
  • 彼が彼女に気づいた瞬間、彼女が彼にとっての全てであることに驚きました。
  • 彼女は最初は彼の店や他の怪しい取引に関連して雇われていましたが、彼は彼女の真の価値について突然気づき、彼女に夢中になりました。
  • 彼は彼女が彼にとっての全てであることを突如悟り、彼女に夢中になりました。彼女は彼の生活において欠かせない存在となりました。
  • ベストアンサー

…all she is の解釈について

添付ファイル文章: At first she was only employed by him in connection with his taverns and in some other shady business, but now he has suddenly realized all she is and has gone wild about her. に関する質問です。 he has suddenly realized all she is の部分ですが、 all she isは 「彼女が、(彼にとっての)全てである」 と解釈して合っているのか自信がないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9723/12095)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >添付ファイル文章: At first she was only employed by him in connection with his taverns and in some other shady business, but now he has suddenly realized all she is and has gone wild about her. に関する質問です。 >he has suddenly realized all she is の部分ですが、 all she isは 「彼女が、(彼にとっての)全てである」 と解釈して合っているのか自信がないです。 ⇒このall she isは、all what she is「彼女の(今あるところの)ことすべて、彼女の全存在」というのと同じような意味で、ひと言で言えば、「彼女のすべて」といった感じでしょう。なお、全体の流れを勘案すれば「彼にとって」という意味合いになりますが、この語句だけでその意味が表されるわけではないと思います。 全訳はこうなります。 「最初、彼女は彼の居酒屋や他の胡散臭い仕事に関連して彼に雇われただけでしたが、今や彼は突然彼女のすべてを認識し、彼女に熱狂してしまっている。」



語句の解釈の仕方を分かりやすく解説してくださりありがとうございました。 そのため、しっかり理解することができました。 わたしのため、 お時間割いてくださり ありがとうございます。


  • all because の文法解釈について

    添付ファイル文章: And three weeks ago, Dmitri seized him by the beard in a tavern, dragged him out into the street and beat him publicly, and all because he is an agent in a little business of mine.”に関する質問です。 all becauseが文法的にどうなっているのか理解できないです。 これは、 it is all because he is an agent in... のit isが省略されていると解釈していいのか、それとも all is because he is an agent in... のisが省略されていると解釈していいのか分からないです。 また、それ以外の文法ルールに従っているのか分からないです。 解説お願いします

  • All hope is gone.

    All hope is gone. He is goneとHe was goneは使わないとききました。 なんでAll hope is goneは文が成り立ってるのですか? これはポスターに書いてありました。

  • Bad as it is

    She sleeps late, so I can't go into the kitchen to make breakfast because I might wake her, and we're forced to hide our snacks so she won't eat them. Bad as it is, the worst part is that my fiancé is bringing in zero income. His credit has gone down the tubes, he's about to lose his car—everything. Bad as it isはどう訳すでしょうか?His credit has gone down the tubesは「彼の信用t isはなくなった」で良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Where Ralph saw a friend and confidant in Rachel, all she saw was a sad millionaire who believed in the nonsense she was peddling and was ripe for the plucking. She convinced him that her psychic abilities could help him find what he craved the most in the world: companionship and a family. For the next two years, she groomed her mark perfectly. http://www.lifedaily.com/story/lonely-bachelors-life-is-thrown-upside-down-when-he-visited-this-portland-psychic/4/ 和訳をお願いします。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    以下はある映画の結末についてのネイティヴ?のコメントですが、私の英語力では把握しきれません。分かりやすく訳していただけませんでしょうか。 When Amy dives in to rescue Dan, her real world experience gets mixed up with her memories and phobias about the past, where her Dad drowned and she was unable to pull him out of the water. We see her struggle with Dan, but they are appearing to sink lower and lower into the sea. Amy refuses to let Dan go as she let her father go, so she simply doesn't give up. It's all tied into her deep trauma. She drowns with Dan. Then we see the sailor circling the boat, the baby crying, and no one else in sight. All the adults have died. Then finally, the movie cuts to Amy, who can hear her baby off in the distance. She looks down to the deck, and it is her father that is laying in his front, "rescued" finally once and for all by his daughter. "Rescued" in heaven, that is. Amy has died and wherever or whatever she now is, she's finally reunited with her father and has managed to do what she has spent her entire life wishing she could have done - she has pulled him from the sea. But sadly yes, she's dead. She didn't pull Dan out of the sea, he and she both drowned in the real world. It's supposed to be a sort of spiritual, transcendent ending like Silent Hill or Solaris. I don't know why people don't get this ending. The body is too old to be Dan, with greyish hair and the same marks on his back as Amy's father in the earlier scene where we see him drown.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    However, this notion is quickly dispelled when I see him fidgeting with the machine and realized that he has no idea on how to use the machine or its various adjustments.

  • 関係詞について

    2度目の投稿です。前回はご回答ありがとうございました!!とても参考になりました。 今回はタイトル通り関係詞関する間違いです。 I have a cousin where lives in Denver, Colorado. She's married and has a little girl whom is two years old. The company that's she works for has a daycare center, so she can take her daughter to work with her in the morning, play with her during lunchtime and take her home after work. She told me about one company who's management even lets a new parent bring the baby to his or her office! Mycousin's husband works, too. He's an American whom she met him in college. She's happy with her life. And one thing what makes her VERY happy is that her husband does ALL the cooking. I wonder if he has a brother whose single. これが文です。例:1行目の「cpusin where」がwhereでなくwhoです。このように他に6個あります。 是非、力を貸してください!

  • in all its forceの訳しかた

    以下のパラグラフで、最後の文章のなかにあるin all its force の訳し方に困っています。どなたかわかる方がいらっしゃいましたらお教え願えないでしょうか? Economy holds for its follower, strength, endurance, vigilance, and capacity to achieve. It bestows great power on him who leans it well. Who has realized in all its force the supreme strength of Economy?

  • 中学英語の問題です。

    各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れる (1) He can speak French well. He is a good ( ) of French. (2) He didn't have any place to live in. There was no place ( ) him ( ) live in. (3) This tea is hot that I can′t drink it. This tea is ( ) hot for me ( ) drink. (4) English is studied in Japan. ( ) ( ) English in Japan. (5) Her story was very interesting to me. I was ( ) ( ) in her story. (6) Our class has forty students. ( ) ( ) forty students in our class. (7) She bought him the book. She bought the book ( ) ( ) . (8) John became sick last month and he is still sick. John ( ) ( ) sick since last month. (9) Is this your hat? ls ( ) hat ( ) ? (10) I haven't heard from him for years. It has been years ( ) l heard from him last.

  • 文解釈について

    小説の一節です。 He chose a spot not too far from the sidewalk. Where my mother changed busses she'd gone into a store and bought him a trowel and four packets of seeds. この文のshe'd gone into a store以下をどう解釈してよいのか分かりません。 busses she'dの間には何かが省略されているとは思うのですが。。 changed, had goneとあるので時系列に考えてみたのですが整理しきれません。 どなたか分かる方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください。