• 締切済み

ファンレター英訳お願いします 後編

Yamagata is many landmarks of a cherry tree. I hope you'll find time to visit Japan someday to see us. I have been one of your morst enthusiastic fans since I first saw you in "Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone". All series were seen at a movie theater since that. You were absolutely brilliant in your portrayal of sevlus sneip. I thought there was clumsy gentleness in the back of the posture by which a matter is judged calmly and the severe benavior, and I was the very attractive person supprting a student at the Place where be doesn't notice. One was vice and tears flowed for Mami of SUNEIP all the white. I think your wonderful acting a so brings out this role a bove all. I really would like you to stay healthy and make a lot of great films from now on. I will always be rooting for you.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2



SNEIP これは スネイプ? インターネット上でよく見かけるけどこのつづりかな? clumsy = ? calmly = おだやか 温厚そう benavior -> behavior = ふるまい One was = ひとは、、、viceになる。 真美に対して 涙が flow した  above all = tokuni 心から元気ですごしてね、そしてすばらしい映画?をつくってね わたしもねがってまちゅ I hope your successful future , hasta la vista By hamutaro



ありがとうございました 参考になりました


山形はサクランボの名所がたくさあるでちゅ、いつか日本でわれわれに会える(時が来る)でしょう。 ハリーポッターと賢者の石をよんでからあなたの熱狂できなファンでちゅ。 あれ以来すべてのシーズンシリーズを劇場で観まちた。 サインアップした写真ではかがやいてまちたね。



回答ありがとうございます 思っていたより全然意味が違うのですね やっぱり英語は苦手です…


  • イギリス人俳優にUK英語でファンレターを書きました。自信ないので手直しお願いします

    全文なので長いデス。出来る範囲でお願いします My dearest Mr. Grint, Hello. I'm a forties woman, live in Tokyo. I read all the books of "Harry Potter Series", and saw five the films. Your acting attracted me on all films. Your was rise superior to that I've got imagined the character of the book. I became your greatest fan. I enjoy your act as its expression changs. You've get acting delight, anger, sorrow, and pleasure at movement. You're a character actor and charming. I've enjoyed the film on five DVDs many times. I want to see more your other films. However, able to see you in "thunderpants" only. I wish your works "Driving Lessons", "Cherrybomb" and "Wild Target" opens in Japan. If you don't mind, I would appreciate if you could post your autographed portrait with signatures for us. I'm looking forward to "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince" which will be open July this year.I hope you'll contnue to mark great films, and want to see again you in Japan. Thank you in a advance.Kind regards.

  • 和文英訳をお願い致します。

    和文英訳をお願い致します。 「あなたの話を聞いて思ったことは、あなたの人生のなかで恋人は居て当たり前なんだと思いました。 結婚前ならともかく結婚後も同じなんだな、と。 あなたの人生にとって私の存在は、その多数の恋人の中の一人なんだろうけど、私はあなたのことが純粋に好きでした。 あなたと私はやはり考え方が違うんだと実感しました。 だからあなたに対して戸惑う態度をしてしまいました。 私も貴方がいつまでも健康で平和でそして幸せであるように祈っています。」 I thought that the lover was and was natural in your life of the desire of your story because of hearing. Be not to the same after it marries at any rate if it is premarital. I purely liked you though my existence might be the one of many in the lover for your life. You and I actually felt that the idea was still different. Therefore, the attitude to be puzzled to you has been done. I also am praying that you are healthy indefinitely, peaceful, and happy. と和文英訳のエキサイトで出ましたがどうも違うように思います。 違うところを直していただきたいです。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 海外アーティストにファンレターを書きたいのですが…

    Adamlambertにファンレターを書きたいと思います。 翻訳機を使ってみて英訳したのですが、自信がありません。 英語の得意な方 お手数ですが大至急添削をお願いします! Adamlambertへ はじめまして。 私は日本に住んでいる18歳の◯◯です。 大阪のmeet&greetのときにお会いした、髪の毛がとても短い女の子です。 覚えていますか? あなたの歌は全て魅力的で、大好きです。 私は毎日あなたの歌を聴いています。 あなたの歌を聴いて あなたの力強い声に感動しました。 忙しいかもしれませんが、 もし良かったら、また来日して下さい。 正直でお茶目なアダムが大好きです。 ずっと応援しています。 本当にありがとう。 ◯◯より Dear Adam Lambert How do you do? I am ◯◯ of 18 years old which lives in Japan. I am the girl who met you at the time of meet&greet of Osaka and whose hair of hair is very short. Do you remember? All your songs are attractive and favorite. I hear your song every day. Your song was heard and it was impressed by your voice. Although I may be busy, please visit Japan, if you are good. I love honest and lovely Adam. I continue aiding. Thank you very much. From ◯◯

  • 英訳をお願いします。若干、難しめ。

    I see that you have many straight razors for sale. I am in the process of opening a 'Shaving Store' in Southern California. I would be interested in purchasing a number of quality straight razors for my stock. Would you be interested in selling a number of your razors to me at a price level that would allow me to resell them ? Please advise and thank you for your kind consideration to this matter.

