20020504 の回答履歴

  • hotmailについて


  • MIDIファイルを着メロに使えるんですか??


  • 翻訳してください!お願いします!!

    翻訳してください!!おねがいします The type of broken articulation required by much early music can be seen from the Byrd Galiardo already mentioned. If its first half were played legato, as is perfectly possible with modern fingering, it would sound airless, flat and dull. But when its opening phrase is articulated in some such way as the dance-like character of the piece immediately becomes apparent, and the lively imitation between the voices stands out clearly. This 'characterization' of themes is one of the most important functions of articulation in the performance of early music, for it brings out their inherent. Another of its functions is to define the smaller units out of which passagework is built.

  • 家の中で犬を飼う

    チワワを飼いたいと思っています。 でも、我が家は全員働いているので、昼間は誰もいません。一人で置いていても大丈夫なものなんでしょうか。

    • ベストアンサー
    • julianod
    • 回答数8