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    入金督促してた取引先から(1)のメールがきました。 返信(2)をしたいのですが、もう少し上手く返したく、ビジネス上の英文メールとして文法的におかしな箇所や自然にした方が良い部分があり ましたら、訂正を宜しくお願い申し上げますm(_ _)m (1) Thank you very much for supporting us. I get an information from Account Payable team, and the invoice 201706 was paid on 20-Feb-2018 to the bank account number ending with 〇〇 I appreciate to keep waiting, and I deeply sorry about spending long time to pay. (2) Thank you very much for your confirmation. we have confirm your payment on invoice NO201706. Thank you for your patronage. 入金についてご確認頂きありがとうございます。 弊社側にて入金頂けたことを確認できています。 今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。

  • purgeの意味

    I could really, really use some advice. I don't know how to fix this problem and I'm seriously starting to fear for my health. The problem is, I don't even know if this is an actual problem or if I just have no self-control. Basically, I cannot stop eating. Even when I'm full, even when I've been sure my stomach is about to explode from how much food I've eaten. I have also struggled on and off with purging my food since my junior year of high school (I'm a freshman in college now). I never saw anyone for the purging because a) I just didn't have access to help and b) because it was so on and off that I just didn't think of it as something anyone would see as a serious problem. But now I am having a really serious problem with binging. ここでのpurgeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 少年少女合唱団を英語でどういいますか。

    少年少女合唱団の英語が分かりません。可能性はいろいろ考えられるのですが、正解が分かりません。下記のどれか、またはその他の表現か。よろしくお願いします。 1) Boy and girl choir(chorus) 2) Boys and girls choir(chorus) 3) Boy's and girl's choir(chorus) 4) Boys' and girls' choir(chorus) 5) Boy and girl's choir(chorus) 6) Boys and girls's choir(chorus) 7) Boy-and-girl choir(chorus) 8) その他 よろしくお願いします。

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  • 英語の台詞で

    キャラに 「もう一度言う。立ち去れ、今すぐにだ!」 的な事を言わせたいのですが、軽い脅しっぽい刺々しい口調の英文だとどう表現するのでしょうか。 教えてください。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Casualties in the division from 21–27 March were 6,109, the most costly day being 21 March. Gough had been forced to order a fighting retreat to win time for reinforcements to reach his army. As the British fell back, troops in the redoubts fought on, in the hope that they would be relieved by counter-attacks or to impose the maximum delay on the German attackers. The right wing of the Third Army also retreated, to avoid being outflanked. The morning fog had delayed the use of aircraft but by the end of the day, 36 squadrons of the Royal Flying Corps had been in action and reported losing 16 aircraft and crew, while having shot down 14 German aircraft; German records show 19 and 8 losses. The first day of the battle had been costly for the Germans, who had suffered c. 40,000 casualties, slightly more than they inflicted on the BEF. The attack in the north had failed to isolate the Flesquières Salient, which had been held by the 63rd Division and the weight of the German offensive was increased in the south, where the 18th Army received six fresh divisions. And then, exactly as a pianist runs his hands across the keyboard from treble to bass, there rose in less than one minute the most tremendous cannonade I shall ever hear...It swept round us in a wide curve of red leaping flame stretching to the north far along the front of the Third Army, as well as of the Fifth Army on the south, and quite unending in either direction...the enormous explosions of the shells upon our trenches seemed almost to touch each other, with hardly an interval in space or time...The weight and intensity of the bombardment surpassed anything which anyone had ever known before. Minister of Munitions Winston Churchill, who was inspecting the 9th (Scottish) Division at Nurlu on the morning of Michael Day 2, 22 March On the second day of the offensive, British troops continued to fall back, losing their last footholds on the original front line. Thick fog impeded operations and did not disperse until early afternoon. Isolated engagements took place as the Germans pressed forward and the British held their posts, often not knowing who was to either side of them. Brigade and battalion control over events was absent. .