  • 英訳おねがいします。

    英訳おねがいします。 大好きだった人からメールが来ました。 彼は少し日本語を話せますが英語も母国語でないためちょっとわかりにくいのです。 彼はもうすこしで故郷に帰国する予定です。 よろしくお願いします。 I can understand how you feel and I don't speak Japanese very well. I tell you honest feelings. Until now,,I couldn't tell you. I was afraid of believing your feelings. I wanted to respect you feelings. but I was avoiding your feelings. I tried to run away from your feelings. Because, I was afraid of loving you more and I was afraid for my feelings. I’m so sorry that my behavior made you hurt. I feel awful. You are a wonderful girl great in inside and out. I thank you for everything you have done for me. I wish you all the best.

  • 歌詞を英訳したいのですが

    外国人の友達に好きな曲を紹介したくて英訳に挑戦してみたんですが 翻訳サイトなどで調べたので意味が通じるのかどうか自信がありません 確認していただけないでしょうか? 歌詞はここに載ってます http://music.yahoo.co.jp/shop/p/53/9010/Y011899 distant earch, road that leads to tomorrow Looked up at the meteor appear and disappear It like a breath of the flower bud of only has come spring "The thing to live is loves thing, and a be loved thing" I want to hold you, Think tenderly of the such a person The happiness be with you now of such an encounter I still treasures the summer that doesn't ends in my heart I jumps into the dream of you who is breathing of sleep City Lights was counted at many nights when wasn't able to sleep It was swallowed words that I want you to tell me Lonely night get heartbreaking in a more thoughtless kindness It worries by a unstable love like feelings that understand each other Say,Will it be so? However keep searching for ordinary love and ordinary happiness all the time, I can't catch hold it Heartbreaking , Against the backdrop of street trees where goes falling of autumn I was so thinking about you that I was madly In a distant foreign country Reach here at last in the old days, what did you see on this place ? a traveler It is understood to live together if not easy It overflows all over the place cheap "eternity" Look at our palms only at a little while So, it hurries up alive for wants to tell love in the body in all Say,Will it be so? At the mercy of the dream of daily looking back Nostalgic pain of a love that caresses a cheek softly In the wind to which biting the skin of winter come soon Certain the beat,The flapping time is waited for impatiently

  • 英訳お願いいたします!

    英訳お願いいたします! 長文の一部です‥自分でやってみた箇所もありますが、訂正も含め英訳を宜しくお願いします。 Yesterday I was sleeping(昨日寝ていたら) ... and all of a sudden I heart my phone received an email (I forgot to put my phone to silent mode) ... but somehow I thought it would be an email from you ... and then I fell asleep again :) How are you today? Is it also so warm in Tokyo? (東京も暑い?)In Osaka it was incredibly warm ... (大阪は信じられないくらい暑いよ)luckily I could stay indoors this weekend.(ラッキーなことに今週は中にいれたよ) Work does have some benefits :)Maybe you can handle this warm weather very well since your mother is from Okinawa? (君のお母さんは沖縄出身だから、君はこの暑さを乗り切れるのかな)I guess it must really be very warm there, no?(沖縄は本当に凄い暑いだろうね、違う?) This morning I tried to running for the first time this trip in Osaka.(今朝、大阪に来てから初めてランニングしたよ) Because of my jet lag I couldn't get out of bed last week ...(先週は時差ぼけでベッドから出れなかったから) maybe I'm a little bit lazy.(多分私はちょっと体がだるい) The running this morning didn't go well(今朝のランニングは良くなかった) ... it was sooooo warm .(すごーく暑かった).. I thought I was going to melt! And running time was very very bad ...(ランニングの時間はかなりだめだった) Promise you will not laugh ... Thank for being so considerate. You are really very kind.(あなたは本当に優しい) I'm going back to Belgium on the 30th of August, but it could be delayed. So I will be here for still a while. Maybe it would be better for you if you could visit Osaka in August? Then you can have a relaxed mini-holiday :) I might be more busy towards the end of August. Because then we need to give a product to our Korean customer. Is there something special you like to visit in Osaka? Osaka-jo, Dotombori, Shinsaibashi, ... please let me know. Have you been to Kyoto? This might require a bit more time ... need to check. But if you know when you could come and how long I can think of what to do and I will let you know ok?

