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  • Devil-Ear
  • ベストアンサー率21% (739/3450)




  • SteamゲームはWQHD対応してますか?

    1440p / WQHD対応なのか気になっている作品です。 God of War Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition DARK SOULS™: REMASTERED DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin DARK SOULS™ III Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - GOTY Edition NieR:Automata™ NieR Replicant™ ver.1.22474487139... Red Dead Redemption 2 The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt Wallpaper Engine Phasmophobia 7 Days to Die Left 4 Dead 2 Back 4 Blood

  • 日本語に訳してください

    まゆなど顔の特徴が書いてあります。 日本語に訳していただける方宜しくお願いします。 The eyebrows are fine and a dark toffee color, like the hair, or marginally fairer. They are slightly arched. and thicker blunter like a wedge shape at the nose end. The eyes beneath them are small and are hollow sunken little eyes. That look out from the face, in a peering way, being full in shape, not narrow. The Iris is a light blue in color like cornflowers or blue bells or summer skies, the outer rim of it just a tone darker, and between the rim and the pupil beneath the blue there is a faint milky background tone, the pupil in the centre is small and dark as ink. Like a blue black mirror of time, and the whites of the eyes, a soft ice white, no imperfections and few discoloration in them. The eyes are soft and mild and languid in expression. Sleepy dozy sort of eyes, that are slightly heavy lidded, bordering on half closed but not hooded. They have short dark and mixed brown lashes, like children’s paintbrushes. The lids have a distinctive downward droop towards the outer corner and then curve up again, making a comma shape.


    DARK SOULS with ARTORIAS OF THE ABYSS EDITIONをオフライン環境でプレイしようと思うのですがDLCはソフトにインスト済みなのでしょうか? しかも中古なので… おしえてください

  • 和訳お願いします

    All of the bad luck can be explained by chance. The curse probably made Evalyn McLean's husband ill. Several deaths have been caused by the curse. The Smithsonian Institution will probably have bad luck in the future.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    All of the units suffered from lack of equipment, including ammunition. There was a shortage of capable officers, and only 120 machine guns in the whole army. The army possessed no field howitzers or heavy artillery. In terms of appearance, the dark-blue uniforms and personal equipment issued to soldiers in 1914 had not changed visibly since 1853.[9] Standards of discipline were frequently lax and Belgian soldiers were often seen as "indisciplined and careless".[9] The army had no coherent doctrine and its had as many as five strategic plans, none of which commanded total support from the High Command. The Belgian army was divided into two, with the majority assigned to the Field Army and lower-quality troops to guard the country's three fortified zones.

  • PC版DARK SOULSが起動できません

    先日PC版ダークソウル(DARK SOULS with ARTORIAS OF THE ABYSS EDITION)を購入し、インストールまで行ったのですが、いざ起動するとアプリケーションが停止し、そのまま応答なし→終了となってしまいました。 wikiに載っていたgame for windowsの再インストールも試してみましたが、効果がありませんでした。 どなたか力になってはいただけないでしょうか。 【OS 名】 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64 ビット 【メモリ】 4.00 GB 【ビデオカード】 Intel HD Graphics 3000

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    On 24 July, once Pozières had been secured, General Gough pushed for immediate moves against the O.G. Lines north and east of the village. The first task was to take the lines up to the Albert–Bapaume road; the original objectives which had not been captured. Attacking in the dark, only the Australian 5th Battalion found either of the O.G. trenches and it was counter-attacked by the German 18th Reserve Division. Simultaneously on the Australian's right, the British 1st Division made an attempt to capture Munster Alley, the section of the Switch Line where it intersected the O.G. Lines. A tumultuous bomb fight developed but only a small section of trench was held.

