bookaholic の回答履歴

  • 中3 期末テストの模範解答を教えてください。

    (1)It snows a lot here in winter. We (   )(   )(   )here in winter. (2)My mother is a very careful driver. My mother(   )very (   ). (3)We didn’t have any rain last week. We (   )(   )rain last week. (4)I was very excited at the football game. The football game was very(   )(   )me. (5)When was KinKakuji temple built? (   )(   )is KinKakuji temple ? (6)We are sometimes happy but sometimes unhappy. We are not (   )happy. (7)He found it easy to answer the question. He could answer the question(   ). (8)She speaks English very well. She is a very (   )(   )of English . (9)How about one more cup of coffee? How about(   )cup of coffee? (10)He likes English,and she likes English,too. He likes English,and (   )(   )she . 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • and think over ...

    Open your mind to a new world, get new information, accept each other's existence, and think over what we can do to make the best use of ourselves ! という文があります。 A, B, C and D の命令文の最後のやつがわかりません。 think over what we can do to make the best use of ourselves ! (1)ourselves は,主語we の強調と思います。 「私達自身で」 (2)what we can doが,間接疑問か複合代名詞whatの文か,わかりません。 (3)間接疑問か複合代名詞のいずれにしても,whatは,doの目的語でしょうか? (4)同時に,不定詞 to make the best use of の目的語にもなっているのでしょうか? (5)訳は,どうでしょうか? 間接疑問なら, 「私達が私達自身で,何が最大限利用すべき何をすることが出来るかを熟考しなさい。」 複合関係代名詞なら, 「私達が私達自身ですることが出来る,最大限利用すべきことを熟考しなさい。」 かな???

    • ベストアンサー
    • math555
    • 英語
    • 回答数3
  • 和訳教えてください

    (1)Ohira is now pursuing further possibilties with Megastar. (2)He is thinking of working with people in the fields of art,music,and digital images. (3)At Expo 2005 Aichi,a message from Tezuka Osamu was shown against a starry sky created with Megastar-II,which can show five million stars. (4)"Megastar's sky of stars is exactly like what I saw in space,"said Mohri Mamoru,who has traveled in space twice. (5)Ohira always had a dream to reproduce a realistic sky with a planetarium projector,which seemed an impossible dream for one person alone. (6)His success sends us an important message: (7)If you believe in something,you can achieve it. よろしくお願いします。

    • ベストアンサー
    • noname#137498
    • 英語
    • 回答数1
  • 英語の和訳

    1:There is no honey leftin the pot. 2:Deciding that it would be hopeless to carry out a search in the fog, the rescue party put off their start. 3:Anxious for a quick decision,the chairman called for a vote. 訳をお願いします

    • ベストアンサー
    • yuga90
    • 英語
    • 回答数1
  • see O doing か 名詞+現在分詞か

    In my life, I have dreamed of seeing a great number of wild animals living in jungles and forests full of birds and butterflies. という文があります。 (1)問題はここなんですが,seeing a great number of wild animals living in jungles (2)これは,知覚動詞の定番の see O doing 「Oがdoしているのを見る」のSVO+doing なのでしょうか? この場合,自動詞liveは,通常は進行形不可(特例は除いて)なので,see O doing はおかしいのでは?と思います。 (3)そうしますと,a great number of wild animals living in jungles は,通常の「名詞+現在分詞(形容詞)」で,前の名詞を修飾する関係の形でしょうか? (4)一般に,知覚動詞+O+doing のとき,doingのところに来る動詞は,進行形の文法にあるように,進行形に出来ない動詞は,来ないと思っていいのでしょうか?

