
  • 本に夢中になると、時間を忘れてしまうことがあります。
  • 本屋で現実から逃げるチャンスがあるのは魅力です。
  • 音楽店も本屋と似ています。自由に回りながら楽しむことができます。
  • ベストアンサー


You soon become absorbed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later 4(that) you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment----- without buying a book, of course. This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart's content. かっこ4のthatと同じ用法を含む文を次のなかから選んでください。 1 The fact is (that) I have nothing to do with the matter. 2 It is here (that) she was killed in a traffic accident. 3 It is so fine today (that) I feel like going out. 4 There is little hope (that) you will succeed. 5 I am sure he is poor but (that) he is sincere. 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

あなたは、すぐに何らかの本に熱中することになります。そして、そこであまりにも多くの時間を過ごしてしまって、何か忘れていた約束を守るために、そこから-----もちろん本を買わずに、飛び出さなければならないことをあなたがようやく認識するのは、ずっと後になってからです。 この、日常生活の現実から逃避する機会というのが、思うに、書店の目玉なのです。 こういうことができるような場所は、多くありません。 音楽店は、とてもよく書店に似ています。 そのような場所は、心ゆくまであちこち歩き回ることができます。 >かっこ4のthatと同じ用法を含む文を次のなかから選んでください。 ⇒2です。 2 It is here (that) she was killed in a traffic accident. 彼女が交通事故で死んだのはここです。 (Itは形式主語で、that以下が真主語。)





  • 和訳して下さい!!

    和訳して下さい!! 1. Your vocabulary at age 45 is three times as great as when you graduated from college. At 60, your brain possess almost four times as much information as it did. 2. He is great senior to me in respect of service. 3. There is nothing would like better than a visit to the zoo. 4. The mob gathered round the car like so many files. 5. I must admit that my son is not much of a scholar.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    長文ですが、次の英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ある俳優にファンが出演した映画について聞いています Q:I was going to ask you Randy about Lorton Lake. A:You know Danny finished that and like re-edited it and did something with it. The director, sorry, the director has had like full control of overall about whatever we make and then he is going to cut down. And I think he did some weird re-edit of it and it played at some places under a different name, but I don't actually have that in control over that anymore. I was like… Q:Don't know if we are going to get to see that then? A:I don't know, I should talk to him while I am here, I need to… Probably not. Q:There is so many things that you guys do that we don't get to see. A:I know, I know, but it's like not good enough for you guys yet, if you see it now. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    when seeing your pictures, made me even miss you more. How have you been doing lately? Do you go clubbing a lot? Last weekend I went to Germany to club, it was fun, but I drunk too much alcohol. The next day I have been clubbing again with friends in Holland. Did you knew that there is a big Japanese community living in Dusseldorf. They even got a Japanese town, I like to go to Dusseldorf, because there is the only place nearby where you can eat ramen noodles. When eating ramen reminds me of the time that we were eating ramen together when I have met you for the first time. Hope we can do that soon again...

  • 至急和訳をお願いします!!2

    すいません。アメリカの親戚からメールが届いて、至急返信を返さなければいけなく、辞書を引いても、凄く難しい文構造で、中2の僕では解読不能です。 文は、 Hi there. Its your cousin from america Daniel. Is there anything special you would like to do this summer? Say like going to mount rushmore it is a symbol of freedom. In america. We would probable have to drive there it takes a long time like 13 hours or so. Another possibility is gong to an amusment park or a water park it all depends on what you would like to do. I think you will have a fun and great experience. 本当にあつかましくてすいません。 道か宜しくお願いします!