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    It was a day of stubborn and often heroic actions by platoons, sections and even individuals isolated from their comrades by the fragmented nature of the battle and lack of visibility. The greatest danger facing the British on 22 March was that the Third and Fifth armies might become separated. Byng did not order a retirement from the Flesquières salient, which his army had won at such cost and Haig ordered him to keep in contact with the Fifth Army, even if that required a further retreat; the day also saw the first French troops enter the battle on the southern flank. Small parties of British troops fought delaying actions, to allow those to their rear to reach new defensive positions. Some British battalions continued to resist in the Battle Zone and delay the German advance, even managing to withdraw at the last moment. At l'Épine de Dallon the 2nd Wiltshire battalion held out until 14:30 and at "Manchester Hill", the garrison of the 16th Manchesters commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Wilfrith Elstob, fought until he was killed at 16:30 Directly to their rear was the "Stevens Redoubt", of the 2nd Battalion of the Bedfordshire Regiment, to which the survivors retired. The redoubt was reinforced by two companies of the 18th King's and attacked from all sides after the units on the flanks had been pushed back. The Bedfords were ordered to retire just as their ammunition ran out and retreated through the lines of the 20th Division, having lost half their number. The longest retreat was made in the XVIII Corps area, where the corps commander General Ivor Maxse, appeared to have misinterpreted an order from Gough for a fighting retreat if necessary, to mean that the corps should fall back to the Somme. The Germans brought heavy artillery into Artemps under the cover of the morning mist, which forced the remaining battalions of the 109th Brigade (36th Division) to retreat to join the 108th Brigade at Happencourt. The result of the misunderstanding between Gough and Maxse and different interpretations placed on telephone messages and written orders, was that the 36th Division retired to Sommette-Eaucourt on the south bank of the Canal de Saint-Quentin, to form a new line of defence. This required the Division to cross the Canal at Dury.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The daylight withdrawal to the Green Line, over almost 14 km (9 mi), was completed gradually, assisted by the defence of the Ricardo Redoubt whose garrison did not surrender until 16:40. During the retreat, Engineers blew the bridges across the Canal between Ham and Ollézy but the railway bridge at Pithon suffered only minor damage. The Germans were soon over the river and advanced up to 15 kilometres (10 mi) to the Crozat canal. Day 3, 23 March Early on the morning of Saturday 23 March, German troops broke through the line in the 14th Division sector on the canal at Jussy. The 54th Brigade were holding the line directly to their south and were initially unaware of their predicament, as they were unknowingly being outflanked and surrounded. The 54th Brigade History records "the weather still favoured the Germans. Fog was thick over the rivers, canals and little valleys, so that he could bring up fresh masses of troops unseen". In the confusion, Brigade HQ tried to establish what was happening around Jussy and by late morning the British were retreating in front of German troops who had crossed the Crozat Canal at many points. All lines of defence had been overrun and there was nothing left to stop the German advance; during the day Aubigny, Brouchy, Cugny and Eaucourt fell. Lieutenant Alfred Herring of the 6th Northamptonshire Battalion in the 54th Brigade, despite having never been in battle before, led a small and untried platoon as part of a counter-attack made by three companies, against German troops who had captured the Montagne Bridge on the Crozat Canal. The bridge was recaptured and held for twelve hours before Herring was captured with the remnants of his platoon. The remnants of the 1/1st Hertfordshire Regiment were retreating across the southernmost edges of the 1916 Somme battlefield and by the morning of 24 March there were only eight officers and around 450 men left. The war diary read, Before dawn the Bn marched to BUSSU & dug in hastily on the east side of the village. When both flanks became exposed the Bn retired to a line of trenches covering the PERONNE–NURLU road. After covering the 4/5th Black Watch Regt on the left the Bn withdrew to the ST. DENNIS line which was very stubbornly defended.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Bn then retired with difficulty to the line protecting the PERONNE–CLERY road with the remainder of the 116th Inf. Bde. to cover the retreat of the 117th and 118th Inf. Bdes. When this had been successfully accomplished under very harassing machine gun fire from the enemy, the Bn conformed to the general retirement on CLERY village where it concentrated. The remnants of the Bn then defended a line of trenches between the village and running down to the River SOMME.”(23 March 1918) Ludendorff issued a directive for the "continuation of the operations as soon as the line Bapaume–Peronne–Ham had been reached: 17th Army will vigorously attack in the direction Arras–St Pol, left wing on Miraumont (7 km (4 1⁄2 mi) west of Bapaume). 2nd Army will take Miraumont–Lihons (near Chaulnes) as direction of advance. 18th Army, echeloned, will take Chaulnes–Noyon as direction of advance, and will send strong forces via Ham". The 17th Army was to roll-up British forces northwards and the 2nd Army was to attack west along the Somme, towards the vital railway centre of Amiens. The 18th Army was to head south-west, destroying French reinforcements on their line of march and threatening the approaches to Paris in the Second Battle of Picardy (2e Bataille de Picardie). The advance had been costly and the German infantry were beginning to show signs of exhaustion; transport difficulties had emerged, supplies and much heavy artillery lagged behind the advance. Actions at the Somme crossings, 24–25 March Day 4, 24 March By now, the front line was badly fragmented and highly fluid, as the remnants of the divisions of the Fifth Army were fighting and moving in small bodies, often composed of men of different units. German units advanced irregularly and some British units ended up under French command to the south or behind enemy lines to the east, making the logistic tasks of the corps and divisional staffs nigh impossible. The Official Historian, Brigadier-General Sir James E. Edmonds wrote, After three days of battle, with each night spent on the march or occupied in the sorting out and reorganization of units, the troops – Germans as well as British – were tired almost to the limits of endurance. The physical and mental strain of the struggle against overwhelming odds, the heavy losses, the sinister rumours which were rife, all contributed to depress morale.

