
@ngmdkse ngmdkse

  • 登録日2011/07/04
  • 新聞の運勢で・・・

    運勢のところで 我念にとりつかれ行動していたと忽然と大悟した大吉運日 とはどういう意味でしょうか?? どなたか回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この日本語を英語にしてください。

    超高速物質反射体 重力完全操作 二つとも振り仮名をふって教えてください!

  • 写メで投稿可能なTwitterサービスのフッター

    以前からTwitterを愛用しており、モバツイを利用して、携帯から写メを使って写真付きツイートの投稿を行っています。 しかし、モバツイの場合、メール投稿ではフッターを自動付与する事が出来ません。 メール投稿時も、ツイートの最後にフッターを追加してくれるサービスは御座いませんでしょうか? 写真添付でメールを送る事で画像付きツイートにしてくれるサービスを探しています。 どなたか御教示頂けますよう、御願い致します。

  • 至急英作文を日本語にお願いします。

    Europe-Crunch Time. While the outlook for economic growth in both the Eurozone and the United Kingdom has not changed since last month, the tensions around the second Greek bailout and likely further debt restructuring have increased dramatically. Meanwhile, the Greek political situation has become more unstable, with growing public discontent, a deteriorating economy and missed budget targets. The most likely outcome is that some sort of a face-saving compromise will be worked out at the European summit on 23-24 June. This will likely result in a “soft” restructuring that will buy Greece some time, allowing it to implement the necessary and painful fiscal restructuring. The risk (now higher) is that the restructuring/default could be much more chaotic, causing damage to banks in Greece and possibly other Eurozone countries. China-Clearer Signs of Slowing, but a Hard Landing Is Still Unlikely. IHS Global Insight’s view that China’s growth is slowing has been corroborated by recent evidence of weakness-particularly among private sector firms. There is also mounting evidence that China’s property price surge is cooling off. Moreover, China’s lending tumbled in May, the money supply grew at the slowest rate since 2008. China’s tightening cycle will continue, as consumer price index (CPI) inflation (5.5% in May) is above the government’s target. In particular, the reserve requirement -already at a record high- will continue to increase in the coming months. Nevertheless, some indicators of growth, such as industrial production and urban fixed-asset investment, continue to grow strongly (13.3% and 26.7% year-on-year-y/y respectively, in May). This means that the risk of a hard landing still relatively low (less than 25%).

  • 急いでます!日本語訳してください、お願いします。

    友達から頼まれてたのですが間に合いそうにありません、手伝っていただければうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします。 The visual record that's created may be kept in an art journal so changes in the patient's condition can be tracked over time. Because they are tangible, these pictures, sculptures, and designs can have an empowering effect. For instance, a sufferer of anorexia may have trouble talking about sadnessthe feelings are given form in a work of art, they can be looked at identified, and discussed. As the patient draws, sculpts, or dances, he or she has complete control over the work, which can be a starting point for improve his ore her sense of self-worth.