• ベストアンサー


3年前くらいに知ったアーティストなんですが、 Joshua Radinという人(日本では無名)の曲で、 『No Envy,No Fear』という曲なんですが、私には翻訳不能で...。 誰か時間がある時で構いませんので、 翻訳できる方、よろしくお願いします。 Some are reaching few are there, wandering from a heros chair, Some are scared to fly so high, well this is how we have to try Have no envy and no fear, have no envy, no fear Brother brother we all see, your hiding out so painfully, See yourself come out to play, a lovers rain will wash away You envy and you fear, so have no envy, no fear When your sister turns to leave, only when she's most in need, Take away the cause of pain, by showing her were all the same. Have no envy and no fear, have no envy and no fear And every day we try to find, we search our hearts and our minds, The place we used to call our home, can't be found when were alone So have no envy, no fear, have no envy and no fear

  • Addy
  • お礼率100% (11/11)


  • ベストアンサー
  • gldfish
  • ベストアンサー率41% (2895/6955)

ある者は、英雄の椅子から転げ落ちて、何も得られない。 ある者は、空高く飛ぶことを恐れている。・・・でも、自分達の求めるべきやり方はこれ。 人を羨まないこと。恐れないこと。 ああ兄弟よ、みんなわかっている。お前が痛々しい程にじっと隠れていることを。 楽しむ為に外に出るんだ。恋人達の雨がすべて洗い流すだろう。 お前は人を羨んでいる。恐れている。そうだ、人を羨むな。恐れるな。 女がお前の元に戻ってくるのは、どうしようもなく困っている時だけだ。 苦悩の原因を追いやれ。我々は同志だという事を女に示すんだ。 人を羨むな。恐れるな。 そして、我々はいつも知ろうとしている。 我々の心を、魂を、探し求めている。 我々がかつて故郷と呼んでいた場所は、ひとりぼっちだった頃の場所のようには思えない。 だから、人を羨むな。恐れるな。 ・・・断言は出来ませんが大体こんなところでは。なるべく元の文が崩れないよう直訳的にしましたが、意訳すればもっとらしくはなるかと。



ありがとうございました! この手のアーティストが書く歌詞の言い回しが直でわかって嬉しいです。 直訳に気を使っていただいて感謝しています。 このgldfishさんの直訳的な文章も、大変気に入りました。 本当にありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • tkltk73
  • ベストアンサー率54% (171/315)

おだやかな毎日をすてて ひとにはできないことをやれる人もいる でもそんな人ばかりじゃない だから必要なのは 妬まないこと 恐れないこと 妬まないこと 恐れないこと 身をひそめて生きるのはつらいこと だから飛び出そう 雨がやさしく包んでくれるから 妬まないで 恐れないで 妬まないこと 恐れないこと 彼女が別れを望んだとき 彼女が本当に悩んでいるときには みんなおなじなんだって伝えよう そうすればいたみは癒されるから 妬まないこと 恐れないこと 妬まないこと 恐れないこと みんなが見つけようとして 心の中をさがしもとめている でもかつて確かにあったやすらぎは けっしてひとりでは見つけられない 妬まないこと 恐れないこと 妬まないこと 恐れないこと *すこし意訳してみましたが、いかがでしょう。  この曲を聴いてみました。素朴でいい曲ですね。



ありがとうございます。 シンガー・ソング・ライターの方が書く歌詞というのは、 表現が独特の時があって、英語ができない私にとって時に障害になりますw なのでtkltk73さんの意訳、大変助かりました。 曲も聴いていただいて、嬉しいです。 この手のアーティストはアメリカには大勢いますが、 陽の目をみる人は一人としていないので、 誰かに耳にしてもらえるのは、自分の事のように嬉しいものです。 tkltk73さん、本当にありがとうございました!


  • 翻訳お願いします!

    NURSE'S RESPONSE TO CRABBIT OLD WOMAN Author Unknown What do we see, you ask, what do we see? Yes, we are thinking when looking at thee! We may seem to be hard when we hurry and fuss, But there's many of you, and too few of us. We would like far more time to sit by you and talk, To bath you and feed you and help you to walk. To hear of your lives and the things you have done; Your childhood, your husband, your daughter, and your son. But time is against us, there's too much to do - Patients too many, and nurses too few. We grieve when we see you so sad and alone, With nobody near you, no friends of your own. We feel all your pain, and know of your fear That nobody cares now your end is so near. But nurses are people with feelings as well, And when we're together you'll often hear tell Of the dearest old Gran in the very end bed, And the lovely old Dad, and the things that he said, We speak with compassion and love, and feel sad When we think of your lives and the joy that you've had. When the time has arrived for you to depart, You leave us behind with an ache in our heart. When you sleep the long sleep, no more worry or care, There are other old people, and we must be there. So please understand if we hurry and fuss - There are many of you, and too few of us.