  • 英文の添削お願いいたします。替え玉

    1「その母親は娘の代わりにA大学を受験して合格したが、そのあと、それが発覚して入学を取り消された(A大学は入学を取り消した。 )」 2「彼は友達に運転免許の替え玉受験をさせて免許を取得した。そのあと替え玉受験が発覚して免許を取り消され逮捕された。」 1.「The mother took an entrance examination for University A in place of her daughter and passed it. Then, it was found out, and the entrance to school was canceled./University A canceled her entrance to school.」 2.「He let his friend do a substitute examination of a driver's license and acquired it. After that/Then, the substitute examination was found out, and the driver’s license was canceled and then he ware arrested. 」 また、「発覚する」をdiscoveredやcame to lightに置き換えることは可能でしょうか?またproxyという単語が代理人(替え玉になる人物)として使うならhave/let his freind take an entrance exam for A university as ~のような形で用いるべきでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 添削してください!

    添削してください! テーマ:タイムマシンでどこに行き何をしたいか I would go back to the time when I was in elementary school and master various things. One reason is that a talent is important:it would enable me to express my personality more easily. Another reason is that I could have special experiences in many ways:It would make my life more enjoyable.

  • 英語の和訳(証券取引法に関する)

    株式所有・議決権運用などに関連した次のような一文があります。 We further argue that aggregated mandate ownership positions hold the critical element of shareholding most relevant to corporate control. We therefore submit that “threshold reporting” is not a mere statutory requirement; but rather part of a comprehensive regulatory scheme that goes beyond disclosure and exposes where power over corporations actually resides. As such, this information is relevant in light of the concerns regarding the potential anti-competitive effects of common ownership.この邦訳は次のようになろうかと存じます。「これがまさに,パッシブ・アセット・マネジャーが保持するタイプの所有である。われわれはさらに,総合的な運用委託所有の地位が,会社支配にとって最も今日的な意味を帯びた重要な要因をはらむと主張する。われわれはそれゆえ,「基準報告〔閾値(取引)報告〕」〔“threshold reporting”〕が単なる法的要件ではなく,むしろ実際に会社に対する支配の帰属の開示や顕示を超えた網羅的な規制的シェーマの一部をなすと考える。この情報は,そのようなものとして,共通した所有の潜在的な反競争的な効果に関する懸念事項の観点から今日的な意味を帯びている。」 この中で〔“”〕内のthreshold reportingの適訳について検討がつきません。どなたかお分かりの方がいらしたら,是非御教示下さい。宜しくお願いします。

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    • jubu
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  • 英語の邦訳(証券取引法に関する一節)

