• ベストアンサー


和訳がうまくできません。どなたかよろしくお願いいたしますm--m あなたは映画を見ることで得る経験を、どのような面で活かせると思いますか?という質問に対する答えです。( )が私が訳してみたものです。チェックをお願いしますm--m By not trying to figure them out but simply by engaging them. Just get los and become intertwined with the movie. (映画を理解しようとするのではなく、ただ映画に没頭するだけ。ただ迷いそして映画と絡みあいなさい。)


  • ベストアンサー
  • deepsfx
  • ベストアンサー率48% (211/433)

口語調の文なんで、直訳は難しいですね。。。 文の印象からだとこんな意味じゃないでしょうか。。 「映画を解明しようなんて考えないで、映画と関わるというくらいに簡単に考えた方がいいんじゃない?ただ夢中になって、映画とつながっているようにしたら?」 ぼくは英語のネイティブじゃないんで、間違っているかもしれませんが。。。




その他の回答 (1)

  • deepsfx
  • ベストアンサー率48% (211/433)

No.1の回答者です。 なんか日本語がおかしいので、直します。 「そんなことを深く考えないで、できればというくらいに簡単に捉えた方がいいんじゃない?ただ映画に夢中になって、楽しく映画と付き合っていくようにしたら?」 かなり自分勝手な訳ですかね(笑)



最後の‘楽しく映画と付き合っていくようにしたら’っていうのがいい感じですね^^d ありがとうございます!


  • 英文の和訳あっていますでしょうか?

    英文の和訳あっていますでしょうか?よろしくお願いしますm--m By not trying to figure them out but simply by engaging them. Just get los and become intertwined with the movie. [映画を理解しようと試みるのではなく、単に映画に従事しなさい。ただ迷いそして映画と絡みあいなさい。]

  • 和訳教えてください!

    海外の方からメールを頂きました。 正しい訳がわからないので、教えていただけないでしょうか。 Would you ever get one? I really cant wait! I have been trying to figure out somethings when do I use "Wa" I can write the individaul words but just connecting them i am having a problem? 大変申し訳ございませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳あってますでしょうか。

    和訳あってますか。文法や単語を含めて。 間違っている場合は正しい和訳を教えて下さい。 "Don't get seduced by your own stuff. don't get high on your own supply." Harvard psychologist Francesca Gino agrees. Listen to criticism, she says. Instead of feeling offended by contradictory opinions, we should embrace them and recognize the potential for self-improvement in them. Being open to criticism can lead to the "outside the box" thinking that is the very definition of creative. 自分自身によって魔術にかかってはいけない。自分自身の供給を高めてはいけない。ハーバードの心理学者であるFrancesca Ginoの賛同している。批評を聞きなさいと彼女は言う。矛盾した意見で不快に思う代わりに、私たちはそれらを受け入れ、自己改善できる。批判を受け入れる姿勢は、「枠を超えた」考え方が必要になることがあり、それこそが正に創造性と呼ぶものである。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 今回は抽象的ではないとは思いますが、 難解な部分などは意訳していただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The soul mate have had an operation, or injury in youth or early adult years to, or near his eyes. The soul mate has a special affinity for old people and children. In marriage, especially as you get older you may find yourself acting as a Matriarch or bridge to other members of both families, his and yours or mentor to different generations in a large family. Trying to reconcile relationships bring them all together as one.