  • 日本語訳を! 8-(3)

    お願いします。 (8) When the last pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, Pepi II, finally died in his 90s, Egypt was a country divided into feeble kingdoms festering from civil wars. The First Intermediate Period was bathed in blood. The Greek historian Herodotus writes about a First Intermediate queen, royal murders, and revenge. Determined to avenge her brother's death, the queen "devised a cunning scheme.... She constructed a spacious underground chamber.... Inviting to a banquet those Egyptians whom she knew to have had a chief share in the murder of her brother, she suddenly, as they were feasting, let the river in upon them, by means of a secret duct of large size." The scheming murderers drowned while the queen (a scheming murderess herself) escaped through a secret passageway. (9) The kings who followed Pepi II never lasted long. None during the First Intermediate Period had the strength to pull Egypt back together again. Egypt entered a dark age. Later, literature would paint a bleak picture of this trough between two times of glory. Texts written in the Middle Kingdom about the chaos and misery have depressing titles, such as Dialogue Between a Man Tired of Lifd and His Ba. The stories ere sometimes as gloomy as the titles. In the Dialogue the miserable character claims, "my name reeks, more than the smell of bird-droppings on summer days." He writes that "Mercy has perished" and that "hearts are selfish, and every man is stealing his fellow's belongings." Later Middle Kingdom literature moans the loss of order during the First Intermediate Period; it groans at the unrest. It claims the Nile itself stopped flowing, and the sun lost its brilliance.

  • 日本語訳を! 2-(3)

    お願いします。  The chip-chip-chip of the stone carver would have been interrupted when the cattle herders returned with their herds at the end of summer. Eagerly, the carver would have inspected the green-gray siltstone the herders had collected in the Black Mountains and brought back with them. Ah, this stone would make a perfect turtle-shaped palette. This one definitely looks more like an antelope. The rounded one would be ideal for a hippo.  When the carver of the Narmer Palette saw that dark-green, nearly black, two-foot piece of stone, did he see a shield? Did he know in an instant that this particular fine-grained, flawless stone was fit for the first king? Did he dream about the story he would tell on the palette―the story of how the Two Lands came to be―the north and the south joining to become one?  The Narmer Palette is like a two-page comic book. It's in the shape of a shield and is carved on both sides. It tells the story of the unification of Egypt under one king―a king called Narmer. On one side of the palette, Narmer wears the White Crown of Upper Egypt, and on the other he wears the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. He's the first king to rule both.  On both sides of the palette, the very top has Narmer's name written inside a box called a serekh. Narmer means "angry catfish." King Angry Catfish has the head of a cow on either side of his name. Are these cow pictures meant to be the goddess Hathor? Many scholars think so. Ancient Egyptians thought the goddess Hathor was the king's mother and they usually drew her with horns curled inward. Did this belief go all the way back to the very first king?

  • 次の文を日本語翻訳して下さい。

    At the Battle of Kitcheners' Wood, the 10th Battalion of the 2nd Canadian Brigade was ordered to counter-attack in the gap created by the gas attack. They formed up after 11:00 a.m. on 22 April, with the 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish) of the 3rd Brigade arriving to support the advance. Both battalions attacked with over 800 men, in waves of two companies each, at 11:46 a.m. Without reconnaissance, the battalions ran into obstacles halfway to their objective. Engaged by small-arms fire from the wood, they began an impromptu bayonet charge. The attack cleared the former oak plantation of Germans at a 75-percent casualty rate. The British press were confused by the attack: The Germans set fire to a chemical product of sulphur chloride which they had placed in front of their own trenches, causing a thick yellow cloud to be blown towards the trenches of the French and Belgians. The cloud of smoke advanced like a yellow low wall, overcoming all those who breathed in poisonous fumes. The French were unable to see what they were doing or what was happening. The Germans then charged, driving the bewildered French back past their own trenches. Those who were enveloped by the fumes were not able to see each other half a yard apart. I have seen some of the wounded who were overcome by the sulphur fumes, and they were progressing favourably. The effect of the sulphur appears to be only temporary. The after-effects seem to be a bad swelling of the eyes, but the sight is not damaged. — The Daily Mail (26 April 1915) Dusk was falling when from the German trenches in front of the French line rose that strange green cloud of death. The light north-easterly breeze wafted it toward them, and in a moment death had them by the throat. One cannot blame them that they broke and fled. In the gathering dark of that awful night they fought with the terror, running blindly in the gas-cloud, and dropping with breasts heaving in agony and the slow poison of suffocation mantling their dark faces. Hundreds of them fell and died; others lay helpless, froth upon their agonized lips and their racked bodies powerfully sick, with tearing nausea at short intervals. They too would die later – a slow and lingering death of agony unspeakable. The whole air was tainted with the acrid smell of chlorine that caught at the back of men's throats and filled their mouths with its metallic taste. — Captain Alfred Oliver Pollard, The Memoirs of a VC (1932)