    合衆国証券取引法に関する次のような英文があります。 The orderly operation of the market for corporate control relies on legal tools to balance between independent decision-making of corporate management and the interests of shareholders. Shareholding in the context of corporate control, however, reflects only the elements of share ownership that make such owners the appropriate franchise for corporate voting. Shareholding as the basis for the franchise of corporate voting is founded on the assumption that shareholders are the most suitable constituents to trigger the corporate control mechanism, since the best signal for identifying board errors is the stock price.この一節の邦訳は次のようになろうかと存じます。 「会社支配市場の秩序立った機能は,会社経営陣の独立した意思決定と株主の利益の間での釣り合いをとるための法的手段に依存する。しかしながら,会社支配との関連での株式保有は,そうした株主を,会社の議決権のための適切なfranchiseにする〔?〕株式所有の諸要素のみを反映する。会社の議決権という権利の基礎としての株式所有は,取締役会の誤りを特定するシグナルは株価であるから,株式所有者が,会社支配メカニズムを始動するための最も適切な構成要素であるという前提に基づいている。」この中のfranchiseの適訳について御存じの方がいらしたら是非御教示下さい。宜しくお願いします。

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  • Adjusted EBITDA margin とは

    海外の企業の紹介文の中にAdjusted EBITDA margin YTD :25% とありました。日本語ではどういう風に表現するのが 一般的ですか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The 109th brigade planned a counter-attack in the early hours of 24 March but before dawn German troops entered Golancourt, just north-west of Villeselve, so British troops were forced to remain in their defensive positions. The front ran roughly between Cugny and the south of Golancourt. An example of the condition of many British units, was the 54th Brigade of the 18th Division where by nightfall on 23 March, the 7th Bedfordshire and 6th Northamptonshire battalions had c. 206 men each and the 11th Royal Fusiliers had 27 men, who were hurriedly reorganised and then took post in the wood north of Caillouel at 10:00. The battle continued throughout the morning along the entire front and at 11:00, the remnants of the 14th Division were ordered to withdraw further south to the town of Guiscard. A series of small German attacks dislodged the exhausted British troops piecemeal and gaps in the front created by this staggered withdrawal were exploited by the Germans. The 54th Brigade was slowly outflanked by attacks from the north-east and north-west, the brigade fell back into Villeselve and were heavily bombarded by German Artillery from around 12:00. British troops, supported by French infantry attempted to hold the line here but the French received orders to retreat, leaving the British flank exposed; the British retreated with the French and fell back through Berlancourt to Guiscard. The 54th Brigade ordered the retirement of what was left of its battalions to Crepigny and at 03:00 on 25 March they slipped away under cover of darkness to Beaurains. Further north, the 1/1st Hertfordshires war diary read, After an intense bombardment of our trenches the enemy attacked with large numbers. The Bn, after heavy fighting, retired to a crest in front of the FEVILLERS-HEM WOOD ROAD. Here the Bn lost its Commanding Officer, Lieut. Colonel E. C. M. PHILLIPS, about whom, up to the time of writing, nothing is known. In the evening the Bn got orders to withdraw through the 35th Division to MARICOURT where the Bn spent the night.(24 March 1918) By nightfall, the British had lost the line of the Somme, except for a stretch between the Omignon and the Tortille.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The fighting and retirements in the face of unceasing pressure by the 2nd Army led the right of the Third Army to give up ground as it tried to maintain contact with the left flank of Fifth Army. First Battle of Bapaume, 24–25 March Day 4, 24 Marc In the late evening of 24 March, after enduring unceasing shelling, Bapaume was evacuated and then occupied by German forces on the following day.[62] The British official historian, Brigadier-General Sir James E. Edmonds wrote, The whole of the Third Army had swung back, pivoting on its left, so that, although the VI and XVII Corps were little behind their positions of the 21st March, the right of V Corps had retired seventeen miles [27 km]. The new line, consisting partly of old trenches and partly shallow ones dug by the men themselves, started at Curlu on the Somme and ran past places well known in the battle of the Somme, the Bazentins and High Wood, and then extended due north to Arras. It was, for the most part, continuous, but broken and irregular in the centre where some parts were in advance of others; and there were actually many gaps...Further, the men of the right and centre corps..were almost exhausted owing to hunger and prolonged lack of sleep." After three days the infantry was exhausted and the advance bogged down, as it became increasingly difficult to move artillery and supplies over the Somme battlefield of 1916 and the wasteland of the 1917 German retreat to the Hindenburg Line. German troops had also examined abandoned British supply dumps which caused some despondency, when German troops found out that the Allies had plenty of food despite the U-boat campaign, with luxuries such as chocolate and even Champagne falling into their hands. Fresh British troops had been hurried into the region and were moved towards the vital rail centre of Amiens. The German breakthrough had occurred just to the north of the boundary between the French and British armies. The new focus of the German attack came close to splitting the British and French armies. As the British were forced further west, the need for French reinforcements became increasingly urgent.