It is a long journey, in more ways than one, from Lantern Yard to Raveloe,
from dissenting chapel to village church.Not surpisingly,Silas,his faith
shattered,does not go out of his way to discover what kind of religion
might be available to him in his new place of residence. Lantern Yard
was all he knew.Had he been of mind to investigate,he would have
discovered that religion in Raveloe is a different matter altogether than
the fierce and narrow faith he has been fed at Lantern Yard.
the narrator is at pains to point out that Raveloe has not only seen
nothing of the Industrial Revolution,it has not been affected by
“puritan earnestness”-the kind that flourished in many of the dissenting
chapels.People in Raveloe are not in the habit of applying a stern morality
to their own lives,and the do not judge their neighbors in that way either.