• ベストアンサー

Pleae help me to translate below....

1. 彼は会の間中終始上機嫌で、今日ばかりは嬉しさをかくし__様子だった。 1つくせない 2きれない 3つけない 4ぬけない which one is right? and what the meaning of this sentence? 3)三ヶ月先まで、カレンダーが詰まっていて遠足が伸ばされる__。 1ほかない 2にほかならない 3にすぎない 4にかぎる which one is right? and what the meaning of this sentence? 13)あの新人歌手hあ、歌のうまさもさることながら__。 1ダンスは今一つ      2ダンスがまた素晴らしい 3もっと練習したほうがいい 4人気が出るかもしれない what the meaning of "今一つ"? is that mean No.1? then it should fit the question, but point 2 also fit, so which one should I choose? Thanks very much!


  • ベストアンサー

it's kinda free translation though... During the meeting, he seemed very happy and couldn't disguise his feeling. 2 We have a tight schedule this quoter so that the school excursion is compelled to put off. 1 That new face has got some talent for singing as well as dance. In this question, what you are supposed to answer is "she can dance as well." 今ひとつ roughly means "not that good" as an adjective. FYI, especially the last one is quite literary, hardly seen a person who talks this kind of idiom.



はい、わかりました、どうもありがとう。 FYI, especially the last one is quite literary, hardly seen a person who talks this kind of idiom. ーーーー>But in exam, it always pop out :(


その他の回答 (5)

  • Haignere
  • ベストアンサー率56% (61/108)

1 Answer 2 「かくしきれない」 = cannot conceal his feeling 2 Answer 1 「伸ばされるほかない」 = have no choice but to suspend 3 Answer 2 「歌のうまさもさることながら、ダンスがまたすばらしい」 He is good at not only singing songs but also dancing. 「さることながら」means "not only, but" in Japanese. For your information, 「今一つ」 means "not so good" or " not good enough"

  • debukuro
  • ベストアンサー率19% (3635/18948)

13は2ですよ not only but also 歌は上手だし踊りもすばらしい

  • tance
  • ベストアンサー率57% (402/704)

「今ひとつ」というのは、悪い事を表す時に使います。特に、少しだけ 足りないことを表します。 「さることながら」というのは、not only ~ but also ~ と同じ 意味です。ですから、「歌がうまい」だけでなく、何かもうまい という意味にならなくてはなりません。 こうして見ると答えは2ですね。





まさることながら・・・・ そのあとは、否定することがくると思いませんか?


first 2 secound 1 third 1 Can you understand ?



はい、わかりました!! ただ最後のテキストの1番目の意味とどうして2番目はだめですかを聞かせていただけませんか? どうも!




    I really need help on this: In my world history class at school, I have to write a paper on the 3 "places of worship" centered in Israel→Christianity, Judaism and Islam religion. If there is one,an english URL will really help.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 Displacement is one means by which the dream does this. In the first place, it is the effect of feeling which is displaced, so that what appears to be most important and full of emotion in the dream may be really of least significance, whereas an apparently trifling matter may be pregnant with meaning. The emphasis of the dream is thus displaced and so eludes the censor.

  • Help

    help I speak english this is not good. what should I do?? This is not a small problem.

  • 前置詞+関係代名詞?

    例えば、This is the proverb the meaning of which I can't understand.という英文を、前置詞+関係詞と考えて、This is the proverb which I can't understand the meaning of.とすることはできますか?できないとしたら、どんな理由からでしょうか?教えてください。

  • 英文解釈

    次の分の和訳ですが、 [The reason for setting up a formal language is that we wish to use the sentences to say things about the models. This is accomplished by giving a basic truth definition,which specifies for each pair consisting of a sentence and a model one of the truth values true or false.] ちょっと長くてすいません、、、ですが疑問のある文は「This is accomplished by giving a basic truth definition,which specifies for each pair consisting of a sentence and a model one of the truth values true or false.」で、後半の[model one]のところが「model, one~」となっていなく、自分としてはこの文をどう捉えていいのかわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします!

  • All that to say

    Dear Sugars, I write to you today as the new father of a beautiful baby girl and the husband of a lovely, supportive wife. I recently finished my Ph.D. and am in the midst of trying to land a job. All that to say, my life is full of the new joys of parenthood, a sense of completion, and the excitement of new horizons -- or at least this is what I imagine I should be experiencing. All that to sayはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 文法と訳

    これはある本からの引用です。翻訳と、特に文法について教えてください。 "The exitence of which we are most assured and which we know best is unquesionably our own, for of every other object we have notions which may be considered external and superficial, whereas, of ourselves, our perception is internal and profound. What, then, do we find? In this privileged case, what is the precise meaning of the word "exist" ?". 意味は何となく解るんですけど、文法が複雑すぎのような気がします。特に、The exitence of which we are most ・・・、for of every other object we have notions which may・・・、・・・superficial, whereas, of ourselves, our perception・・・の部分の前置詞などの使い方など教えていただけませんか。

  • うまい訳をお願いします

    お世話になります。 a set of がうまく訳せません。うまい訳をお願いいたします。 Language is a set of sound and sentence patterns that express meaning. お願いいたします。

  • ☆ Can you translate? ♪

    和訳に手こずっています。 どなたか手伝ってくださいませんか? 一つめはそれほど難しい構文ではありませんが、うまく訳せません。 A journey across America is a journey through a bewildering array of scenary and cultures that leaves the traveler with a host of conflicting impressions and opinions. 二つ目はずっと簡単な構文ですが、最初の文よりテクニックがいるようです。 Is your sister older or younger than you? 最後にごく初歩的な英文ですが、たかが固有名詞侮れません。 Hello. My name is Lindsay Daenem. I'm from Belgium. This is my best friend, Malin Reitan. She's from Norway. And this is the year's champion Kseniya Sitnik. She's from Belarus. どれか一つ自信のあるので構いませんので、お手伝いいただければ幸いです。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Integrity vs. despair In Erikson’s eighth and final stage of psychosocial development, the crisis revolves around the meaning of life, life in general, and one’s own life in particular. Unsuccessful resolution is associated with a feeling of despair. The life was wasted, and too little time is left to pick up the pieces; all that remains is frustration and hopelessness. In contrast, a sense of integrity comes with successful resolution, integrity in its meaning of honesty and soundness of moral principle and also in its meaning of wholeness or oneness, integration of self and cosmos. Persons who attain this sense of integrity should also attain Kohlberg’s Stage 6 of morality, and some perhaps even Stage 7, in which morality is postconventional, based on principles that are universal (Stage 6) or cosmic (Stage 7) in scope. お願いします。