    • ベストアンサー
    • math555
    • 英語
    • 回答数2
  • 中3 英語期末テストの模範解答を教えて下さい

    (1) 駅へ行く途中、私は旧友に会いました。 I met an old friend of (      )(      )the way to school. (2) 私たちがお互いに助け合うことはとても大切なことです。 1.It is very important for us to help (e     )(      ) 2. It is very important for us to help (o      )(      ) (3) We enjoyed talking each other.(誤りを正しなさい) (4) 庭には赤い花もあれば黄色い花もあります。 In our garden,(      )flowers are red and (      )are yellow. (5) (      )of them has his own room. ア Each イ All  ウ Every エ Some (6) あなたたちのうちのどちらかがすぐに行かなければなりません。 (      )of you(      ) to go at once. (7) All of the students want to see Mr.Brown.(下線部をEveryに変えなさい) (8) I don’t know both of the girls.(和訳しなさい) (9) I caught(      ) first train yesterday. (冠詞を書きなさい。必要なければ×)        以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語教えてください

    和訳教えてください (1)When was Ohira's projector recognized in Guinness World Records? (2)Why did Ohira decide to show many tiny stars with a planetarium projector? (3)What did Ohira create to reproduce the many tiny stars? これから先は英文が間違っている可能性がありますが和訳お願いします。間違っていたら指摘お願いします。 (4)Asked difficult questiones,John was not able to answer. (5)Written in simple English,the book was easy to understand. (6)Filled with many people,the room is hot. (7)Impressed by my friend's speech,I started crying. よろしくお願いします。

    • ベストアンサー
    • noname#137498
    • 英語
    • 回答数2
  • 英文の添削&解説をお願いします!

    1)Mary is studying, so you (not/her/had/interrupt/better). →had not better interrupt her 2)(be/lot/used/of/there/a/to) fireflies in Japan. →There used to be a lot of 3)She refused to accept this truth. She could not and [would] not believe that I was mentally and physically handicapped. 1,[Would] you so kindly lend me a hand? 2,He said he [would] arrive by the first train tomorrow morning. 3.No matter how hard we pushed, the door [would] not open. 4,On Sundays he [would] sit for hours doing nothing. 4)I do hope I'm not intruding and I know how busy you [must] be. 1,All living things [must] die. 2,He [must] be tired, because he has been working since eight o'clock this morning. 3,Many people think the ability to understand English is a [must]. 4.You [must] be very careful in driving a car to avoid a traffic accident. 1,2は()内の並べ替え、3,4は[ ]内の助動詞に最も近い意味の助動詞を含む英文を選ぶ問題です。 特に3,4はわかりやすく解説してくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳お願いします!

    訳お願いします! 夢についての話です! Missing a Train, Bus, Boat, or Plane The expression “Don't miss the boat” means “Don't miss an opportunity for success.” A dream about missing a train, bus, boat, or plane may be expressing your fear of failing or falling behind.

  • 英語の和訳

    I'm not sure I can really since I have a boyfriend この和訳を教えてください

  • 英文の添削&解説をお願いします!

    1)Mary is studying, so you (not/her/had/interrupt/better). →had not better interrupt her 2)(be/lot/used/of/there/a/to) fireflies in Japan. →There used to be a lot of 3)She refused to accept this truth. She could not and [would] not believe that I was mentally and physically handicapped. 1,[Would] you so kindly lend me a hand? 2,He said he [would] arrive by the first train tomorrow morning. 3.No matter how hard we pushed, the door [would] not open. 4,On Sundays he [would] sit for hours doing nothing. 4)I do hope I'm not intruding and I know how busy you [must] be. 1,All living things [must] die. 2,He [must] be tired, because he has been working since eight o'clock this morning. 3,Many people think the ability to understand English is a [must]. 4.You [must] be very careful in driving a car to avoid a traffic accident. 1,2は()内の並べ替え、3,4は[ ]内の助動詞に最も近い意味の助動詞を含む英文を選ぶ問題です。 特に3,4はわかりやすく解説してくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳教えてください

