英語の和訳をお願いします! 長文になりますが、宜しくお願いします!
The mind is no less capable in women than in men of making this from resolve which constitutes virtue
and of recognising the circumstances in which it should be practised. women can control their passions
just as well as we can, and they are not more inclined to vice than to virtue.
One could even tilt the balance in their favour on this issue because affecthion for children. which is incompara bly stronger in women than in men, is naturally linked with compassion which, in trun,
could be called the virtue and tha bond of civil society. it is impossible to imagine that society is reasonably
established for any other purpose apart from the mutual satisfaction of needs and common necessities.
And if one looked closely at how passions arise in us, one would find that the way in which women treat us when we are in distress, almost like their own children, is like a natural development of their contribution to the birth and education of men.
Thet the differences which can be observed in the conduct of men and women derive from their education
It is all the more important to notice that the dispositions with which we are born are neither good nor evil,
because otherwise one cannot avoid a rather common mistake of attributing to nature something which
results only from custom