• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:( )に入る単語は?)


  • The country refused to follow the international standards.
  • You can also pay it by money order.
  • Please have the receiver's sign this sheet.


  • ベストアンサー

A the が必要なので、(1)です。follow と comply の差というより、妙なところで決着したようです。語数に制限がなければ comply with the も正解になります。  B the postal order となります。 C  どちらでもいいです。ただしサインは signature, 次に on this sheet と続きます。   ※3問とも、ポイント以外に出題のミスがあるようです。



解説して頂き、とても分かりやすかったです。 回答ありがとうございました。


その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

A.『その国は国際基準に従うことを拒否した。』を意味します (2)The country refused to ( comply )( with ) international standards. B.『郵便為替で支払うことも出来ます。』を意味します (2)You can also pay it by ( postal )(  order ). C.『このシートに受取人のサインをもらって下さい。』を意味します (2)Please have the ( recipient's ) sign this sheet.






  • 和訳

    Many thanks for the order you have placed via our website, however we have just tried to take the payment from your credit/debit card but unfortunately this has been declined by your bank. Please could you advise if you have another card which you can use to make this payment? if so we would recommend that you place a new order with the new card details through the website, we will then cancel the current order and use the new details instead. Alternatively I can send you a Pro Forma invoice for this order so you can make a payment by bank transfer. Please let me know by return how you would like to proceed. どなたか和訳をお願いします。

  • ebayでの取引上これはどういう意味でしょうか?

    Greetings. I would like to purchase this watch but have had trouble with pay pal in the past, Would you accept a certified bank check or money order? If so please provide an address and I can have the money in the mail tomorrow. Please check my feed backs as I have over 400 ebayで上記の質問を受けました。翻訳すると銀行小切手またはマネーオーダーを受け入れますか? と表示されるのですが。 ebayでの取引上これはどういう意味でしょうか? 海外送金?またはpaypal経由で支払いを行いたいという趣旨でしょうか? おしえてください。

  • 下記の英語、なんかおかしくないですか?

    下記の内容を伝えたいのですが、下記の英語、なんかおかしくないですか? -------------------------------------------------------------- 返事が遅くなり、申し訳ありません。 今回の注文です。 支払い方法を教えてください。 DHLが荷物を受けとりに行っても構わないか? Sorry for the late reply. This is my order Please tell me how to pay. Can I ask DHL by myself to pick up the product at your place?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    イギリスのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。安い買い物なんですが送料が高くて困っています。その事を相手に相談していました。返事がきたんですがちょっと意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 These prices are without duties and taxes which you will need to pay upon the arrival of your goods there. Also, these prices are approximate because 運送会社require the exact dimensions and the exact weights of each carton and I cannot give it to them now as like I told you we have boxes of different dimensions and also the weight will be different. So these prices will definitely change but I can only tell you the exact amount when your order is packed. The £545 is for sea freight, but you need to have a minimum of 10 cartons to be able to have it shipped by sea. This amount also excludes your taxes which you will have to pay there. I hope this is clearer, let me know please if you have any more questions.

  • 以下の文を和訳して頂けませんか?

    「Unfortunately the pricing structure of our t-shirts is such that we cannot offer you discount larger than 15%. I am sorry for any inconvenience. If you would still like to place the order, we can accept the payment in the form of an International Money Order as long as it is an International Money Order in U.S. funds or an International Cashier’s Check in U.S. funds. If you pay with an International Money Order or International Cashier’s Check in U.S funds there must be a bank from the United States written on it somewhere AND there must be a bank routing number and account number printed on the bottom edge of the Money Order. The shipping cost would be determined when the order is placed; to find the shipping cost you would need to place the order on our website. Please let me know if you need any assistance placing the order and I can help you. Aside from the shipping costs, there should not be any additional fees or handling charges from Interpunk. However please keep in mind that once the package(s) is shipped, your country may charge you an import tax. Each country has different laws for the amount of tax (if any) that you must pay before customs will release your package to you. These taxes are out of our control and there is no way InterPunk can pre-pay these taxes. This is a tax that your country charges you to discourage you from buying things from out of your own country. You should contact your local custom's people to ask if your country has an import tax and on what type of products it applies to. I hope this helps. 」 すいませんがよろしくお願いします。

  • 海外の品物を注文して・・・

    海外で商品を購入して、下記の内容のメールをもらいました。 送金した、金額が不足しているという事と商品リストがわからない。 という内容は理解できたのですが、肝心な様子ニューアンスが分からないでいます。理解出来ていない部分をおしえていただけませんでしょうか…。宜しくお願い致します。m(__)m Hello, Today I receive your payment by Pay-Pall. Thank you very much, but I don’t received your order. I don’t know what is wrong. So please sent me your order by e-mail, and as soon I received it, I wil sent it to you by priority. Another problem is you have click on the buttom for shipping the are only for the Netherlands, so your shipping cost are to low. When I received your order, I go to the postoffice and the can tell me what the shipping cost for your order to Japan. I will sent you a e-mail what you have pay to low and please will you that also pay by Pay-Pall Thank you very much Have a nice weekend.

  • 英訳してほしいのですが

    I sent your order out on Monday the 12th. I also enclosed a $36.00 International money order for overpayment for my CD. However today I recieved back from my bank the check you had sent me for the $81.00. They said it was not negotiable here to go through our banks. I will be returning this check to you today in the mail. Please arrange another payment to me for your CD. The charges I have incurred for your CD and shipment total is $47.00. If you could get an international money order from your bank there shouldn't be a problem. If you can pay by credit card, that would be even better. I have an online payment form if you would like to use it using your credit card. http://www.patswe bgraphics.com/creditcardorder.html My address for mailing again is: 以上です。どうぞ宜しく

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Hi Orie, Thank you for making 2 order with us We can ship them out together so you don’t have to pay shipping costs. I will refund € 55.00 on your credit card. Also could you please provide me with an address in English? We ship out with FedEx. Best regards, Petra

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Ok, lets do this. I have a $100 e-gift card you can purchase via paypal, and I can then apply it to the shipping charge. Please see link below…. http://www. Please let me know once you order it, and I will set up the order. Best, Nick

  • 英文の意味が分かりません…翻訳してください。

    it has only been 6 days since you paid me for this order below.....why so quick to freeze pay pal money for everything?? it takes time to finish all these dvds and when i get done you had put in new order for 2 more dvds, so i start on those as to mail all at once....then the weekend was here.....i have had very little time to make this last order..........i request you unfreeze the money for the order you have already received so i can mail you the remainder of this order...i will pay extra and use the EXPRESS so you get within 7 days.....but please be fair about this

  • 中古で購入したQL-1050のエディッタツールをダウンロードする際に、S/Nが確認できない問題が発生しています。対処方法を知りたい。
  • Windows10で使用しているパソコンにUSBケーブルで接続していますが、ラベルプリンタのエディッタツールのダウンロードができません。
  • ラベルプリンタのエディッタツールをダウンロードしようとした際に、S/Nの確認ができずにダウンロードできない状況です。対処方法を教えてください。