    When Ohira was in high school,he went to Australia. He saw wonderfully beautiful stars there. The Milky Way looked like a real river. It was filled with many tiny stars that could not be seen clearly. Impressed by the great number of stars in the Milky Way,he decided to show the tiny stars by recreating a beautiful sky with a planetarium projector. Ohira entered college in 1988. He spent all his college years completing his planetarium projector. To reproduce the many tiny stars,he created an original machine to make small holes which were about one fifth or a hair's diameter. In 1991,he finally completed his projector. 長文ですいません。 よろしくお願いします。

    • ベストアンサー
    • noname#137498
    • 英語
    • 回答数1
  • 英語日記16 人種とは

    すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです So, today I want to talk about the race problem. What image(s)複数形?? do you have when you would be asked “race problems”. The population of the America consists of four major ethic groups. White and black and Hispanic then we are. I have a friend who is actually Chinese, but he has grown up in the USA. So, what do you think about oh his race?? Chinese or American or something else?? I think that he is both of them. We are a little of biological difference, and we don’t need to decide who is the most superior. We tend to decide which one is the best. We must have confidence of yourselfe. My favorite song AOZORA was mede by HIROTO. He is singer of THE BLUEHEARTS. He said in his word what of me do you understand from the colors of the color and eyes of my skin? I really agree with that. Don’t you think so?? bookaholicさんはなぜ昔に留学していたのにいまだに英語の細かい文法までおぼえてるのですか??

  • It's the thought that

    It's the thought that counts.  「気持ちが大切なんだ。」 という文がありますが,文法的にはどうなっているのでしょうか? (1)It is ~ that … の強調構文でしょうか? The thought counts. → It's the thought that counts. たぶん合っていると思うのですが。

    • ベストアンサー
    • math555
    • 英語
    • 回答数1
  • 日本語にお願いします!

    That's sound great! Let's doit! it must be fun oh~Im gettin hungry~ とはぁ?よろしくお願いします!!

    • ベストアンサー
    • 3w0w3
    • 英語
    • 回答数1
  • 英語日記15

    私の好きな俳優。 すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです My favorite actor is EITA. I think he is not handsome guy, but he is so cool. I have seen him on TV before, which was amazing. I have many reasons why I really like him. So today I will pick up some reasons why I like him. The first thing is that he is very careful about his appearance. I mean that he is a fashionable person. That is why many young guys look like him. However this is just my opinion. The second thing is that his character is good. He is a quiet person. His mysterious atmosphere catches many people hearts. いつも回答ありがとうございますbookaholicさんはなぜそんなに英語にくわしいのですか?? 留学してたんですか??

  • 英語の質問です

    Our plan depends on you. 意味は”私たちの計画はあなた次第です”だとおもいますが dependに”s”が付いています 動詞にsが付くのは三人称単数のときと習ったのですがこの文の場合の主語はどれにあたるのでしょうか? Our plan もしくは you どちらとしても三人称単数ではないと思うのですが・・・ わかり易い解説をどなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳をお願いします He had found it lying in the street,and as he looked at me over the top of his glasses,he said,“Maybe now you'll learn not to be careless and lose things.” I 'm a grown woman now,and I still lose things. I'm still careless. But what my father taught me that day was not a lesson of responsibility. I learned not to believe his laughter.Because even his laughter hurt.

    • ベストアンサー
    • 2kana6
    • 英語
    • 回答数1
  • この英語の構成を教えてください。

    「Hope this answers your question.」 この上記の文章は質問に対する回答の最後に加える文章のようです。 この英語を見たとき思ったのですが、「this answers your question」の部分はどのように訳すのでしょうか? 「those answers」とせずに、「this answers」としている ということは「answers」は動詞という事でしょうか? 「これがあなたの質問を答えていると願っている」と訳すのでしょうか? 非常に短い文章ですが名詞と動詞の境界線が分からず訳し方が分かりません。。。 ご解説をよろしくお願いいたします。

    • ベストアンサー
    • TAKU24
    • 英語
    • 回答数2
  • [英語翻略]お願いします。

    画像の(5)(6)わかる方 回答お願いします。 当方ともだち居ないので 全くわかりません(泣)