• ベストアンサー


Thus care should be taken in extrapolating the results of test with eisenia to other species of earthworm. The neutral red retention time has been successfully used as a biomarker assay to measure the impact of pollution on earthworms in the aftermath of a plastics in England.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

>Thus care should be taken in extrapolating the results of test with eisenia to other species of earthworm. 「したがって、アラメ(藻類の一種)を用いて他のミミズ類をテストした結果を推定するときには、注意が必要である。」 >The neutral red retention time has been successfully used as a biomarker assay to measure the impact of pollution on earthworms in the aftermath of a plastics in England. 「ニュートラルレッドの保持時間は、イングランドにおける(廃棄)プラスティックの余波による環境汚染のミミズ類への影響を測定するためのバイオマーカとして、うまく使うことができている。」

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

   このため eisenia の検査結果を取り出す場合には、他のミミズの種類とは区別して行なうことに注意しなければならない。     イギリスでのプラスチックの後の公害のミミズに与える影響を測定するバイオマーカーとしての試みでは、neutral red retention time が有効に使われている。





  • 和訳の仕方教えてください!

    こんばんは 「their interest in understanding」はどこまでかかるのでしょうか? 自分は最後の方の文のembryosまでかけて、 「汚染と言った環境の変化が人間の胚にどのような影響を与えるのかという事柄に対する理解への関心」 と訳したのですが、どうでしょうか? よろしくおねがいします。(【】マークは質問の都合でつけているだけで、本文にはありません) Most people have some interest in embryos; this probably results from 【their interest in understanding】 the biological origins of themselves and their offspring and, increasingly, concerns about how environmental change such as pollution might affect human 【embryos】 and consequently, the developmental biologist has turned to other species to examine this process.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The waters around Great Britain and Ireland, including the whole of the English Channel, are hereby declared to be a War Zone. From February 18 onwards every enemy merchant vessel encountered in this zone will be destroyed, nor will it always be possible to avert the danger thereby threatened to the crew and passengers. Neutral vessels also will run a risk in the War Zone, because in view of the hazards of sea warfare and the British authorization of January 31 of the misuse of neutral flags, it may not always be possible to prevent attacks on enemy ships from harming neutral ships.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Sensitivity analysis involves examining the sensitivity of results to changes in significant assumptions.

  • 和訳お願い致します.

    Mental Evolution in Animals(1883). In the family of the sciences Comparative Psychology may claim nearest kinship with Comparative Anatomy; for just as the latter aims at a scientific comparison of the bodily structures of organisms, so the former aims at a similar com parison of their mental structures. Moreover, in the one science as in the other, the first object is to analyze all the complex structures with which each has respectively to deal. When this analysis, or dissection, has been completed for as great a number of cases as circumstances permit, the next object is to compare with one another all the structures which have been thus analyzed; and, lastly, the results of such comparison supply, in each case alike, the basis for the final object of these sciences, which is that of classifying, with reference to these results, all the structures which have been thus examined.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    From the time that life first appeared on Earth, species have gone extinct. Extinction is a natural part of evolution. Species that are best at adapting to their environment survive. Other species are unable to adapt quickly enough – so they die off. So, why do endangered species get so much attention today? One reason is much of the extinction happening these days is unnatural. The leading reason for a species to become endangered is loss of habitat. As humans cut down forests for farmland, expand cities, or pollute waterways, to name a few ways that habitat is destroyed, animals, plants, and insects find it harder and harder to survive. Thus, the effect of humans on the natural world is causing species to become endangered, and, ultimately, go extinct. Another leading reason for a species to become endangered is climate change. For example, the lizards in this article could probably adapt to a gradual change in temperature. However, the rapid change in the climate, and the consequent decrease in lizard birthrate, threaten to doom many lizard species. If human activity is a major reason for climate change, then it would seem that we are changing our world far too rapidly for species to naturally adapt. Humans are highly adaptable, but most species need a lot of time to get used to changing conditions.

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    上手く和訳ができなくて困っています…和訳お願いします。 1 . Species end up placing higher priority on investing in growth and production -in the perpetuation of the species -than on building a body that might last foever. 2 . Once again,modulating metabolism seems to have an effect on the rate of damage accumulation ,because mice subjected to dietary restriction increase the activity of a range of maintainance and repair system . (コンマ後がよく訳せません。。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    すいません。 長くて読めないです。 The extent of membrane disruption is measured by the time taken for a dye, neutral red, to diffuse out of the lysosomes into the cytoplasm of the coelomocytes in coelomic fluid removed from the coelom and spread onto a microscopic slide. 膜破壊の範囲は、体腔から取り除かれた体腔液中の体腔細胞の細胞質中のリソソームから外へ拡散する染料、ニュートラルレッド、 顕微鏡のスライドガラスの上に広げます。

  • 英文和訳です

    Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a neon-lit, pollution-choked, perpetually rainy Los Angeles seems to belong to a more distant future. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 医学系の文なのですが、和訳おねがいします

    The present results taken together strongly argue against a simple hypofrontality versus hyperfrontality account of the altered function of the frontal cortex in schizophrenia. hypofrontality versus hyperfrontality account ofの部分は どのように訳すのが適当でしょうか? accountの訳し方が分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳おねがいします!

     it is not teaching them to think in some scientifically sound way; it is persuading them to acquiesce. it is accustoming them to the presence of computers in every walk of life, and thus making them dependent on the machine's supposed necessity and superiority.