
  • 良蛋白麻雀サークルの終了に伴い、次回大会の優勝者に贈るメッセージの英訳について相談です。
  • 候補として考えているのは、(1) The 32nd ryoutanpaku、(2) The 32nd family head of ryoutannpaku、(3) The 32nd Lord of the ryoutanpaku、(4) The 32nd Legend of ryoutanpakuです。
  • 仲間内では(3)が有力候補ですが、間違いがあれば訂正や他の良い訳があれば教えてください。
  • ベストアンサー


学生の頃から、「良蛋白」という麻雀サークルを作っていて、定期的に大会を開き優勝者を次の大会まで「良淡白当主」とみんなで崇めていました。 しかし、みんな高齢になってきたので次回大会で終わりとなり、優勝者にメッセージ入りの記念品を贈ることになりました。 メッセージは「良淡白32代目当主」です。いくつか考えたのですが、下記の翻訳で問題ないですか? (1) The 32nd ryoutanpaku  (2) The 32nd family head of ryoutannpaku (3) The 32nd Lord of the ryoutanpaku (4) The 32nd Legend of ryoutanpaku 仲間内では(3)が有力候補なのですが、間違いがあれば訂正、ほかにも良い訳があればご教授お願いします。 初めての質問で失礼な点もあるかもしれませんがよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • ベストアンサー率30% (965/3197)

こんにちは。 とても楽しそうなイベントが続いていて、雰囲気が伝わって来ます。  その素敵な雰囲気を考えて少し意訳を試みてみました。 The 32nd Great Champion of Ryotanpaku Marjung Tournament 《解説》 当主とは結局チャンピオンさまなのですから、ここは大きく《Great Champion》と持ち上げて、胴上げして『ドーン』と落とす。 (笑) 麻雀大会であることをしっかり明記することは必要でしょう。 《Worldly-known Marjung Convention》『世界に知られたる麻雀大会』とふざけて見るのも面白いかも、、、。 



楽しい回答ありがとうございました。 数人の仲間に連絡をとったところ、みんな爆笑していました。 記念品には字数の制限もある様なので、「Worldly-known Marjung Convention」 までは難しいかも知れませんが、週末に集まるので話し合ってみます。 Great Champion かあ~  何かヤル気出てきました。


  • 新作:The Legend Of Zelda トワイライトプリンセスで。

    ゲームキューブ・Wiiで出る 新作The Legend Of Zelda トワイライトプリンセス なんですが、皆さんならGC版かWii版か どっちを買いますか?? 慣れたGCでやりたいのもとてもあるんですが、 新しいWiiでもやってみたい。 今とてもゆれている状態なんです;; そこでぜひ皆さんの意見も参考して決めたいんです。 ぜひご回答お願い致します。

  • 本の英訳

    英語学習のため英語で日記を書いていたのですが、ネタに困ったので本を読み、良いと思った処を翻訳してみようと思いました。今回は糸川英夫先生の逆転の発想を翻訳してみたいと思います。しかし、如何せん英語力が、ほとほと無いので上手く翻訳出来ません、英語上級者の皆様に添削をしていただきたいです。 頭のよくなる条件として3つ 1つ 良い友達を作る 2つ 不適応記憶消去法 3つ マイナス感度を高める これを英語でいうとこれで良いのでしょうか。 The three conditions that grow wiser. The first, "Make good friends". Second, "Maladaptive memory elimination method". Third, "Enhance the negative sensor." 因みに逆転の発想はldea of reversalで良いのでしょうか。

  • The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II  について

    EAのリアルタイムストラテジーゲーム、The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II(英語版) を、海外から輸入してもらって買ったのですが、うまく動作しません。 メニュー画面やスカーミッシュ、オプション設定画面、ムービーなどはちゃんと動作するのですが、戦闘画面を読み込み、移り変わるときに勝手に終了して、「問題が発生したため、終了します」というエラーメッセージがでます。 動作環境は満たしているので、なぜこんなことが起こるのかわかりません。できれば教えてください。

  • 和文英訳です。添削を宜しくお願い致します

    8月31日、札幌で中学生の英語弁論大会が開催された。 August 31, English speech contest of Junior High school was held in Sapporo. 参加した中学校は17校で、各校から二名の代表がスピーチした。 The junior high schools which participated in the competition were 17 and two representatives gave a speech from each school. 孫がスピーチするのを知って、家内と一緒に観にいった。 My wife and I went to public hall for support as we knew our grand sun would have speech. 観客は大部分が中学生徒たちであり、父兄の観客は非常に少なかった。 The audience were mainly junior high school students and parents and grandparents were very few. 孫のスピーチタイトルは「世界平和への架け橋」だった。 The speech title of my grandson was ”A bridge to the world peace”. 4分近くのスピーチを途切れる事無く、見事に成し遂げた。 He achieved the speech fluently for nearly four minutes. しかし、他の演説も皆流暢だった。 But not only my grandson, almost all speaker accomplished fluently. その上、ネイティブに近い発音でスピーチする生徒が多かった。 There were many students who gave a speech by the pronunciation that was near to a native. 話の内容から判断して、何人かは海外居住の経験がある様だった。 Judging from the contents of their speech, it seems that some of them had experience staying abroad. 34名がスピーチしたが、29名が三年生で残り5名は二年生である。 The total of speaker was 34 students and 29 were 3rd grade at junior night school. The rest 5 was 2nd grade. 孫は入賞できなかったが、まだ二年生である。 My grandson couldn’t get the winning prize. But he is now 2nd grade. 来年の弁論大会にもぜひ参加して貰いたいものである。 I want him to participate in a speech contest of the next year by all means. 以上です。宜しくお願いします。