  • デニステン選手へのファンレターを英訳してください

    こんにちは。フィギュアスケートのデニステン選手にファンレターを出そうと思うのですが、英語に自信がないので英訳をおねがいします。下に一応自分なりに訳したものを載せておきました。自動翻訳や辞書を多用したため自身はありませんが……。またサイン入りポートレイトを希望する場合は手紙に書いた方が良いですか?それとも封筒と国際切手返信券を入れるだけでよいですか?返ってくることは期待していませんが。またミサンガ等は入れても大丈夫ですか?分からないことだらけですみません。 以下↓ 「親愛なるテン選手へ Dear Mr. Ten,  こんにちは。わたしの名前は○○です。 Hello. My name is ○○. 真央選手や佳菜子選手、崇彦選手と同じ名古屋に住んでいます。 I live in Nagoya. Mao, Kanako, and Takahiko also live in there. そして、あなたの熱烈なファンです。 And I'm a big fan of yours.  まずはエリックボンパール杯での三位入賞、おめでとうございます。 Decent three-place finish at the Eric Bompard Trophy, congratulations. ショートプログラムでもフリースケーティングでもテン選手の素晴らしい演技が見れ、とても嬉しかったです。 Great acting of Mr.Ten look in free skating in the short program, and I was very happy. エキシビジョンも最高でした。 Exhibition was also highest.  私はまだ中学生なのであなたのことをテレビ越しでしか見たことがありませんが、 I'm still junior high school students have never seen only on TV over that of you, 7歳しか年が離れていないのに一国を背負って戦うあなたの姿にはいつも心打たれます。 but though is not away year only 7-year-old fight carrying a country is in your figure will always struck. それでいていつも笑いながらファンに応対するギャップも、素敵です。(twitterもいつも楽しく拝見させてもらっています) 訳せませんでした……  グランプリファイナルへの出場は残念でしたが、世界選手権は頑張ってください。 Participation to the Grand Prix Final but was sorry, please World Championships luck. テン選手なら必ず表彰台の頂点に立つことができると思います。 I think that it can stand to be sure the apex of the podium if Mr.Ten.  最後になりましたが、これからますますの活躍を祈っています。 It was at the end, but now pray more and more of success. (プレゼントにミサンガと似顔絵を同封しておきました。気に入ってくださると嬉しいです) 訳せませんでした……」ここまで よろしくお願いします。

  • 外国人俳優さんへのファンレターのチェック

    ハリー・ポッターシリーズの俳優さんにファンレターを出したいと思ってます。 私は英語がとても苦手なので友達に助けて貰ったり 辞書や例文などで調べながら文章を書いたのですが あまり自信がありません。なのでチェックをお願いします。 途中途中自分の力では英語にできない個所もあり その文章へのアドバイスもお願いしたいです。 ※≪≫内に日本語で書いた部分です Dearest, Mr,James Phelps&Mr,Oliver Phelps Hello.How are you? My name is ●● ●●. I'm 15years old. I'm one of your fans in Japan. This is my first letter in English. I knew your name from “ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石(長いので日本語で)” I have been one of your most enthusiastic fans since I first saw you in “ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石” I love Fred and George. They were really attractive. I thought they were very cool. ≪携帯のメールアドレスの中にmischievous twin(悪戯好きな双子?)と入れるぐらいに彼らが好きです≫ My favorite scenes in the films is →≪映画の中で私の大好きな場面は 、不死鳥の騎士団の映画の中で二人がお母さんの前に突然現れてニヤニヤしながら悪戯して怒られるシーンです≫ The smile in this scene is very cute. →≪このシーンの笑顔はとてもかわいい≫ I always enjoyed by they mischief. But very cool when they are serious. Fred and George whom you perform were fit with the image of the original. I enjoy very much, watching your performances in good coordination. I want an older brother like Fred and George. I envy Ron and the others. I went to watch “ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝” I recognized, they was a close bond of affection between them. It made me cry so hard. I have become your fan more than ever because you two were so fantastic. ≪ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石を見始めた頃は小学生だったのに  シリーズが完結した今ではもう高校生になりました。  あっという間でした。やっぱり彼らが見れなくなるのは悲しいです。  幸せな10年間を本当にありがとうございました。≫ I'm dreamimg of becoming a producer, influenced by “Harry Potter” I hope you'll find time to visit Japan some day to see us. Please take care of yourself and do your best from now on. I wish you happy. P.S. Could you please send me your signed photograph? のあとに入れたい内容で ≪私の誕生日は6月19日でもうすぐ16才になります。  もしあなたから返事の手紙がきたとしたら、  それは私にとって最高の誕生日プレゼントになります。≫                       Love always,                       ●● ●● 長文ですみません。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    和訳お願いいたします! How are you this morning? I guess you're quite happy ... maybe you don't need to work today. Listen ... I've been thinking about your trip ... and I feel a little bit bad. When I was in Japan, you traveled all the way to Osaka, only be there a couple of hours and then go back. Now you're going to come all the way to Belgium and stay here a 2,5 days. I feel this is wrong I should be the one making all this effort. But since it might be interesting for you to come to Europe ... hmmm ... I guess it's ok for you to come. And I will be very happy to be your guide in Belgium :) But the least that I can do is to arrange your ticket. Please consider giving me your passport details and when you would like to return. I'll propose a few options and I'll book the one you want. Last time you payed for the shinkansen to come to Osaka please let me arrange your travel to Belgium. Now smile and be a good girl, don't be stubborn and say ... "hai" ... Now that I have this of my chest ... I can go bed and sleep with a clear conscience :)