Smart-Looking Ensembles: The Key to Versatile Style

  • Investing in smart-looking ensembles can elevate your style and confidence in various situations. Explore chic outfits at high-end stores to have them readily available when needed. By doing so, you'll not only look good externally but also feel good internally.
  • Ensemble refers to a complete outfit or coordinated set of clothing. It's an essential element in creating a polished and put-together look. Investing in chic ensembles can ensure you always have a stylish option for any occasion or event.
  • Helps up is a phrase that means to enhance or improve oneself or one's situation. By investing in smart-looking ensembles, you can elevate your overall appearance and boost your confidence. Looking good externally can have a positive impact on how you feel internally.
  • ベストアンサー


I've always invested in a couple of go-to outfit: smart-looking ensembles that I can wear in a variety of situations and I know I look sharp. This is worth spending some extra money on, I think ― go to a nice store and get a couple of chic outfits that you'll have ready to go on a moment's notice. That helps up internally as well as externally. ここでのensembleとhelps upの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12101)

ensembleとhelps upの意味は前便でお答えしたとおりですが、訳文を忘れていましたので、改めてここに添付し、再送いたします。 >I've always invested in a couple of go-to outfit: smart-looking ensembles that I can wear in a variety of situations and I know I look sharp. This is worth spending some extra money on, I think ― go to a nice store and get a couple of chic outfits that you'll have ready to go on a moment's notice. That helps up internally as well as externally. ⇒私はいつも、上下揃いの服装2, 3着を買うために投資しています。つまり、いろんな場面で着ることができて、スマートに見えるような、しかも輪郭(体の線)がくっきり見えることが自分でも分かるようなアンサンブルを買うために投資するのです。これこそ、特別なお金を使い続ける価値がある、と思うのです ― すてきなお店に行き、しばらく人目を浴びるに堪えるような、シックな揃いの服を2, 3着ゲットするのです。それは、外観的に見栄えがするだけでなく、もう、心まで浮き浮きしてくるのです。 >ここでのensembleとhelps upの意味を教えてください。 ☆ ensemble:「全体、調和」を意味するフランス語からの借用語で音楽用語などとしてはよく知られていますね。ここでは、「調和のとれた一組の洋服」というような意味でしょう。 ☆ helps up:この場合のupは、「完全に、まったく」を意味する副詞です。それで、helps upとしては、「(外観的だけでなく内面的にも)完全な助けになる」というほどのニュアンスだと思います。




その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12101)

>ここでのensembleとhelps upの意味を教えてください。 ⇒以下のとおりお答えします。 ☆ ensemble:「全体、調和」を意味するフランス語からの借用語で音楽用語などとしてはよく知られていますね。ここでは、「調和のとれた一組の洋服」というような意味でしょう。 ☆ helps up:この場合のupは、「完全に、まったく」を意味する副詞です。それで、helps upとしては、「(外観的だけでなく内面的にも)完全な助けになる」というほどのニュアンスだと思います。





  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    Nothing you decide to do can go as planned without preparation. This is just what I experienced on my first date with my girlfriend. I didn't expect that deciding what to wear on a first date would be a difficult and energy-consuming task. Actually, I (leave) my decision-making until the last minute, when I had no other choice but to ask my brother for a suitable outfit because I fould mine had faed. So my advice would be to plan your outfit in advance, leaving yourself plenty of time to wash the outfit you choose and even (shopping) for a new one if necessary. Something unexpected may happen to the outfit you have originally (chose). Your ideal outfit will be useless when you happen to find it has a hole or stain in it or it no longer fits you. Just in case, you are (advising) to have a backup outfit. You cannot be too early in (prepare) for a big event! a backup outfitは「代わりに着るもの」と訳します。 カッコ内は文法的に正しい形じゃありません。 お願いします。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I've been working within my industry for over 25 years. I've been working at my current firm for a year. Recently, we advertised a job opening. As regional manager, I screened the applications and passed my selections on to human resources to finalize. The candidate I preferred was a woman with 24 years of experience, "Barb." Barb was making $115,000 per year but said she was willing to take a cut. We decided to offer her the job. When I got a copy of the offer letter from HR, I was astonished that the head of HR, "Sarah," had offered Barb $120,000. My other seven sales reps' salaries were averaging between $100,000 and $105,000. Only one of them was making $110,000, and he has 19 years of experience. I had a talk with Sarah as to the reason for this unfairness. Her reply was that she had crunched the industry salaries on the market and decided to offer this amount. crunched the industry salaries on the markeとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    海外のサイトで手作りの石鹸を見つけました。欲しいので日本に発送してくれるか?成分はどんな成分か?サンプルはもらえるか?等と質問をして返事が来ました。 すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I do sell samples- they ate listed in my store under the samples category. I do ship internationally but you would need to pay shipping. All my ingredients are listing in every listing. I used to carry detergent soaps but are phasing them out and only purchase detergent-free base now. Because of FDA regulations, I cannot legally say anything more that my soap washes. I cannot say that it moisturizes or helps dry skin. I also cannot say that it helps with any medical conditions such as eczema, etc. I can only simply state that it washes. FDA had tough rules on that. Although I would love to supply soap to you on a regular basis, at this time, I'm not able to make more than what I have as we're moving in 5 weeks and I got a new job working 58 hours a week so that keeps me too busy to find time to make soap right now. If you'd like to contact me in a few months and see if things have changed, that would be fine.