  • 会社の英訳の課題で困っています 2

    ・・・続きです。 「重要品質問題」 Importance of quality issue 「一般品質苦情」 General quality complaint 「工場内不良率(全体率)」 Defective rate in factory (whole rate)   「基準値の統一と目標○%超」 Union of reference values and aims at excess by ○%. 「段取り時間の短縮」 Shortening of arrangement time 「購入品の価格改善」 Price improvement of purchase goods 「物流改善」 Distribution improvement 「内製化の推進」 Promotion of making to domestic production 内製化は「自社生産品」の意味だとおもうのですが、 domestic production で合ってますでしょうか? 「実出勤率○%以上」 Rate of real going to work ○% or more 「改善事例発表大会」 Announcement rally of improvement case 「安全衛生委員会の開催と安全意識の高揚」 The safety and health committee's holding and uplift of safety consciousness 「トップの決意とみんなの創意 リスクを減らして進める安全」 Decision of the トップ and  everyone's inventiveness, The risk is decreased and safety is advanced. 「創業○周年記念事業の推進」 Promotion of the ○th anniversary of founding business 「幅広い技能・技術の習得」 Wide skill and technical learning 「必要な力量の為の教育と訓練」 Education and training for necessary ability 「公的資格取得支援」 Acquisition support of public qualification 「役付研修会」 Training association with official position(「役職付きの人」という表現にしたいのですが、どう訳せばいいのでしょうか?) 以上です。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 下記の英文でおかしい部分を訂正願います。それと、英文に直してください。

    下記の英文でおかしい部分を訂正願います。それと、英文に直してください。 外国人とちょっとした契約をしたいのですが、英語が苦手で困ってます。 自分なりに英文にしてみたのですが、文法が苦手なので自分でもちょっとおかしい気がしてます。 英語が得意な方がいましたら訂正してください。 1)私はAさんに対し下記の報酬を支払い、また補償を行うものとする。 In considerations of Aさん activities and other duties hereunder, the company shall pay Aさん the following compensation. 2)2年目の報酬は、1年目終了後に別途協議し確定する。 The compensation of 2nd year is conferred separately after it ends during 1st year and fixed. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英訳お願いします

    Anyone who sets out to describe the role played by language in the development of our spesies is at once confronted by an apparent paradox, the Paradox of Continuity.Ifsuch aperson accepts the theory of evolution, that person must accept also that language is no more than an evolutionary adaptation - one of an unusual kind, perhaps, yet formed by the same prosesses that have formed countless other adaptations.If that is the case, when language cannot as novel as ot seems, for evolutionary adaptations do not emerge out of the blue. There are two ways in which evolution can produce novel elements:by the recombination of existing genes inthe course of of normal breeding, or by mutations that affect genes directly. Even in the second case, absolute novelties are impossible.What happens in mutation is that the instructions for producing part of a particular type of creature are altered.Instructions for producing a new part cannot simply be added to the old recipe.Specific instructions that are capable of being altered must already exist to a greater or lesser extent.What this means is that language cannot be wholelly without antecedents of some kind. But what kind of antecedents could language have?Since language is so widely regarded as a means of communication, the answer seems obvious:earlier systems of animal communication.It has long been known that many species communicate with one another.Some, like fireflies have blinking lights, others, like crickets, rub legs or wingcases together, while many exude chemical signals known as phenomenones.Of course such means are limited in their range of potential meaning and may signal nothing more complex than the presense of a potential mate.But the more sophisticated the creature, the more sophisticated themeans - from the dances of honeybees, through the posturing of sea gulls, to the sonar of dolphins - hence, the more complex the information that can be conveyed. Could not human language be just a supersophisticated variant of these? The trouble is that the difference between language and the most sophisticated systems of animal communication that we are so far aware of are qualitative rather than quantitative.All such systems have a fixed and finite number of topics on which information can be excahnged, whereas in langage the list is is open-ended, indeed infinite.all such systems have a finite and indeed strictly limited number of ways in which message components can be combined, if they can be combined at all.IN language the possibilities of combination, while governedby strict principles, are (potentially at least) infinite, limited for pactical purposes only by the finiteness of the you immediate memory store. You do not get from a finite number to infinity merely by adding numbers.And there are subtler but equally far-reaching differences between language and animalcommunication that make it impossible to regard the one as antecedent to the other. But the net result of all this is the Paradox of Continuity:language must have evolved out of some prior system, and yet there does not seems to be any such system out of which it could have evolved.

