文頭のBut, Andを頻繁に見かけます。
絶対にご法度だと言われ、それを使うと添削ではかなりの確率で指摘されるらしく、また、英語の試験でも誤りだと見做されるらしい「文頭のBut, And」を、英語圏の文書で頻繁に見かけるのですが、これは一体どういうことでしょうか。以下にその例を挙げます。
○This world in space and time is the only world that our human sensory apparatus can apprehend. But then there is another realm which is not in space or time, and not accessible to our senses, and in which there is permanence and perfect order. This other world offers us only brief and unsatisfactory glimpses. But it is what one might call real reality.(略) These physical bodies of ours come into existence and pass away, are always imperfect, are never the same for two moments together, and are at all times highly perishable. But they are the merest and most fleeting glimpses of something that is also us and is non-material, timeless, and indestructible, something that we may refer to as the soul.
○America thinks of modernity as all good ― and it has been almost all good for America. But for the Arab world, modernity has been one failure after another.(略) Afghanistan was very clearly a base for al-Qaeda operations, and it was on that basis that United States went on the offensive in that country, deposing the Taliban regime that had supported the terrorists. But what of Pakistan, which officially opposes such terrorist groups, but is generally thought to have them operating within its territory?
○At trial, the judge instructs the jury on the relevant law, and the jury determines the facts of the case and applies the law it has been given to the facts. But because a jury's decision to acquit is far all practical purposes unreviewable, it can, if it chooses to do so, refuse to apply the law and acquit a defendant or convict on lesser charges in spite of the judge's instructions.
○If one gets out too soon, one loses a lot of potential income.(改行) But it is impossible to predict the timing of the peak, since some trivial factor that never will be discovered the exact timing of the end of the bubble.
○The city was attractive precisely because it offered freedom from the compulsory and coercive rural community. But it was destructive because it did not offere any community of its own.(略) The first to point out that humans need community is one of the geat classics of sociology, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft by Ferdinand Toennies, published in 1887. But the community that Toennies, over a century ago, sitill hoped to preserve ― the organic communities of traditional rural society ― is gone, and gone for good.(略) Instead of the traditional communities of history, our communities need to be free and voluntary. But they also need to offer the individual in the city an oportunity to achieve, to contribute, to matter. (略)And so has been the money. But the result have been meager everywher. (改行) But it is equally clear that the private sector, business, cannot fill that need, either.
○An interesting obsaervation is that the first, second and, to some extent, the fourth levels can be satisfied by financial reward. But such needs as recognition and personal development require managers to look for additional methods tomotivate people.(略) Financial reward is an important but complex method of motivating people. But money is not the only motivator: equally important are recognition and responsibility.
○In a little over two days the world's capital markets move as much money as all of the world's economies move in a year. And on an abnormal day the world's capital markets can move much more than $1.3 trillion.
○But it was destructive because it did not offere any community of its own.(改行) And human beings need community.(略) The needs were certainly there. And so has been the money.(略) It has worked, but only in one country, Japan. And even there, it is by now clear, it is not the answer.
○The problem is that what postmodernism might mean in one discipline is not necessarily compatible with what it might mean in another.
Thank you very much for the details. It is interesting to consider the origin of the word (from a Latin). Also, the difference in the emphasis is interesting to know.