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Dear bikerlife4me,
Hello, how do you do? I call it TATAKIYA which lives in Japan. Drum Set by which you are sent is seen and it is very pleasing. Then, impolite one was also allowed to mail unreasonableness by consent by consent. It is without the ability to offer a bid since the price is quite big-ticket. Can't I have you make it a little cheaper? I also love the product of Ludwig and use for a long time. If allowed to buy it, I would like to use for a long time carefully. Since it does not matter within limits which also understand the mailing cost to Japan to be it, I would like to teach. Since I think that he buys [ be / I / allowed to た ] it by all means, I need your help well in examination. Sent very impolite mail and it did not divide it. 返事待 -- ます. I am sorry.
- tatakiya2002
Monster Ludwig Set complete
Item Id: 171012268409
End time: Mar-29-13 10:20:20 PDT
tatakiya2002 (0)
0.0% Positive Feedback
Member since Mar-16-13 in Japan
Location: Hyogo Japan, Japan
Listing Status: This message was sent while the listing was active.
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プロバイダのメールボックスの確認には気が付かなかったのでsurukireさんの回答はとても参考になりました。 早速プロバイダに問い合わせをしたところ迷惑メールの設定が初期のままになっていた為、ebayからのメールが迷惑メールと判断されサーバー上から削除されていた事がわかりました。 設定を変更し昨夜無事ebayからのメールを受信する事が出来ました。 お陰さまでFeedback Scoreを0に戻さずにすみました。 有難うございました。