
  • 刑事司法制度からレイプされたと感じる
  • 例えば、女の子が強姦され、そしてその強姦犯人を合うと、その女の子は制御できない怒り、無力感、恐怖を感じる
  • 裁判所に入るとその通り感じていた
  • ベストアンサー


ちょっと難しい翻訳。。。よろしくお願いします ーーーーーーーーーーー It's hard to describe how I feel other than to say I feel raped. I use the term 'raped' because that is how I feel. For example, when a girl is raped and then meets her rapist, she would experience uncontrollable anger, helplessness and fear. And that's exactly how I felt walking into court. どう説明すればいいか分からないが、この刑事司法制度からレイプされたと感じる。完全にレイプされたと感じるので「レイプ」という表現を使っている。例えば、女の子が強姦され、そしてその強姦犯人を合うと、その女の子は制御できない怒り、無力感、と、恐怖を感じるだろう。 それは裁判所に入るとその通り感じていた。 ーーーーーーーーーーー

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9723/12095)

>It's hard to describe how I feel other than to say I feel raped. I use the term 'raped' because that is how I feel. For example, when a girl is raped and then meets her rapist, she would experience uncontrollable anger, helplessness and fear. And that's exactly how I felt walking into court. >どう説明すればいいか分からないが、この刑事司法制度からレイプされたと感じる。完全にレイプされたと感じるので「レイプ」という表現を使っている。例えば、女の子が強姦され、そしてその強姦犯人を合うと、その女の子は制御できない怒り、無力感、と、恐怖を感じるだろう。 それは裁判所に入るとその通り感じていた。 ⇒この感じを説明するのは難しくて、(この刑事司法制度から)「レイプされた感じ」としか言いようがありません。「レイプ」という表現を使うのは、まさに私がそう感じているからです。例えば、ある女性が強姦されたあと、その強姦犯人に会うと、彼女は抑えきれない怒りや無力感、それと恐怖を感じることでしょう。それがまさに、私が裁判所に入るときに感じること(そのもの)なのです。 注:「この刑事司法制度から」という語句に相当する部分は原文にはありませんので、カッコに入れておきます。「そのもの」は、強調のためですが、削除しても構いません。



とても良い翻訳です!!とても難しい翻訳のに凄い ありがとうございました


  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしますm(._.)m

    次の英文の和訳をお願いしますm(._.)m So what's the alternative? She could express her feelings with "I feel” statements. How does she feel? She feels ticked off! So why not just say this instead of being argumentative? She could also try to understand what he's thinking and feeling. How does he feel? He feels shut out and ignored. She could say, "I feel put down and angry, but I know there's some truth in what you say. Apparently you think I've put my career first and you feel rejected. Is this the way you feel? If so, could understand why you feel hurt and angry." 長くなってしまいましたが、よろしくお願いしますm(._.)m

  • 和訳お願いします

    Then there is Kismet. It has eyes, lips, and ears that move in different ways to show surprise, happiness, anger, and other emotions. Robots like Kismet could show us how they "feel" about learning new things.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    that is not what I'm saying but you continue to say to me. perhaps thats how you really feel. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    What is the purpose of the second paragraph? to describe the condition of Lyuba when she was found to describe the difficulties of analyzing a mammoth body to explain how Lyuba was found again and taken to a safe place to explain how scientist Daniel Fisher came to Siberia to study Lyuba

  • 和訳お願いします

    What is the main purpose of the third paragraph? to describe how the earliest robots were used in industry to explain why today's robots are different from early robots to explain why early robots could not do things by themselves to describe how the robot Asimo is able to walk by itself

  • この英文の和訳お願いします。

    I don't get it. The video starts by saying -- "I feel safer here  than in Canada", then it's a bunch of stories about how common  it is to be sexually assaulted on trains in Japan and to watch  yourself. What? Is Canada even more rapey? よろしくお願いしますm(._.)m

  • 和訳お願いします。

    This song makes me stronger than ever before. I said good-bye to him. No matter how bad I feel about, how deeply I think of him, He will not come back again no more. Good luck four-leaf clover didn't bring happiness to us. maybe,If he is now grinning and making excuses for the flirt, But I don't mind even if to someone get laughed at. I truly loved him, certain fact every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure. But I will never look back to the past and move on and on. 長文ですみません。 おかしな文があったら教えてほしいです_(._.)_ 宜しくお願いします。

  • ざっと和訳をお願いします

    I would like to know why you describe the razor width as 17.3 to 18. Is it because the razor is shorter at the heel and wider at the tip? This would mean that the edge is not perfectly straight.

  • 英語が得意な方、和訳お願いします!

    英語が得意な方、和訳して下さると助かります。 baby in a few more days we get to see each other. i know how it is to have hard times and how important it is to have a great support system so you wont let it slow you down or bring your feelings down. i know your friends are there for you when you need them but there are situations where you need to handle on your own. i want to always learn how to change your mind and help your feel positive in your life. i want you to feel like you are growing all the time. i know that what is not growing is dying and when you feel like that you can't help but wonder what is the meaning of your life? when you feel like you are growing, you never want to die; you just want to live forever. feel like yelling out "i love my life" . that is what i hope i could be for you. make you feel and scream out " i love me life". i wont give up on you! i just want you to know that! with or without me i only want you to be happy!!! 長文でお手数おかけしますが、宜しくお願いします。。

  • 和訳をお願いたします

    以下の英文メールの和訳をどなたかご教授ください。 I guess life is about balance. I like what you said about finding time to relax. For me, it means nature, quiet, less technology around me, walks, water, bird song and just all round tranquility. I also wouldn't mind romance and to feel spring like inside. Imagine how hard it is not being able to express loving feelings and to keep them inside?