When I think of old wives' tales and superstitions I think of childhood, which is naturally when I first encountered them, usually as warnings from adults. Whether from parents, grandparents, other people's parents, or even teachers, the authority of whomever told me that walking under a ladder was courting disaster, or that it was unlucky to tread on cracks in the pavement, or that if I broke a mirror it would bring seven years of misfortune, was enough to make me accept this unquestioningly.
出典 Black Cats & Four-Leaf Clovers
whomever は文法的に間違いで、whoever です。文の骨格は the authority was enough to make me accept this unquestioningly. というのは分かるのですが、of whomever をどのように訳すと日本語らしくなるのかがわかりません。教えてください。