to go (3) without (4) getting 4. The number of politicians who have been questioned on this issue are quite large. (1) politicians (2) have been (3) on (4) are 5. There was a sad news on the radio yesterday about the gas explosion in the city. (1) a sad (2) on the radio (3) about (4) in the city
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 英語 の質問です。
You know my way I want you Gettin' your love Sounds good to me You will take me with desire In the flame of fire Get in on you see my burning light uooh! You know my way I want you Gettin' your love Sounds good to me You will take me with desire In the flame of fire Get in on you see my burning light In the f lame of fire This is all for you you got me ある歌の歌詞ですが、日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 自分で訳すと何だかしっくりこなかったもので…m(__)m
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 文法
簡単で結構ですので、解答解説をいただけないでしょうか。お願いします。 1 You will find the word “psychology” () under “P” in your dictiomary. アhave listed イlist ウlisted エlistening 2 He borrows money and seldom pays it back. He is no () than a thief. アgood イbetter ウbad エother 3 It is high time we () something about the broken fence. アwill do イdid ウhave done エdo 4 You might as well expect a river to flow backward () him into resigning. アthan hope to persuade イas hope to persuade ウas to hope persuading エas hoping to persuade 5 Cormorant fishing, () ukai, is a popular tourist attraction. アbut イso ウand エor 6 “you seem to have had that car for years.” “Yes, I should sell it () it still runs.” アbefore イduring ウuntil エwhile 7 The care () which she did the work pleased all of us. アwith イof ウto エat 8 () in three years? アDo you think how tall my daughter will be イDo you think how tall will my daughter be ウHow tall do you think my daughter will be エ How tall do you think my daughter be 9 () we think John is, he can't tie his own shoelaces. アAs a genius イA genius ウAs genius エGenius as 10 She's very upset so we'd better leave her (). アalone イlone ウlonely エonly 1 No matter how wise a man may be, he sometimes makes a mistake. The () man sometimes makes a mistakes. 2 We have no choice but compromise. We cannot () but compromise. 3 He left Paris at ten and arrived in London at noon. He left Paris at ten, () in London at noon. 4 John is six years older than Ken. John is () or Ken () six years. 5 This is the heaviest snowfall in twenty years. We have () experienced such a () snowfall in twenty years. 6 Had he been a little more patient, he could have succeeded. () a little more (), he could have succeeded. 1 Seattle is (its,for,of,known,the,mildness) weather. 2 This medicine (you,cold,cure,your,of,will). 3 He made it clear that (do,had,he,nothing,with,to) the matter. 4 He (on,Italian,himself,art,prided,of,his knowledge). 文の説明に相当する単語 1 a person who does something, especially to help other people, willingly and without being paid 2 a small card showing that the owner has paid for a seat in a train, theater and so on 3 a printed table that lists the days, weeks and months of year 4 a spoken or written piece of information passed from one person another 5 a set of moving stairs in an underground railway station, a large city store, an airport,etc. 6 an electronic machine that can store information and do things according to a set of directions called a program 誤りの指摘 1 Because of a recent global recession, lots of countries have seen a decline in economical growth. 2 She does nothing but complains about her husbund's shortcomings. 3 I wonder if I could possibly ask a favor to you. 4 Sound travels four times as fast in water as it is in air. 5 It's true that Japan is a beautiful country, and its big cities have become polluted lately. 以上になります。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- またしても英語が分かりません。
次の各文の( )のうち、誤っているものを1つ選んで正して下さい。 (一) (1)(These days,)scientists are sometimes(2)(predict)the severity of(3)(earthquakes) and other forms of natural(4)(disaster.) 誤り( ) 正す( ) (二) I(1)(haven't seen) Tom(2)(for a long time.) When(3)(have you seen) him(4)(last?) 誤り( ) 正す( ) (三)(1)(Have you)(2)(already been)(3)(to Canada)(4)(in for life?) 誤り( ) 正す( ) (四)(1)(He has been)(2)(doing research)(3)(in Oxford,)(4)(and by the end of this year)(5)(he will stay there)(6)(for as many as ten years.) 誤り( ) 正す( ) (一)、(二)、(三)、(四)、は一つの問題文です。 分かりにくかったら、すみません><
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 並び替え
並び替えの問題です。 日本文の意味になるように( )内の語を並び替えて下さい。 よろしくお願いいたします。 1.君は住所の変更を郵便局に知らせましたか。 Have you (change/post office/of address/of/the/informed/your)? 2.その子供は医者を見ただけで怖がった。 (the/the/made/doctor/sight/of/mere) the child afraid. 3.彼女は話しかけられなければ喋らない人だ。 She (never/to/speaks/is/unless/spoken/she). 4.試験に落ちてみると君が怠け者なのがわかるよ。 You will not (you/fail/your/idleness/realize/till) in the examination.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ブラザー製品MFC-J4940DNでのカラー印刷設定ができても、実際にはカラー印刷ができないトラブルに遭遇しています。
- Windows11を使用しており、無線LANで接続されています。
- ひかり回線を使用していますが、関連するソフト・アプリについての情報はありません。
回答、ありがとうございます。 すみません。(6)~(8)は不要な語が各一語ずつあるのを書き忘れていました。 本当にすみません。 そして、 いつもありがとうございます!!