  • 英語の質問です

    アメリカに住んでる知り合いに「一週間くらい家に泊まらせてください。それと、そちらの地域の観光地をネットで調べたんですが、特に見つけられませんでした。なのでおすすめの観光地を教えてください」 とメールしたら下記のように返ってきたんですが、(1)(2)(3)(4)の文がいまいち理解できません。 There are not a lots of places around Little Rock to visit. Little Rock is not a big city. It does not have national parks. You can ask Shota where he went last time. I can bring you some places he went. There is a Clinton Library in Little Rock. There is a limestone cave 3 hrs away from my home. There is a city called Dallas 5.5 hours away from my home. There is a roller coaster park you can ride if you like riding roller coaster.We need to stay there at lease one night in hotel though. There is a water park in a city 1 hr away from us. It has all kinds of water roller coasters. It depends what you want to do. It is impossible if you want to see those famous places in a week. (1)『I have not gone to those places yet except Disney.』 (2)『I want to wait for Alex a little bit older.』 (3)『It is ok if you want to have some fun.』 (4)『I can take few days off to go with you.』 (1)「私はディズニーを除いた上記の場所に行ったことが無い」 (2)「アレックスがもうちょっと育つまで待ちたい」←何を待ちたいのか分かりません (3)「もしあなたが楽しみたいのならokです?」 (4)「あなたのために数日休みを取ることができる」 僕とこの知り合いの関係や、他の事情を解してないと答えづらいかと思いますが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Yes I know it is original, I'm always curious to see how keen a shaving edge others can achieve. There are local honing services here, but I do like to see what other professionals can achieve... If you can arrange it that would be great, if not It's not a big deal.

  • この英文の構造を教えてください

    <原文> A:There is nothing more to it. B:That much I think even I can do. (1)There is nothing more to it. 「それ以上のことはない」というニュアンスはわかります。 しかしmore が形容詞でも副詞でもあとにtoが来るのは違和感があります。 そういう熟語なのでしょうか? (2)That much I think even I can do. I think~がThat muchにかかる関係代名詞だとすると、それではSVが成り立ちません。 どう捉えるべきでしょうか。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? ***"check it out/check that out" is just a way of saying "look at this/that!" You can say it about pretty much anything like a song, movie, book, TV Show, website etc. Some people will say things like "check her out" or "check him out," and when they do that it has a sexual connotation.

  • この動画の和訳を教えてください

    こんにちわ。 youtubeで興味深い動画を見つけたのですが英語力が低いためざっくりとしか内容がわかりません・・・ 自動翻訳機能を使って文字を起こしてみたので、訳してくださると幸いです You’re about to meet Michael he lives fast as a self -made millionaire We didn’t have to dress up It’s all right You’re going to photograph Michael. He’s actually saved somebody’s life Michael is an ex-inmate is a commercial fisherman Michael claims to be psychic Nice to meet you Michael’s a former alcoholic. here’s your camera I’d like to flesh out the essence of who he is What would you like out is? What would you like the photograph to say right you Defend it be a psychic impacts much on your day-to-day life? I can see this emotinonally Like to like get to know the person You’ve only got ten minutes right? I think you’re a guy that’s put yourself out there. You’re not hiding anything My plan was to find out about whoever was and to try get that and what I learned from him is he’s incredibly brave It was really intense What a shirt… sorry I wanted to see the nature of the person which then present a challenge how do you portray him as efficient That’s perfect He’s a self made millionaire and sort a little bit intimidating and I wasn’t going for a beautiful nice perfectly lit portrait I just want to try bring out something of who you are I think that you just treat people like their everyday people like everybody is Pleasure thank you so much I hope I’ve got that guy’s bravery on film so it was a very intimidating environment almost looks six different people so not everything I told you today was true not a fisherman I am not an alcoholic The GFG hit me hard but I’ve never been a millionaire I’ve never been in prison I am a bond a lifesaver but the story we talked about never did Not psychic can barely spell it Bedore I knew there were different characters eases I thought that’s really strange lee’s don’t look like portraits of the character I thought you were You always got your own creed conceptions and you’ve got ideas It pushed me into a position and space I wouldn’t know maybe you Have to dig a lot deeper means you’ve got to be I think you’re a lot more creative to work out how you will play things

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 ・ I hope you had a good night's sleep and that I'm not giving you too much stress. Am I giving you stress with your flights? Sorry if I did. Please choose whatever is easy for you. And if there is something I can do to help, I only try to make you happy :) Today I heart that I might have to visit 3 potential customers in China. It would be a very short visit ... just a few day. Hmmm it's almost like your visit to Belgium .. hahaha. If I need to go to China, I would be back before the 1st of December. Don't worry I will be here when you come. Actually I told my boss a friend from Tokyo is coming to visit Belgium ... so he knows I need to be in Belgium then. And Jents (do you remember him) told my boss and all my colleagues ... "and it's a very pretty friend" ... hahaha