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    In his diary entry for 24 March, Haig acknowledged important losses but derived comfort from the resilience of British rearguard actions, By night the Enemy had reached Le Transloy and Combles. North of Le Transloy our troops had hard fighting; the 31st, Guards, 3rd, 40th and 17th Divisions have all repulsed heavy attacks and held their ground." Late that night Haig (after first dining with General Byng when he urged Third Army to "hold on ... at all costs") travelled to Dury to meet the French commander-in-chief, General Pétain, at 23:00. Pétain was concerned that the British Fifth Army was beaten and that the "main" German offensive was about to be launched against French forces in Champagne. Pétain was under enormous pressure from his government to safeguard Paris, which was under long-range German artillery bombardment. On 24 March, he informed Haig that the French army was preparing to fall back towards Beauvais to protect Paris if the German advance continued. This would create a gap between the British and French armies and force the British to retreat towards the Channel Ports; Haig sent a telegram to the War Office to request an Allied conference. Day 5, 25 March British 60 pounder gun firing near La Boisselle on 25 March The movements of 25 March were extremely confused and reports from different battalions and divisions are often contradictory. An unidentified officer's account of his demoralising experiences that day is quoted in the British Official History, What remains in my memory of this day is the constant taking up of new positions, followed by constant orders to retire, terrible blocks on the roads, inability to find anyone anywhere; by exceeding good luck almost complete freedom from shelling, a complete absence of food of any kind except what could be picked up from abandoned dumps. The focus of fighting developed to the north of the 54th Brigade, who were now joined with the French and the survivors of the 18th Division, who could scarcely raise enough men to form a small Brigade. By 10:00 on the 25th, the left flank of 7th Bedfordshires was again exposed as the French around them retreated, so another retirement was ordered. They withdrew back to Mont Du Grandu further south and away from the British Fifth Army.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Midday saw them in a stronger position until French artillery and machine guns opened fire on them, mistaking them for Germans, forcing them to retire to high ground west of Grandu. The remaining troops of the 36th Division were ordered to withdraw and reorganise. To give support to French troops now holding the front, they set off on a 24-kilometre (15 mi) march west. Around midday, they halted for a few hours rest near Avricourt. While there they received orders to head for a new line which would be formed between Bouchoir and Guerbigny. During the day, the Germans made a rapid advance and Allied troops and civilians with laden carts and wagons filled the roads south and west. The Germans passed through Libermont and over the Canal du Nord. Further north, the town of Nesle was captured, while south-west of Libermont German troops faced the French along the Noyon–Roye road. The 1/1st Herts having spent the night in Maricourt, "marched from MARICOURT to INSAUNE. The march was continued after breakfast across the River SOMME at CAPPY to CHUIGNOLLES, where the Bn reorganised and spent the night.”(25 March 1918) More orders were received at 3pm to move to Varesnes on the south bank of the River Oise but whilst en-route they were countermanded with surprise orders to counter attack and retake a village called Babouef. Therefore, the war worn Brigade who had been fighting and marching for four punishing days solid were about faced and moved off to the attack with an enthusiasm that is nothing short of incredible. By rights, the Brigade should have been incapable of the action yet those quoted as being there remark that it was the most memorable event of the entire rearguard action. At 5pm, with the Fusiliers on the right, the Bedfords on the left and the Northamptons in reserve, the Brigade formed up with the Babouef to Compeigne road on their right and the southern edge of the woods above Babouef to their left. The Germans had not expected a British counter attack, thinking there was nothing but ragged French units in their area, so were surprised at the arrival of three small but determined British battalions.

  • 投資家のウォーレン・バフェットが最も投資している会

    投資家のウォーレン・バフェットが最も投資している会社がWFCウェルス・ファーゴ社とKHCクラフトハインツ社だそうですが、この2社は何の会社ですか? 日本では聞いたことがない会社です。

  • 英語の読書感想文で100字程度のものが載っているサ
