Six Central Banks Coordinate Measures to Secure Currency Supply

  • Six central banks from Europe, North America, and Japan have agreed to take steps to secure an ample supply of currencies, including US dollars and euros, for financial markets.
  • The coordinated measures aim to help financial institutes raise dollar and euro funds smoothly amid the European credit crisis.
  • The central banks will borrow dollars from the US Fed to allow banks to secure dollar liquidity at low interest rates. They will also be able to secure other currencies including euros, British pounds, and Japanese yen should the need arise.
  • ベストアンサー

NHK WORLD Central Banks

Six central banks from Europe, North America and Japan have agreed to take steps to secure an ample supply of currencies, including US dollars and euros, for financial markets. The coordinated measures aim to help financial institutes raise dollar and euro funds smoothly amid the European credit crisis. The Bank of Japan, the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada and the Swiss National Bank on Wednesday announced plans to take additional measures to stabilize financial markets. The central banks will borrow dollars from the US Fed to allow banks to secure dollar liquidity at low interest rates. They will also be able to secure other currencies including euros, British pounds and Japanese yen should the need arise. 分からないのは最後の文です。 should the need arise の部分、shouldはなんでしょう? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

They will also be able to secure other currencies including euros, British pounds and Japanese yen should the need arise. = They will also be able to secure other currencies including euros, British pounds and Japanese yen, if the need should arise. 万一必要が生じれば、彼らはユーロ、英ポンドと日本円を含む他の通貨を確実に手に入れることができるでしょう。 ☆学校文法で、「仮定法未来」と呼ばれる、if S should 原形... の if が省略されて倒置を起こしています。



そうだったんですね。思いつきませんでした。すっきりしました。いつもありがとうございます。 またお願いします。


  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    次の英文の和訳をお願いします。 1.if text message have already been deleted from your cell phone, then the chances of recovery are next to nothing. 2.wallis simpson had been married whem she first spotted edward, prince of wales,and fell in love with him in 1931. the time of that meeting ,the world's central banks had already taken significant sueps to stabilize financial markets and to mitigate the worst effects of the recession.

  • 英文の構造と邦訳

    I have said that these contributions have transferred to financial markets some of the recent critiques of Bayesian theory of individual and market behaviour. ここでのtransferred to financial markets some of the recent critiques of Bayesian theory of individual and market behaviour.の構文と意味を教えて下さい。

  • Financial Times経済コラムの一節その2・the Treasury can transfer~

    手元に質問が溜まっていますので、前の質問の決着がついていませんが、同時並行して質問させていただきます。 前回の質問「Financial Times経済コラムの一節その1・Treasuries only model」と同じコラムからの質問です。つまり、Willem Buiter氏による「Even central bankers should be held accountable: they play with public money after all」と題する11月29日付けのコラムです。 前回に質問した段落の次の段落です。 Times have changed. Central banks increasingly look like old-style investment banks, hedge funds or the riskier among the universal banks. The asset side of the balance sheet now contains both a growing share of illiquid securities and a growing share of private securities with varying but rising degrees of credit risk. Unlike investment banks and hedge funds, central banks by and large don’t have to worry about the funding side of their balance sheets. Domestic currency liabilities can, if push comes to shove, always be inflated away. Or the Treasury can transfer domestic resources to the central bank to repair a hole in its balance sheet caused by the implosion of the central bank’s assets. 上記文中の the Treasury can transfer domestic resources to the central bank がどういう意味であるかをご説明ください。 一応、表面的な訳を下に提示しておきます。 なお、誤訳または不適切な訳の指摘も歓迎します。 時代は変わった。中央銀行は次第にかつての投資銀行やヘッジファンド、あるいは総合銀行の中のより安全性の低い仲間に似てきている。そのバランスシートの資産を表す部分には今や流動性の低い証券類や多種多様である一方信用リスクの増大しつつある私募証券の割合が拡大している。投資銀行やヘッジファンドと違って、中央銀行はバランスシートの資金準備の側に関しては概ね心配する必要はない。外貨負債残高はいざとなればインフレで帳消しにできる。あるいは、資産の劣化によって引き起こされたバランスシートの穴は、財務省が国内資源を中央銀行に移すことで修復することが可能だ。

