• 締切済み


英語得意な方翻訳お願いします 元気ですか? みんなと過ごした◯◯での生活がすごく恋しいです。 あなたは担任の先生じゃなかったけど仲良くしてくれてありがとう。 ◯◯の時は迷惑かけてごめんね。色々とありがとう。 あなたの優しさには感謝してます。 これからもお互い頑張っていこうね。 あなたの幸せを願ってます。 また会えますように。



How are you doing? I miss so much the life with every one in XX. Although you were not the head-teacher, you still treated me nice. during the time in XX, I feel sorry about giving you troubles. Thank you so much for lots of things, especially for your sincere kindness. I wish we will cheer up from now on. I pray for your happiness and I hope we will meet again. 以上でいかがでしょうか?

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10104/12657)

How are you? The life spent together by ○○ was very fun, so I long it now. You weren't my teacher in charge, but thank you for often making friends with me. I'm sorry to have been troublesome at ○○. Thank you for everything. I'm so thankful for your kindness.(ご親切に感謝してます) Let's try our best also from now on, right? I'm wishing your happiness. I'd like to meet you again as soon as possible.(+できるだけ早い時期に)

