26 July 2012 Natureの記事です。
(1)Therefore, a cure might be possible if the latent virus in all infected cells can be forced out of its hiding place, leading ultimately to the death of the cells and to the elimination of the viral reservoir.
(2)In the eight subjects, levels of HIV RNA in resting CD4+Tcells inreased in response to vorinostat, with the mean increase being 4.8-fold and the range 1.5-10.
(3)As is common in such first -in person clinical trials, this provocative study raises more question than it answers. First, how should the field balance the ethical concerns about administering potentially toxic drugs to HIV-infected people who are otherwise healthy?The ideal population for these studies are those who have been doing well on long-term therapy, but this just happens to be the group with the lowest apparent need for a cure.
(4)Even though zidovudine proved to have limited benefit on its own, the result showed that HIV could be inhibited, and the drug eventually became the basis for the first generation of drug combination regimens.
随分とお返事が遅くなり申し訳ありません! 半ば回答を諦めており、それに伴い忍道のプレイも減って行き…と そんな状態でした; 難易度ではなくランダムということは、随分運が悪かっただけのですね。 だいぶん放置してしまいましたが、また隠密活動に戻ってみようと思います(笑) 回答有難う御座いました!本当に感謝です☆