  • 通貨の読み方について

    次は、Economist の一文です。 この中の通貨の読み方について教えてください。 $1.22 は、 one dollar twenty-two cents one point twenty-two dollar one point twenty-two dollars one point two two dollar one point two two dollars one point twenty-two one point two two その他 €2.92 は、 two euros ninety-two ?? two euros ninety-two two euros nine two その他 などなど、正しい読み方、慣用的な読み方を教えてください。 --------------- Our annual Big Mac index (see table) suggests they have a case: the euro is overvalued by 17% against the dollar. How come? The euro is worth about $1.22 on the foreign-exchange markets. A Big Mac costs €2.92, on average, in the euro zone and $3.06 in the United States. The rate needed to equalise the burger's price in the two regions is just $1.05. To patrons of McDonald's, at least, the single currency is overpriced. ※€ は、ユーロ通貨マークの文字化けです。

  • 英文の邦訳

    For developing and/or small economies, though—which must conduct international operations in foreign currencies that their central banks cannot backstop—a reactive cycle of crisis and bailout, driven largely by overseas regulatory failures, poses an existential threat to national independence. 上記英文の和訳をお願いします。特に, reactive cycle of crisis and bailout のreactive を「反応的」としてみましたが,意味が善く掴めません。宜しくお願いします。


    She said she hopes to work with the US and other nations to establish the rule of law in Myanmar, noting that a lack of such rule would produce more political prisoners in the country. わからないのは後半部分で その様な法の欠落がより多くの政治犯を産み出すということはいつまでも続かない。 みたいな感じでいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • Financial Timesのコラムの一節

    今回は Financial Times からです。 上記ウェブサイトの経済コラムの「アメリカ資本主義の終焉」と題する文章の一節で意味がわからない部分があるので教えて下さい。 全文は以下のサイトで読めます。 ここから2つの段落だけを引用します。 Even where private deposit insurance exists, this is only sufficient to handle bank runs on a subset of the banks in the system. Private banks collectively cannot self-insure against a generalised run on the banks. Once the state underwrites the deposits or makes alternative funding available as lender of last resort, deposit-based banking is a license to print money. That suggests that either deposit-banking licenses should be periodically auctioned off competitively or that depostit-taking banks should be in public ownership to ensure that the tax payer gets the rents as well as the risks.The argument that financial intermediation cannot be entrusted to the private sector can now be extended to include the new, transactions-oriented, capital-markets-based forms of financial capitalism. 2番目の段落の文章 That suggests that either deposit-banking licenses should be periodically auctioned off competitively or that depostit-taking banks should be in public ownership to ensure that the tax payer gets the rents as well as the risks. を訳していただけないでしょうか。(特に悩んでいるのは the rents の意味ですが。rents の解釈についてだけでもかまいません) よろしくお願い致します。


    When the central banks of other countries were essentially offering free money, India's realized that, as a democracy of mostly poor voters, it couldn't afford to grow at 10 percent a year if that meant skyrocketing prices for essential commodities like rice and flour. For that reason, the central bank constricted the money inflating the real-estate bubble (and prices for everything else) by raising interest rates to a peak of 12.5 percent last summer, which earned it criticism for being out of step with more aggressively growth-oriented central banks. Because of this, India has ample ground clearance to lower rates and reduce reserve requirements for banks to spur growth and avert deflation. 4行目の grand clearance か゛わかりません。 そのまま ネット辞書で調べると 『着陸許可』となるのですが、これではないと思うのです。 なんとなく "余裕"という意味だと思いますが、ground と clearance がどうして"余裕"という意味になるのか・・・ どなたか教えてください。 宜しくお願いします(´_`。)   

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    どなたか下の文を和訳していただけませんか? In contrast to the Great Depression in 1929, the government took different economic stimulus measures to deal with the financial crisis in 2008, pumping more money into the financial system and keeping the interest rates low to avert a credit crunch. In 1929 the Hoover administration failed to print enough money. This cash flow crisis had devastating consequences such as bank failures and bank runs in the early stage of the Great Depression, pushing the unemployment rate up to 25% in 1993. Other nations also suffered from high unemployment rates during that period: Australia was 29%, Canada 27% and France 27% in1993.

  • underscore

    The negotiations between Citigroup and regulators come just over a week after the government allowed its troubled rival Bank of America to repay its bailout money and underscore just how quickly confidence has returned to the financial markets. シティグループと監査当局との交渉は、政府が同じく問題を抱える競争相手のバンクオブアメリカに救済金の返済を認めてから1週間後のことで、金融市場への信頼回復がいかに早かったかを物語っている。 この訳であっていますでしょうか? もっと言い訳し方ありませんでしょうか?