  • 和文パンフレットの英訳チェックをお願いいたします!

      バラを売っている知人から店のパンフレットを英訳してほしいと頼まれ  なんとか仕上げましたが、自信がありません==。。。。明日外国の  お客さんが来られるそうで緊急に仕上げなくてはいけなくてパニックです。   ほんとに、いきなりで申し訳ないのですが、皆様に目を通していたいて、  大体の意味が通じているかどうか、また変な表現があればそのご指摘を  どうかお願いいたします。  Our efforts just for you. What are Roses? The roses are used for various ways. For example, they are used for cut flowers, dried flowers, potpourris, jams, and rose bathes, etc. They have cosmetics effect, muscular recovery from fatigue, and the moral stability of a rose ingredient. The famous queen Cleopatra also took a bath with roses for her beauty. Moreover, the rose is famous also as a flower of love expression, and is called flower showing passion and intimate love. Since it is production direct sales, our roses are preeminent for the freshness. The roses are cultivated with full-mineral groundwater, and they are durability very much. Since roses are sorted out severely, they are very high quality. National [ the 41st time ] rose cut-flowers competitive show, the third place wins a prize. Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries prize award. National [ the 42nd time ] rose cut-flowers competitive show, the first place. The Prime Minister prize award.

  • 英訳添削お願いします Foreigner SGI

    Please spread to many people and save SGI members. If SGI members can continue the SGI faith and have a happy future, we will not advise everyone to escape from SGI. The reason we advise is because we know that continuing SGI faith will make everyone unhappy. [ The reason ] 1. Because it is contrary to the teaching of Nichiren-Daishonin. 2. Because it is contrary to the teaching of Ikeda-Sensei. 3. Because Gohonzon is fake. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ First Chairman Makiguchi and Second Chairman Toda, why all of their descendants gone away SGI. The reason is that the doctrine about Gohonzon has become the opposite. First Chairman Makiguchi, and Second Chairman Toda, and Third Chairman Ikeda, the three Chairmans believed in this way. Gohonzon must be appropriate, to the teachings of Nichiren-Daishonin. If the most important Gohonzon is fake, it is not Nichiren-Daishonin's Buddhism. It is a big mistake to worship fake Gohonzon made by someone. Heresy Buddhism is worshiping fake Gohonzon. Worshiping fake Gohonzon makes us unhappy. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ However, Sixth Chairman Harada changed the SGI doctrines. SGI took real Gohonzon photo. SGI has falsified the photo with a computer. SGI created the Gohonzon by printing the photo. This is a fake Gohonzon that turned against the teachings of Nichiren-Daishonin. 8 November 2015, SGI Chairman Harada said. "SGI does not need Gohonzon of Nichiren-Daishonin." ”SGI worships Gohonzon created by SGI.” Perfectly SGI abandoned Nichiren-Daishonin's faith. SGI has changed to a new religion that has nothing to do with Nichiren-Daishonin's faith. However, SGI frequently uses Nichiren-Daishonin's name and doctrines. For that reason, many people think that SGI has Nichiren-Daishonin's faith. An ignorant believer being deceived by SGI in this way. The reason why Chairman Harada was able to make such an reckless action. That's because Ikeda-Sensei got sick.  It is because Ikeda-Sensei can not take command. Ikeda-Sensei has been unconscious for some time. In the meantime, Chairman Harada changed the teaching of Ikeda-Sensei. However, Ikeda-Sensei recovered with a strong vitality. An ordinary person would have died as it was. The only after-effect of Ikeda-Sensei is difficulty walking. There are many people who have difficulty walking. That's not a disgrace thing at all. However, the Headquarters Executive Department considered that the sight of Ikeda-Sensei's wheelchair was embarrassment and hid the physical condition of Ikeda-Sensei. And, Headquarter Executive Department announces to SGI members that Ikeda-Sensei changed the SGI doctrines. Executives of Ikeda-Sensei's disciple protested against Headquarters Executive Department. “Ikeda-Sensei does not do such a teaching.” “Don't fool SGI members.” The true message of Ikeda-Sensei has been completely changed by the Headquarters Executive Department. All of Ikeda-Sensei's disciples who protested against it were expelled from SGI. The current Soka-Gakkai is totally different from the teachings of Ikeda-Sensei. Still, the people who remain in Soka-Gakkai are not the disciples of Ikeda-Sensei. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6iZ0CM-2IY

  • ps3ハウス オブ ザ デッド オーバーキル

    ザ ハウス オブ ザ デッド オーバーキル ディレクターズカットを買ってプレイしたのですが、お金が全く貯まりません。私が下手なだけかもしれませんが、何回ステージをクリアしても1万$なんていきません。運が良くて7000$が限界です。それに、貯まるといってもステージをクリアして、次のステージをやると前回得たお金が上書きされてますし、これは「下手な奴はプレイするな」というSEGAからのメッセージでしょうか? (T_T)  みなさんはどうやって稼いでいるのですか? ぜひ教えてください。お願いします。