  • 意味を教えてください

    I’ve been close with a group of friends for a little over three years now. In this group is a married couple I’ll call Fred and Wilma. Shortly before I married, Fred approached me and explained that he and Wilma have an open marriage and he was attracted to me. Flattered, I declined, stating that I was neither interested in that way nor emotionally equipped for that kind of relationship. Fred has been very respectful of that, and I’ve never once felt weird since then, and I’ve never mentioned it to the group as I felt it wasn’t pertinent (I did tell my husband). Lately at parties and events anytime I talk to Fred, another woman, Betty, comes over and drapes herself all over Fred. It’s gotten to the point where another member of the group mentioned it to me and wondered what the best method is of informing Fred that it’s going too far. We don’t care what he does behind closed doors, as long as all parties involved are consenting, but we also don’t care to witness the hormonal ramp up or have our conversations cut short by a jealous lover. How do we handle this, if at all? drapes herself all over FredとHow do we handle this, if at all?の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    Dear Prudence, I am a lawyer and have a unicorn of a legal job—Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, with a good salary and full benefits. I started out at a big corporate firm where I was overworked and miserable, and thought this opportunity would be the key to happiness. Three years later, I’ve realized the law (primarily the constant conflict and lack of creativity) just isn’t for me. I am considering going back to school for a master’s related to my undergraduate degree, a field in which I think I would be happy and excel. My hesitations are twofold: First, I’ve already spent seven years in school and amassed massive student loans which I will be repaying until I’m almost 40 (obviously much longer if I go back to school). I’ve already made the wrong major/career choice once, and I’m genuinely worried I’m just thinking about going back to school because that’s where people go when they don’t know what else to do. Second, I’m in my early 30s and planning on having kids in the next few years, right when I would be finishing my program, presumably unemployed and without any kind of maternity leave benefits. I am sometimes tempted to stick it out in this job in order to ensure my kids will not have to struggle the way I am now. —Job Moans and Student Loans I think you should follow your dreams very cautiously. I just can’t imagine that adding to your already-massive pile of student debt would in any way improve your future. You don’t say that you loathe your job, merely that the law isn’t what you want to do with the rest of your life, and I think if you find your current position at all bearable, it’s not worth going back to school full-time right now, especially if you plan on having children the moment you go onto the job market. You have more options, by the way, than just a) sticking it out as an unhappy lawyer indefinitely and b) chucking it all to rack up a few more tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. Consider looking for a job in a different field that can make use of your law degree (it’s not a stretch to say every kind of business needs a lawyer). If you’re set on leaving law completely, go to class part-time in order to confirm that you actually like the field you’re planning on going back to school for. Schedule an appointment with a career counselor to see if they can offer specific suggestions on how to redirect your career path. I can understand why it’s be tempting to abandon it all for the (comparative) freedom of graduate school, but there’s nothing particularly freeing about debt. Arm yourself with as many options as possible before making your next move. a unicorn of a legal jobとnothing freeingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • helpの意味

    下記の文章を訳していて、最後の()内の文章について質問があります。 I like the feeling behind their songs, a mix of joy and nostalgia tied to high-school (and I'm not gonna lie, the fact that they are so cute helps). 私はこの曲に込められた学生時代の喜びとノスタルジーな雰囲気が気に入ってます。 ()内のlieというのはthe factに続く文章を指しているんでしょうか。 they are so cute helpsのhelpsはどう訳せばよいのでしょう?? 彼らのかわいさが歌によってさらに引き立つみたいな意味ですか?^^;

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I have a somewhat silly question that’s weighing heavily on me. I went to a show last weekend for one of my favorite bands. They’re known for outrageous theatrics, so I got there an hour early and claimed a good vantage spot. While the stage was being cleared for the headliner, a couple came through the crowd and tried to pass by me. cleared for the headlinerはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • "heaven on a stick" の意味がわかりません

    Sorry to say it, but I can't eat uni. I don't know why I keep trying, but, dammit, the gag reflex just kicks in. Uni and liver are my "don't go there" foods. Unagi, however, is heaven on a stick (or bed of rice, or...). I used to have to pass by an unagi-juu place on the way home during my last two years in Japan. The smell was torture, as I was on a diet for a lot of that time. I had to go in and grab some unagi anyway. 上の文で"heaven on a stick" の意味がわかりません。stick は chopsticks のことでしょうか?うなぎがめちゃ好き、というのはわかるのですが、グーグルでは同じフレーズがあるのでもともと何かの流行ことばなのかなとも思います。どうなんでしょうか?

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    The happiest time of my boyhood was that early period, a little past the age of six, when I had my own pony to ride on, and was allowed to stay on his back just as long and go as f ar from home as I liked.I was like the young bird when on first quitting the nest it suddenly becomes conscious of its power to fly. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します! できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです。

  • 意味を教えてください

    My boyfriend of two years is sweet, smart, funny, and we have what I would consider to be a great relationship. We are open with each other about any problems that arise and understand that both of us have been in a couple serious, long-term relationships in the past, which we can easily talk about. However, a few months ago I glimpsed a text thread on his phone with his ex-girlfriend from high school, and, upon further investigation, realized that they’ve spoken every few days for what seems to be months. every few days for what seems to be monthsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします