文中の( )の語に関して,設問に答えなさい
A friend told me this story a few years ago. At the time, I was reading a book about the pyramids (1)(in) Egypt. My friend asked (2)(if) I knew about the Mummy’s Curse. I (3)(did)n’t, so he told me. This is (4)(what) he said:
Back in 1910, an Englishman named Douglas Murray was in the U.S.A. doing research about ancient Egypt. That was his job. He was a professor. At that time, a very ill-looking American (5)(offered) to sell Murray a mummy case, (6)(with) the body inside. The man said that the mummy was the body of an ancient Egyptian high priestess of the temple of Ammon-Ra, from about 1600 B.C. The man did not explain how he had gotten the mummy. But Murray thought it was a great opportunity for study. Murray bought the mummy. The American was dead only hours later.
Murray read about the mummy in a book. He learned that the ancient high priestess was part of a group (7)(called) the Cult of the Dead. The group believed in one central idea: they considered it their duty (8)(to) bring death and destruction (9)(to) everyone they met. Murray read (10)(that) when scientists moved the heavy blocks to enter the high priestess’s burial place, they discovered her resting place. Murray didn’t believe the story of the curse. He prepared to take the mummy back to England. But a few days later, he had a shooting accident. The wound became strangely infected, and a doctor cut Murray’s arm off at the elbow.
When Murray eventually returned to England, during the voyage, two of his Egyptian servants mysteriously died. They were young, strong, healthy men, so their deaths came very unexpectedly. Later, (11)(as) Murray was examining the caved image of the priestess on the side of the case, he said that “the face seemed to come alive with a stare (12)(that) chilled me to the bone.”
Murray decided he didn’t want the mummy case any (13)(longer). He sold it to a woman he knew. Within weeks, the woman’s mother died, her lover left her, and she became very ill. Murray told her (14)(to) take the mummy case and gave it to the British Museum. The museum photographer died while photographing it, and the man in charge of the exhibit was soon found (15)(dead) also. The museum decided they didn’t want the mummy case, and they sold it to a New York museum. That was the last time the mummy was seen. It was sent to the U.S.A. on a ship. The “Titanic.”
I don’t know if I believe this story, but some of the facts are true, that’s for sure.
(1) 何を修飾しているかを,次の中から一つ答えよ
(2)was reading
(3)a book
(2) 品詞とその働きとして正しい記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
(3) 補部がどれであるかを,次の中から一つ答えよ
(4) 語の働きとして誤っている記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
・関係詞節はwhat he said
(5) 語の説明として誤っている記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
・主部はa very ill-looking American
(6) 語の説明として誤っている記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
・a mummy caseを修飾
(7) 語の説明として誤っている記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
・a groupを修飾
・the Cult of the Deadを目的語に取っている
(8) 語の説明として誤っている記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
(9) 語の説明として誤っている記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
(10) 語の説明として誤っている記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
・scientists moved the heavy blocks to enter the high priestess’s burial placeを補部に取っている
(11) 品詞と意味に関する正しい記述を,次の中から一つ答えよ
・関係代名詞で先行詞はa stare
・副詞でwant the mummy caseを修飾
・the manの状態を説明
モロ師岡、段田男 そうですね! のこいのは知りませんでしたが、調べてみたら有名なCMソングを歌っていた人なんですね。 ありがとうございます。