• ベストアンサー



  • takaniro
  • ベストアンサー率50% (172/342)

  #1さんの言うとおりドライバが原因です。 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/ja/library/ServerHelp/fc8efbed-4ea6-4068-9f55-40801292ec6d.mspx?mfr=true  MSのSTOPメッセージのトラブルシューティングのページです。対処法も出ていますので参考にしてください。


  • ブルー画面エラー

    このような画面がでてしまいました。 どうすればよいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. page_fault_nonpaged_area if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps: check to make shre any new hardware or software is properly installed. if this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. if problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. disable bios memory options such as caching or shadowing. if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode. technical information: stop: 0x00000050 (0xE14D4810,0x00000000,0x8055259a,0x00000001) Beginning dump of physical memory dumping physical memory to disk: 24

  • ブルースクリーンになった

    たびたびブルースクリーンになりますが、 今回は *** STOP: 0x0000001D(0xB64F736A,0xBACD79B4,0x00000000) 前回は A problem has been detected and wiondows has been shut to down to prevent damage to your computer. ORQL-NOT-LESS-OR-EQUAL If this si thefirst time you`ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen again,follow these steps: check to meke sure any new hardware or spftware is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup option, and then select safe mode. Technical information: *** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000010,0x00000002,0x00000001,0x8051873C) beginning dump of physical memory physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance. 教えてください、お願いします。

  • ブルースクリーン

    A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your computer. If this screen appears again,follow these steps: Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe Mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer,press F8 to select Advaned Startup options,and then select safe Mode. Technical information: *** STOP:0X0000000A(0X00000054,0X00000002,0X00000001,0X804DDC8E) Beginning dump of physical memory physical memory dump complete. contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance. 起動したときに上記のように書いてありました。 意味がわかりません・・・

  • ブルーバックエラーがでます

    下記の通りインターネット中によくブルーバックエラーがでます。 原因は何でしょうか?教えて頂けますでしょうか。 メーカーはFU◎◎TSU WinXPです。 aprobrem has been celected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer the problem seems to be caused by the following file rt25000usb.sys pafe_fault_in_nonpaged_area if this is the first time you've seen this stoperror screen, restart your computer if this screen appears again,follow these steps: chek to make sure any new hardware or software or is properly installed, if this is a new installation,ask your hardware or sotware manufacture for windows updates you might need if oribrems bontinue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software, disable BIOS memory options such a scaching or shadowing, if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer,press F8 to select advanced start up options,and thn safe mode technical information: stop:0x00000050(0xFEC38000,0x00000000,0xEEELC36F 0x00000000) rt 2500usb,sys-address EEEIC36F base at EEE0c000,patestamp 40d7963c begginig dump of physical memory physical momory dump complete contact your system administretor or technical sapport group for further assistance ハードウェアのどこかに故障があるようです。 どこ、というところの解読はできません。 safemodeで立ち上げてみる際の手順等を踏んでから 状況を見たほうがいいのでしょうか。 また、safemodeの立ち上げ方を忘れてしまいましたので 修復方法等ご存知でしたらこのあたりも踏まえ教えて頂けたら 幸いです。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • ブルー画面から進みません

    ブルー画面で下のエラーがでます。 F8を押しながら電源を入れてセーフモードにしても、 また同じブルー画面で同じエラーが出てしまいます。 解決法を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 A probem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damege to your computer. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer.If this screen appears again, follow these steps: check to make sure any new hardware of software is proberly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or sortware manufacturer for any windows update you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode. Technical information: *** STOP: 0x000000ED (0x817A4BB8, 0xC0000032, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

  • ブルースクリーンが出てしまいます

    youtubuを利用している時に主になります。 以下がブルースクリーンの内容です。 A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your cmputer. If this screen appears again,follow these steps: Check to make sure any new hardware or software is proqerly installed. If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software.Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer,press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options,and then select Safe Mode. Technical information: STOP: 0x0000000A(0x000000D7,0x00000002,0x00000000,0x804ED977) Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete. Contact yor system administrator or technical support group for further assistance. Windows XPを使ってます。 このブルースクリーンが出ないようにするには、どうすればいいのか教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • シャットダウンを押すとしばらくしたらブルー画面。

    シャットダウン押す→シャットダウンしています→ブルースクリーン そのため シャットダウンが強制しかできません(設定が消えてる・・・) 書きました。 a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer ati2dvag.dll TERMINAL_SERVER_DRIVER_MADE_INCORRECT_MEMORY_REFERENCE if this is the first time you ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again. follow this steps:check to make sure any new hardware or software is pro pely installed. if this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manfacturer for any windows updates you might need. if problems continue, disable or remove any newry installed hardware of software disable bios memory options such as caching or shadowing,if you need to use safe mode to remove or disblecomponents restart your computer. press f8 select advance startup options and then select safe mode technical infomation: stop 0x000000cf(0x9911f9cc,0x0000000,0x9911f9cc,0x00000000) ati2dvag.dll -address 991f9cc base at 99100000, datestamp 00000000 です。そのati2dvagを削除すれば解決しますが256色800×600になってしまいます・・・どうしたら解決しますか?

  • 起動中にブルーバックから再起動へ(追記)

    前質問内容↓ http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/qa4403813.html ここのところ順調に作業できていたのですが、今日ついにまたブルーバックになってしまいました…。 そこで、前回答を参考に、エラー画面を携帯で撮影しました。 表示されたエラーメッセージは以下の通りです。 ==ここから== A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer . DPIVER_TRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If thfs is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen again, follow these steps: Check to make sure any new hordware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problem continue, dfsable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable computers, restart your computer , press FB to Select Advanced startup options, abd then select safe mode. Technical information: ~~~STOP: 0x000000D1 (0xFDF7A000,0x00000002,0x00000000,0xF88F95CD) ~~~ nnrnstdi,SYS - Address F88F95CD base at F88F8000, DateStamp 46cc8092 Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complate. Contact your system adminfstrator or technical support group for further assistance. ==ここまで== ビギナーでも直すことができるのか、それとももう死のエラーなのか…、どうかご教授お願いいたしますm(_ _*)m

  • ブルースクリーンについて

    質問させていただきます。 alcohol52%をつかってMDSファイルをマウントしたところ、次のようなエラーが起きてしまいました。 A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup options, and then select safe made. Technical information: *** STOP: 0x0000000A(0x0000000C,0x00000002,0x00000000,0x804F00B6) Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further 自分でもこのエラーについて調べては見たんですが、解決策が見つかりません。 PCはwindowsXPを使っています。 どなたか解決策をお教えいただけたらと思います。 よろしくお願いします。

  • ブルー画面後、再起動

    最近、頻繁にPC使用中、ブルー画面になり再起動となってしまいます。 普段はそのまま再起動し引き続き使用しているのですが、動作も遅くなってきた感じがし、 なんとか直したい思いです。 しかしそこに書かれている文字が何を意味するのかわからず、質問させていただきます。 a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: Chect to make sure any new hardware or sofware is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode. Technical information: *** stop: 0x00000050 (0xF2EB4C38,0x00000000,0x804E3DC2,0x00000002) Beginning dump of physical memory physical memory dump complete. Contacy your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance. 以上の文が出てきます。 PC OS:Windows XP Home Edition SP3 CPU:Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6850 メモリ:2048MB RM グラフィックカード:NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 マザーボード:MS-7360 P35/G33/G31 よろしくお願いします。