RED/pieces 歌詞の日本語訳と要約

  • 「RED/pieces」の歌詞を日本語に訳し、翻訳サイトでは変な日本語になる問題について解決策を探しています。
  • この歌詞は、自分自身の散らばったかけらから一つにまとめてくれる相手への感謝と希望を表現しています。
  • 歌詞の翻訳に苦労しているが、翻訳の品質を向上させる方法を知りたいと思っています。
  • ベストアンサー


翻訳サイトにかけてみても変な日本語に なってしまい困っています。 長いですが翻訳してほしいです(><) よろしくお願いします。 RED/pieces I'm here again A thousand miles away from you A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am I tried so hard Thought I could do this on my own I've lost so much along the way Then I'll see your face I know I'm finally yours I find everything I thought I lost before You call my name I come to you in pieces So you can make me whole I've come undone But you make sense of who I am Like puzzle pieces in your eye Then I'll see your face I know I'm finally yours I find everything I thought I lost before You call my name I come to you in pieces So you can make me whole! I tried so hard! So hard! I tried so hard! Then I'll see your face I know I'm finally yours I find everything I thought I lost before You call my name I come to you in pieces So you can make me whole So you can make me whole


  • ベストアンサー
  • gogozenko
  • ベストアンサー率47% (45/94)

この歌詞のIが、女性なのか男性なのか判らないのですが、 私には女性に思えたので、女性バージョンで訳してみました。 またここに来たわ あなたから遠く離れた場所に ボロボロで、散乱した私 必死で頑張ってきたわ ひとりで生きていけるって信じてた でももうたくさんのものを失った あなたに出逢えれば 私はあなたのものだってきっと判る 失ったと思っていた全てをみつけだせる あなたが私の名前を呼ぶ ばらばらの私があなたに近づく するとあなたが私をひとつにしてくれる 私は未完成のままだけど あなたは私が誰なのかを知っている あなたの瞳の中のパズルのピースの様に あなたに出逢えれば 私はあなたのものだってきっと判る 失ったと思っていた全てをみつけ事が出来る あなたが私の名前を呼ぶ 粉々の私があなたに近づく するとあなたが私をひとつにしてくれる 本当に頑張ってきたの 必死に生きてきたの あなたに出逢えれば 私はあなたのものだってきっと判る 失ったと思っていた全てをみつけ事が出来る あなたが私の名前を呼ぶ 粉々の私があなたに近づく きっとあなたが私をひとつにしてくれる きっとあなたが私をひとつにしてくれる



ご回答ありがとうございます!! REDは男性アーティストなんです。 きちんと詳細をかいたり、 曲ものせておいた方がよかったですね! ごめんなさい(><) 私の説明不足だったのにすごく素敵な和訳です<3 gogozenkoさんのおかげでこの曲が もっと好きになりました(^ω^) 本当にありがとうございました★


  • 日本語にお願いします

    I don't think I can find a better flight, because it's so close to the date, the flights will only become less and more expensive, so if we can sort sooner, then it is better, but of course I don't want to rush you. I think I can get a flight there for maybe £800, so it's £600 cheaper than your flight to here, but then I also need to pay for a hotel, but it's still an option if getting a flight for you to here is too expensive, though of course I would like to make your dream come true and show you england. Gomen ne, there is so much english for you to read >.<

  • 英語を日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    For you ○○,i will make the world stop and make time last for ever, so i can give you the best day of your life.... because for me .the best thing is to see you smile. というメッセージを頂きましたが、どう訳して良いのか分かりません。 World stopという辺りがどう解釈して良いのか... 英語に詳しい方教えて下さい。

  • どなたか英訳をお願いします

    洋楽の一部なんですがどなかた訳していただけませんか? Now you see I never thought this day would come, When I fall so hard for that special one, You complete me, your a neccessity, And every color of yours is complementary. お願いします。

  • これを日本語に・・・・

    暇なときでいいのでお願いします! (いちを歌の歌詞です。) Toymaker: Game over. There are no rules in this game except, win at any cost. Alexa: The time has come once and for all. You've met your match, you will fall. This little game we play is gonna break us down, only one of us can wear the crown. It's not as easy as you thought it'd be, when it's down to you versus me. (Bridge) I play rough, I don't need to try You like to play mean but the score never lies. (Chorus) Game over, Game over. Game over, for now. Winning the game's the only rule allowed. No moral up, or cheers from the crowd. When the game began you never thought you'd lose, but your time is up I play to bruise. Look around you'll find you've lost your team, you tried your best, but you ran out of steam. Bridge You're all out of wishes kiss your dreams goodbye the end's the same. It's not whether you win or lose it's (spoken) how you play the game. Chorus (is that all you got?) (c'mon) (uh uh) (bring it on!) Chorus Game over.

  • 英語から日本語に

    wishing all happiness and good health and more birthdays to so sorry im not there but once i come back i will make it up with you...i love you. お願いします(´・ω・`)

  • 簡単に日本語に訳してください

    Your Recent Video Hi there, I watched some of your videos last night and I have to say I was impressed. The one thing that really struck me was that you weren't getting many views. I am always amazed how good videos can get so few views when some of the other crap gets millions. Ultimately, I thought your vids were some of the best on the site. Isn't it crazy that people would rather the same garbage over and over instead of new and fresh material? You shouldn't feel alone though. I used to have a problem getting views on my videos too, then I found Basically the service sends a ton of views to your videos so that you can get ranked in the YouTube search engine. Right now they have a free trial going on, so it really doesn't cost you a cent. Give them a try, maybe they can help you the same way they helped me. But no matter what, make sure you keep making those videos. I can't wait to watch the next one. Take care. __________________________________________ エキサイト翻訳で訳しましたが意味がよく分からなかったのでお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語にして貰えますか?

    意味が分からない所が多々あります。。。 意訳で結構ですのでヨロシクお願いします。 went you be next to me i will always have the same feeling toward you matter of what happen ... this is how i am and i want you to always feel happy and care ... in the good time and bad ... only happiness can make a better life .. and i will make it come true ..i want too make it come true.

  • 洋楽の歌詞がわかりません

    お世話になります。 洋楽カテゴリと迷いましたがこちらにしました。 検索しても歌詞を見つけることができない曲があり、聞き取れない部分があるのでわかる方に教えていただきたいです。 この曲です↓ とりあえず自分なりに聞き取ったのが以下です。 If you ? ? need someone to help you make it do...ooh... I'm here and I'll be ready when it's time to make that move...ooh... Let me be the one who...provide for help ? ? Coming to the the things that no one can You're everything man (x2) I know you try hard but things don't always go your way...that's okay... All alone there's only so much you can do before you start to pray When you need assistance...with my strength you can stand Help you run the distance... 'cause I be your biggest fan とりあえず1分30秒までです。 どうしてもわからないところは?にしていますが、それ以外でも自信のない箇所がいくつかあるので、間違ってる箇所があれば訂正していただきたいです。 では、お願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    Hey! It's Emily. I absolutely love your art, especially the colorful deer one! I'd really like to try illustrated art in our store (shirts & tanks) to take it to the next level with unique drawings of landscapes, animals and even some badass characters. All within this wild west, southern living story. We run hundreds of dollars of ads each week and I can tag you in everything you make so you'll get exposure for your work too. Lmk what you think! We'd love to feature some of your work! Work like this is something we are looking for.... Would you like to work together? We could try the deer first?

  • この文章を日本語に訳してください。

    この文章を日本語に訳してください。 Grades are available when the comics ship, so if you have your submission number I can check that for you.