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    フロイトについての話なのですが・・・ We don't suspect that they are there until some unhappy or unusual experience causes us to remember, or to dream dreams. Then suddenly we see a face we had forgotten long ago. We feel the same jealous fear and bitter disappointments we felt when we were little children. 長くてすいません>< お願いします↓↓ あと、jealous fear and bitter disappointments は「嫉妬心から出た不安と苦い失望」らしいです。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Mike: Your memory isn't working. Have you forgotten when we used to hunt together in the back streets? Friend: You mean when we used to get up on the garage roof with some bricks and when the rats came out , we'd get them? Mike: Yes , we used to spend many a sporting evening that way. Friend: But you can't say something like that was hunting. Mike: Why not? And to our shame , we didn't even take them for food or their skins for clothes. We only did it to enjoy ourselves. As I remember , with your keen eye and strong arm , you were very successful. Friend: But they were only rats. And everybody knows that rats are no good. That's why when you're mad at somebody , you call him a dirty rat. You don't call him a dirty duck or a dirty bunny. Mike: True , a rat is a rodent , but so are the rabbit and many other cute little animals. So it is possible that you killed a 44th cousin of Mickey Mouse or even Bugs Bunny. Friend: Maybe so , but I'm not going to apologize for killing them , the dirty rats. Mike: How heartless! Some of them may have been loving mama rats , or caring daddy rats. Think of how many of their little ones you have made orphans and the childhood trauma they suffered. Friend: You're using the old trick of mixing apples and oranges. I'm talking about fur coats.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Mike: Your memory isn't working. Have you forgotten when we used to hunt together in the back streets? Friend: You mean when we used to get up on the garage roof with some bricks and when the rats came out , we'd get them? Mike: Yes , we used to spend many a sporting evening that way. Friend: But you can't say something like that was hunting. Mike: Why not? And to our shame , we didn't even take them for food or their skins for clothes. We only did it to enjoy ourselves. As I remember , with your keen eye and strong arm , you were very successful. Friend: But they were only rats. And everybody knows that rats are no good. That's why when you're mad at somebody , you call him a dirty rat. You don't call him a dirty duck or a dirty bunny. Mike: True , a rat is a rodent , but so are the rabbit and many other cute little animals. So it is possible that you killed a 44th cousin of Mickey Mouse or even Bugs Bunny. Friend: Maybe so , but I'm not going to apologize for killing them , the dirty rats. Mike: How heartless! Some of them may have been loving mama rats , or caring daddy rats. Think of how many of their little ones you have made orphans and the childhood trauma they suffered. Friend: You're using the old trick of mixing apples and oranges. I'm talking about fur coats.

  • すいませんが、翻訳お願いします。

    すいませんが、翻訳お願いします。 thank you for your cooperation and we have submitted them to our Product Department. We will keep you informed as soon as we have any news, all right? Please allow us some time handling this for you, okay? Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated. Any further questions or needs, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you.

  • 翻訳のお手伝いお願いします。

    和訳したい文章は以下の分です。 I like fate. It brings surprises and new experiences. Like you. You are so very nice and we were lucky to get to spend some time with you. Everyone thought you were amazing! 相手がなにを言いたいのかは分かるのですが、 直訳風になってしまいます。 どなたか砕けた文章(?)での日本語訳を 教えていただけませんか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    We would be real, real silly about it to try to recreate what we did. We're honestly, honestly, very simply moving forward. And when we do revisit the catalog in a live situation, we just wanna do it justive and want it to resonate with everybody. I mean, look, man, there's a lot of songs there that people have some real-life experiences with — good and bad. And when they come see the band, we want them to experience that nostalgia and that melancholy feeling. And I think, first and foremost, we wanna deliver it really, really hard hitting.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 We only see it when we look at a star or when it is reflected from some objects. When no light reaches our eyes, we say that we "see"blackness, or darkness. Blackness is not a color. It has no light. In space, objects are very far away. The stars the astronauts see are many trillions of miles from them and from each other. They also see a few things, such as the moon, that reflect light. But there`s nothing in most of the space around them.So, space looks black to them.

  • 訃報の翻訳& お悔やみのことばについて

    以前お世話になったホストファミリーから 訃報をうけとりました 訃報をうけてから数ヶ月が 経過してしまいました いまだ 返事をかくことができません ご遺族への お悔やみのことばについて アドバイスをいただけたらと 思います。 We are very sorry that we haven't contacted you before now. We have just been too sad and we are all missing Micky terribly. What an awful shock this must have been for you too and we are sorry Cori. Micky had not been well in her mind for the last couple of years. She said that she would feel OK one minute and then the next, she would feel very depressed and sad. Also, Micky had been unwell physically. She had 3 operations in hospital in 1 year - 4 wisdom teeth removed, tonsills out and then an operation for a broken hand. Poor Micky had had enough of feeling so sick and the Doctors, counsellors, etc (and us too), were not able to help her to feel better. Micky committed suicide at our home on 29 July, 2007. We are unsure what mental illness Micky had, but we believe that it was an illness called Bi Polar. Psychiatrists (5 in total) kept saying that she had depression and kept putting her on tablets that did nothing to help. We think they were very wrong with their diagnosis. Cori, we are very sad and we will always be. We loved Micky very much and we miss her every day. Please write to us when you can and we hope you like the photos of Micky. lots of love,

  • 至急です(>_<)翻訳してくださいm(_)m

    元カノと今も繋がってるの?と聞いたら No. We were just talking to see how we are doing. I'm sorry for being so rude to you.←と来たのですがどういう意味ですか?
