• ベストアンサー




翻訳サイトの使用をお勧めします。 エキサイト翻訳で翻訳した場合こうなりました。 正確ではありませんよ。 法令には、来たる時間の後にインドで新型を導入する計画があります、会社が市場で復活戦略に取り組むとき」、これのための投資をすると言い足して。 6リットルのDuratecガソリンエンジンは堅実さ、丈夫さ、および機敏さを結合する非常に実用的で、コンパクトで強力な乗り物です。今日は、彼らが、彼らの業務提携の範囲を広げるのに同意したと発表しました。 そして、17の1000万、レース車のすべての特徴を持っています。 この着手で、フォードはインドの独占Direct Common Rail注射技術を導入するでしょう。 そして、17の1000万、レース車のすべての特徴を持っています。 売り出されると、乗り物は完全に組立の輸入ルートで紹介されるでしょう。



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  • 和訳してください

    週刊stの3月2日「忍者ハットリくん新作、インドで放送へ」より A new animated version of Ninja Hattori-kun will be made in India,where the series has been a major hit,TV Asahi Corp.said. The series will be aired in India beginnig in May and possibly in Japan as well by the end of the year,TV asahi said Feb.14. The new Ninja Hattori-kun,based on "gag manga"comics by cartoonist Fujiko Fujio(A),will be the first in around 25 years. After the cartoonist draws 25 series,TV Asahi's subsidinary animation studio will do some basic work on the material and an Indian production company will create the animated series,according to the broadcaster. The previous series aired in Japan from 1981 to 1987 and in India starting in 2004. TV Asahi is aiming to boost profits from its content business,including animation,in India in cooperation with Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Inc. Ninja Hattori-kun features a child ninja wbo befriends an elementary school boy in contemporary Tokyo. 大体意味は取れましたが、一応しっかりした訳で確認したいです。

  • たびたびすみません。また訳していただきたく。

    たびたびすみません。また訳していただきたく。 お願いに上がりました。 よろしくお願いします。 The parcel which I will be sending will not attract any duty here in India. This parcel of 20 kgs will be sent only as trade sample. And the postal people will directly hand over the parcel to you in person. And so there is no question of any customs formalities or duties involved in this particular deal. You will face all these problems only when you import large quantities. I am not at all sending this parcel as regular export but only as a sample. This time I will be sending the product only as a sample to make a trial run. I will give a letter to the postal customs department it is only a trade sample to get future bulk order. So there won't be any problem in India as well as in China. If you have any doubt and you feel that there would some problem in sending the parcel to China, I can send the parcel to your Japan address. Please inform me at the earliest.

  • trakAxPCで動画を編集していたのですが、突然『フェードアウト』や

    trakAxPCで動画を編集していたのですが、突然『フェードアウト』や『手前に表示』などが使用不可になりました。 ↓にそれ以降表示される英文を載せておきます。 どなたかご指導お願いします。 mix 【タグ名】 was created with a licenced version of the application as the application is no longer licenced some features of this mix may no longer be available and will be removed a copy of the original mix has been saved in the same location under the name 【タグ名】(licenced)

  • この文章の英訳をお願いします

    This vehicle has been certified and emissions tested by our dealership and has a complete vehicle history report showing a reported accident and damage repair claims totaling $4356. お願いいたします。

  • 不審なメール

    添付は何もなかったですが,以下の様な出だしで始まるメールが来ました. 一体どういった内容なのでしょうか. Dear Sir, We want to transfer to overseas ($ 126,000.000.00 USD) One hundred and Twenty six million United States Dollars) from a Bank in Africa, I want to ask you to quietly look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to receive this money, even an empty a/c can serve to receive this money, as long as you will remain honest to me till the end for this important business trusting in you and believing in God that you will never let me down either now or in future. I am Tom Moran, the Auditor General of a bank in Africa, during the course of our auditing I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank in 1995 and since 1998 nobody has operated on this account again, after going through some old files in the records I discovered that the owner of the account died without a [heir] hence the money is floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing. the owner of this account is Mr. Frankline Sullivan, a foreigner, and a sailor, and he died, since 1998. and no other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that Frankline Sullivan until his death was the manager Sulliv Coy.(pty). SA.

  • 変なメールが届いて困っています。

    Invoiceとゆう件名で、以下のメールが届きましたが、これってどうゆうことなのでしょうか? 圧縮ファイルも添付されていますが、ウィルスかもしれないし怖くて開けません。 詳しく翻訳していただきたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Please find attached payroll reports for the past months. Remit the new payment by 05/8/2014 as outlines under our payment agreement. Sincerely, Dusty Lim This e-mail has been sent from an automated system. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY. CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: The contents of this message, including any attachments, are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the person or entity to whom the message was addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or use of the contents of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender. Please also permanently delete all copies of the original message and any attached documentation. Thank you.

  • 変なメールがきました。大丈夫でしょうか

    英文で解らないので大丈夫でしょうか? 件名security center Advisoryです。 PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of customers. To protect the security of your account, PayPal employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the PayPal system for unusual activity. We are contacting you to remind you that on 23 May 2005 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved. To secure your account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional information from you for the following reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen, or that there were additional problems with your card. This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time your account or credit card may be subject for temporary suspension. To securely confirm your PayPal information please click on the link bellow: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_login-run 文章が長いので半分だけですが、1週間前に映画の入場券をネットでカードで買ったのですが大丈夫ですか? 1週間前に映画館の入場券をネットからカードで購入したのですが関係あるのでしょうか?

  • 文の意味がわかりません。

    英文和訳の設問なのですが、 Apart from allowing me to communicate, learning Hindi has given me linguistic confirmation that I know just by living here. 上の文が言っている意味がよくわかりません。とりわけ、主節の部分がわかりません。どなたか、よろしくお願いいたします。ちなみに、この英文には続きがあり、以下にのせておきます。 Time, for example, is a fluid concept in India. Nowhere is this made clearer than in the inevitable perplexity of a Westerner trying to fix an appointment with an India: the word for yesterday and tomorrow is the same. The smallest unit of time in Hindi is "hour."

  • 訳してください!!!!

    Even in a single country people use many languages. Take the case of India. As you know, India is famous for its curry, but the taste of curry changes every 25 kilometers. this is also true of languages in India. If you travel 50 kilometers, you will hear a different language. ↑訳お願いします。。。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Lindner's Educational Publishing is organizing a promotional event to take place on March 11. And, as one of our most valued customers, you are invited to celebrate with us! The event will be held in the conference room of the Benton Hotel. All of our employees will be attenfding, as will several of our investors and customers, like yourself. The purpose of the gathering will be to introduce our newest line of educational books for elementary students. We feel that this series has potential to become one of our best sellers! Please see the attached sales packet for more information on this exciting series. If you would like to join us on March 11, please call Mr. Nacy in our customer relations office at 39-46