sakuya_haruoka の回答履歴

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    Social,ecomomic,and political structures that distribute the goods and services of a society in such a way that there is severe injustice are structural violence. Over 500 years ago Christopher Columbus traveled too far. In doing so he opened up the way for the global spreading of structural violence, which though silent and only unintentionally harmful,has created a legacy that the white Christion West will have to cope with for many years to come. As a consequence of strucral violence, inequity in the world is increasing. People generally dislike being repressed or exploited. And when they find themselves in such sutuations, they rebel, sometimes violently.

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    Social,ecomomic,and political structures that distribute the goods and services of a society in such a way that there is severe injustice are structural violence. Over 500 years ago Christopher Columbus traveled too far. In doing so he opened up the way for the global spreading of structural violence, which though silent and only unintentionally harmful,has created a legacy that the white Christion West will have to cope with for many years to come. As a consequence of strucral violence, inequity in the world is increasing. People generally dislike being repressed or exploited. And when they find themselves in such sutuations, they rebel, sometimes violently.