  • 映画についての文章なのですが、意味がよく、分かりません。

    If the film wants to challenge us, presenting us with a choice that we ask ourselves how we would respond under these circumstances - movies like Force Majeure by Pierre Jolivet or even the class Casablanca - then the movie is proactive and we are a vital participant. 私たちが映画に関わる方法は、私たちが映画に持ち込むものや、映画の意図による。もし映画が、私たちの関心を喚起するなら、私たちに、これらの環境下(Pierre Jolivetによる「Force Majeure」や「カサブランカ」種類でさえ)で、どのように反応するか選択を与えてくれるなら、その時映画は、先を見越して行動するものであり、私たちはきわめて重要な参加者である。― 以上の様に読んだのですが、意味が分かりにくいので、どなたか分かる方、よろしくお願い致しますm--m

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただける方のみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Karmic relationships are not always painless, sometimes old problems or subconscious obstacles are carried forwards That slow the relationship. But you can never let them go, you or he will always be drawn back. This will be a very fated relationship and it will feel fated right from the start. Now I will to return to his past and his formative years. In you original "Soul Mate One" reading I would have described his mother and her influence on his childhood background. The way he was brought up. But because each reading is so detailed there was not time within that first reading to mention his father. So now in this reading I will add some detail to the picture of his background by describing his Father. A persons early background and childhood experience determines in part what they will become. Insecure people usually have insecure backgrounds, and so on. In speaking of his parents I usually wrote in the past tense, simply because the images chart seems to portray is his strongest childhood memories of this parent. The way he thinks back to them. Rather than now. Another reason It is helpful to understand something of his past is sometimes it is necessary to get on with the soul mates relatives, though the older we get, and the more independent our lives, the less important that can be.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 We environmentalists developed a picture of the world that seemed to be repeatedly confirmed by experience. Big corporations destroy the environment. They are the enemies of society. The bigger they become, the less they can be constrained by democracy or consumer power. The politics of scale permit them to bully governments, tear up standards, and reshape the world to suit them. We also recognised that this was a dialectical process. As businesses began to operate globally, so could the compaigns against them. By improving global communications and ensuring that we could all speak their language, they helped us to confront them more effectively. But hardly anyone believed that change could happen so fast.Through the 80s and 90s, they brushed us off like dust. Then, as a result of powerful campaigns against sweatshops in the US and Europe, some of the big clothing and sports retailers broke ranks. Soon after that, the energy campaigns started announcing big investments in renewable technologies (though not, unfortunately, any corresponding disinvestments in fossil fuel). But the supermarkets have shifted faster than anyone else. Environmental campaigners are partly responsible (listen to how the superstore bosses keep name-checking the green pressure groups); even so, their sudden conversion leaves us reeling. お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Then the Composite Brigade, which was still advancing, came under fire from artillery, anti-aircraft and machine-guns, was halted around 800 yards (730 m) from the Turkish lines. By 07:00 the Turkish had discovered the gap in the ANZAC Division line between the New Zealanders and the Composite Brigades and were trying to exploit it. An hour later on the southern flank the 3rd Brigade advance was halted and they were ordered to change their direction of advance towards Ard, instead of trying to circle it. At the same time closing the gap between them and the New Zealanders. The New Zealand Brigade advanced again, and at one stage it seemed like two of their regiments, may succeed in breaking into the Turkish position.

  • マクベスの英文について

    It's about a man who is destroyed by his overwhelming desire to become king; about his wife who is driven mad to the point that she sleepwalks trying to get imaginary bloodstains off her hands. この英文の2行目から、どう訳していいのか分かりません。 解説して教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) It's been said that man stands alone because he alone stands. To put it another way, the first great step for mankind was the first bipedal step taken by our remote ( 1 ). The moment we started walking on our hind legs we freed our front legs to become our grasping, manipulative hands. And with tool-making hands we conquered the world. So we owe a great debt to our feet and should cherish them as one of the most important parts of our anatomy. But what a pity, we ( 2 ) do this. Instead we abuse them horribly. We sentence them to spend two-thirds of their life inside leather cells. We force them to walk on hard, tiring surfaces. And we completely ignore their health and well-being until they are in serious trouble and send out pain signals we can ( 3 ) ignore. The reason for this is we look down on them literally. They are too far away from our specialized sense organs. If we could examine them as ( 4 ) as we study our hands, we would take more care of them. But they are at the far end of the body, and most of the time they hardly rate a passing thought.